
AGUDA EMPIRE::-The Rise Of The Devine Prince

After Aguda Empire now known as Africa Continent experienced the greatest civil war influenced by other continents and forengn being. AGUDA fell to her knees and her tribes clans and kingdomes were controlled by forengn forces that is beyond her power. Her only hope to rise and reclaim what was lost lay in the hand of the Devine prince whom prophecy claim will be born to rise from ashes and gods will tremble in his presence. will her champion help her or will he fail her like the other champions (The prince of aguda)

Obi360Novels · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs

CHAPTER 12 ::- Nneka And Ijeoma

The two girls looked at obika Annene and omalinze whom were looking at them.

"They can't save you, neither do they have the strength to do so, let's have our fun." The guards said and began laughing


The two guards were sent flying up, omalinze jumped up boosting himself with his air element.

On his hand is a sword formed from his fire element, it's an innate wepon anyone can form with there element or Qi.

With one slash the two guards heads were separated from their bodies in mid air.


There bodies and heads fell to the ground as omalinze landed causing the dust of the earth to rise.

Obika ran fast closing the gape between him and the therd guard in a flash. with one move he riped the guards head of.


The guard body fell on the ground, He died without knowing how he died and who killed him.

The other slaves gasp and drew in a fresh breath. "release the slaves all of them." Obika said while looking at omalinze.

Some of the mage whom have been secretly cultivating to atain spiritual power began casting spell braking the slave chains and the slave spells.

Every one became free and they gathered about trio for what to do next. Some were afraid to leave the slave quarters.

"We have no time to waste we must keep moving fast." Annene said drawing there atention to the matter at hand.

Omalinze faced the crowed to speak. "My name is omalinze son of Mazi nna nna and the descendant of onoh family. today will mark a new begining as your freedom is yours."

He paused as silence prevailed for the moment "If you wish to follow us to agbatu kingdom I will grant such wish." as soon as he finished his speech, the crowed made there decision to follow him to agbatu.

The two girls came out from the crowed and bowed before omalinze. "Savior we will serve you throughout this journey." They said in unison as they throw glance at each other.

'i will be the one to bear his strong child no one will take that from me" The two girls thought to themselves.

Obika and Annene sighed while shaking there head. They knew what the girls wanted, beauties will always follow the strong cultivators for protection.

The three strong men led the way, They walked through the forest as the sky kept darkning.

Inside the kings palace obialour kept pacing around, his face looked troubled as thinks of what to do.

Ngozi walked inside the throne hall she saw how troubled obialour is. She has no idea of what to do or how to ease his troubled soul.

"What troubles my king, it's already to late at this time of the night." she said while hugging him from behind.

"All the new slaves and some of the old ones have escaped tonight." Obialour said and sighed multiple times.

Ngozi smiled as she drew her lips closer towards his ear. "They won't last long in this wild forest. Just find more slaves elsewhere, we will loose manpower if we pursue them into the forest." she said while rubbing his chest full of hairs.

This made him to be calm and collected like a still lake that never moves or repels. Once he became clear headed he thought of it and found there is good reason not to pursue them.

He turned around and smiled to her while loosing her embrace. He looked straight into her eyes as he faced her, love beaming from both of there eyes.

"You are wise my queen. I never thought of this, I will call back my boys" he said while channeling his Qi into a transmission cristal.

"Spear head terminate the mission." Spear head voice rang out from the cristal. "Yes your majesty the mission will be terminated as you wish." Silence regine for the moment.

Ngozi seductively walked into obialours chamber. "What are you waiting for my king?" She asked as her spiritual power aided her to transmitting her words to obialour who is in the throne hall.

He sighed multiple times before making his entrance into his chamber. "You are so addicted to this."

"Why won't i, my mental power has grown to another hight, I can think faster and act faster all thanks to you." Ngozi said

Inside Amadi forest camped omalinze and their company. He sat infront of the camp fire with obika and Annene while the other few slaves that are cultivators kept the watch and do there periodical patrol.

Every one were vigilant duo to Amadi forest is known for its beauty and dangers. Even the brave of the bravest men could not enter it without any backup plan.

"How did you become a magi warrior?" Annene asked omalinze while he tossed a lump of wood into the camp fire.

Omalinze gaze locked onto him which brought great unease to Annene. The feeling of alpha wolf, king of all wolf that has the most noble blood line staring at him like a pray.

"I took some cultivation resources from my family inheritance hut." Omalinze replied nonchalantly. Oblivious to him that Annene view of him has risen with great leaps.

Annene sighed "I wish that my family stored Qi cultivation resources in there inheritance hut." He paused and sighed again before continuing.

"Now I have to fight for Qi cultivation resources which are hard to find." The air around him became gloomy. This did not go unnoticed by omalinze and obika.

"We are here for you." Obika said to console him

"Once we are in agbatu I will find you Qi cultivation resources from the inheritance hut." Omalinze said as silence enveloped everyone.

"I heard words that aguda inheritance ground has Qi cultivation resources. am not sure it's just words that I heard from my old father." one of the slave made to keep watch said.

"Then one day we will visit that inheritance ground." Obika said as he became solum.

The two slave girls omalinze saved came and bowed to him.

"Greetings master" The greeted him in unison.

"What's your names? i forgot to ask." omalinze asked them.

"My name is nneka." The slim with dark skin beautiful girl said.

"My name is ijeoma." The one with hour glass shape said.

They both troo a glance at each other and giggled. Omalinze sighed before smiling at both girls.

"That's a good name. I Will teach you two how to cultivate when ever am free." Omalinze said and this brought joy to there soul.