
AGUDA EMPIRE::-The Rise Of The Devine Prince

After Aguda Empire now known as Africa Continent experienced the greatest civil war influenced by other continents and forengn being. AGUDA fell to her knees and her tribes clans and kingdomes were controlled by forengn forces that is beyond her power. Her only hope to rise and reclaim what was lost lay in the hand of the Devine prince whom prophecy claim will be born to rise from ashes and gods will tremble in his presence. will her champion help her or will he fail her like the other champions (The prince of aguda)

Obi360Novels · Fantasy
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32 Chs

CHAPTER 11 ::- Dual Cultivation

Obialour smiled when she heard her words, Truly love is blind, he would have given her freedom even if she refused to marry him.

He has fallen in love at first sight which he himself finds it hard to believe. He only consoled himself knowing fully well that he has gain something in return.

"I Will teach you how to cultivate and gain spiritual power. A different system of cultivation." He said

He gestured for her to pull of her cloths made from beast furry. She did with trust knowing fully well what she is doing.

'This new cultivation system which involves sex, why can't I cultivate like others normally.' She thought to herself

She walked onto the bed were he sat. "Those it involves sex" She asked smiling mischivieosly.

"Yes" He replied as he forcefully swalos his saliva relishing the sight that's before him

Her dark smooth skin with her two big mounting peak that stood on her chest. No man can resist this sight without loosing control from his lust.

He became exited not because he is going to ravage the beauty infront of him but because he have reached a bottle neck were he can't improve his spiritual powers without dual cultivating with a pure maiden

His mighty dragon kept throbbing in disturbance and ragging. He felt his body hot and his blood ragged down between his legs.

Obialour stood up and wisperd something into her ears. "Shall we beging my queen."

"I will explain everything about dual cultivation system to you." He became solum as he began explaining everything about dual cultivation to her.

Ngozi have shared her consciousness into two, one listening to him while the other asemiliate and thinking what to do with that power.

The feeling of sacrificing her verginity for power to some one she just met ment nothing to her. Compare to the power that will be in her disposal.

Obialour finished his explanation and walked back to the bed. He pulled off his royal amor made from spiritual beast skin and furry.

She became captivated by his bulged muscles not knowing when he pulled off his underwear.

What greeted her when she looked down is the mighty raging cocumber. She swallowed her saliva forcefully at lost for words.

"Will this fit inside, it's too big and beside I haven't done it before." She said not knowing what to do next.

He nearly slapped himself when he remembered she is a pure maiden and has not been through this before.

"I will guide you. I will take it easy my queen." He said awkwardly. 'Why do I have to show her this mighty dragon so early.' He thought to himself.

She blushed giving the impression of being shy. She came to the bed and layed down nerviously Her breathing became heavy as the pleasure of the unknown troubles her.

He gently caress her body while quietly getting himself ready with clear mind. He told her the words to chant and she began chanting those words silently.

He began chanting his own words as he penetrates her wonder cave, The pain and pleasure that cursed through her body made her to moan.

"Keep chanting those words, don't get distracted." He warned her as if there will be danger if the chant is stoped.

He began gently trusting in and out of her wonder cave while sucking on her two peak mounting.

She could not endure the pleasure brought to her. the chamber became filled with her non endless moan.

Inside the slave quarters, omalinze sat crossed legs in a secluded section of the room absorbing mana around.

Inside his spiritual space his soul practicing some of the fighting techniques which he inherited from the inheritance hot.

He broke through advancing into the profound elemental realm. He learned how to hide his spirit sense with the aid of the air element.

With this he can scan the slave quarters and the guards without being discoverd.

Some magi and mage thought the air is abnormal, while those who are air element affiliated and understood the law of air thought that the lord of air is around the corner.

This abnormal plege those who are in high real when ever omalinze scanned the area with his spirit sense.

Omalinze opened his eyes while he exhaled foul air with a ting of fiery smoke, His eyes flickered a profound light which sent shiver down Annenes spine.

He has been secretly whatching him throughout his cultivation season, not even making any sound.

"I could have killed you thousands of times before you know it " Annene said while he gathered his thoughts and wits.

The flickered light scared the shit out of him.


Omalinze ran of with a gust of wind that scared the hell out out of him.

'I a Qi cultivator who have mastered the law of air could not control air perfectly like him' Annene thought to himself.

His legs lost their strength and he slumped on the ground butt first mouth open wide.

"Is this the power of a magi warrior or is he using a Devine technique." he said out loud

"With such fine such fine crafted control of air element he can wipe out two to three teams of soldiers. his is truly a genius I must befriend him by all means possible."

Clang the iron bars were opened and the two guards came in, Their gaze scanned every one present in the slave quarters before they head towards the female slave cells.

Omalinze's gaze locked onto the two guards watching there every move, The guards went into the female cells and forcefully grabbed two slave girls.

Obika and Annene watched the guards in disdain as they drag the two girls outside.

"let me go am not your play thing" The two girls said in unison struggling to free themselves from the two guards.

What could they do to the guards that are magi warriors, strong and filled with vigor and vitality. "This men are beast not human." Omalinze spat on the floor.

Obika and Annene looked at were the voice came from, a fiery light flicker showing two fiery eyes as his figure gradually showed from the dark corner he stood .

The guards stoped outside and looked to the sky as the stars and moon were shining brightly at its peak.

"Our king is having fun tonight why won't we have ours to." One of the guards said.

The both striped the two girls neked relishing the sight before them.

"We can't stop them, it's like this every time even there king usually indulge in some kind of dual cultivation ritual with pure maidens in other to improve his spiritual power." Obika said.