

First of all, this is a FanFic so all credits go to the original owners except of course Yumhee, Stephan and all the parts/conversations which weren't part of the original plot. I made drastic changes from my previous published 2018-2019 (I think) fanfic. Please do comment, rate and leave reviews. Criticisms are always welcome. Both negative and positive. ---------- Ever since the day her family died, she knew...everything has changed...including herself. When she met Steve, she always felt a little afraid of him making her forget her goals. But she cannot resist the connection she feels towards him. And so she lets herself fall...slowly and deeply for him. But that's the least of her problems because after she was kidnapped, together with her stepfather, by an organization called Hydra, she embarkes on a journey plagued with blood and pain. She was finally able to escape with his stepfather and son but it resulted in catastrophic injuries in her. And with Steve's death and her son's genetical condition, she started to walk the path towards depression. This was when it all started, World War II. The making of the first Avenger and the beginning of an unlikely love story.

jacque_arao · ภาพยนตร์
43 Chs

Chapter 09: A Promise


Steve steps out onto a raised platform and gapes. The huge, ultra-modern Rebirth Lab stretches beneath them, far larger than the store outside. Techs operate the machinery. Engineers man the monitors. A film crew sets up. They all look respectfully at Steve. His eyes alight on the Rebirth device. Glittering lenses surround a man-shaped cradle. Pneumatic panels fold below. Six vita-ray reactors loom behind. Dr. Erskine scurries about in the center of all prepping with Yumhee assisting him. Steve takes it all in, looking over to an observation booth where a group of men gather.

At the observation booth, Senator Brandt confers with his aides. A man with glasses waits a little behind.

Colonel Phillips enters and greets the Senator. "Senator Brandt. Glad you could make it."

"Why exactly am I in Brooklyn?" Senator Brandt asked, not even greeting back.

Colonel Phillips looks down to the machine below. "We needed access to the city's power grid. Of course, if you'd given us the generator I requisitioned..." Colonel Phillips trailed off.

"Lots of people asking for funds, Colonel." Then as if remembering something important, he looks to the man with glasses behind them. "Oh, this is Clem..." The man then sticks his hand out as Senator Brandt fumbles for the name of the man.

"Fred Clemson, State Department. If this project of yours comes through, we'd like to make sure it's used for something other than headlines." The man said.

Phillips nods, as Senator Brandt peers through the window at the lab.  He spots Steve and sarcastically said "Jeez, somebody get that kid a sandwich."

Down at the lab, Yumhee and Dr. Erskine helps Steve onto the device.

"Comfortable?" Dr. Erskine smiled at Steve.

"You save me any of that Schnapps?" Steve asked instead of answering.

"Not as much as I should have." Dr. Erskine replied. Then he nods to the attendants, who hook up Steve. He then looks to a man in a suit making adjustments. Dr. Erskine asked the man in suit "How are your levels, Mr. Stark?" The man steps out from behind the device. Steve blinks, surprised. 'IT'S HOWARD STARK.' He yelled in his head.

"Coils are at peak, levels are 100%. We may dim half the lights in Brooklyn, but we're ready. As we'll ever be." Mr. Stark replied. Steve eyes him warily.

"Agent Sakura, wouldn't you be more comfortable in the booth?" Dr. Erskine said worriedly.

She smiles at Steve and Steve smiles back. "I'm okay being down here. Can I have a minute with Steve?" Dr. Erskine nods and both he and Mr. Stark left.

"Steve...I know, we've talked about this just a few a hours ago but I'm still so scared." Yumhee said honestly.

Steve looked at her in the eyes and smiled warmly. "Whatever happens, just remember that I'll always be with you. I promise. We'll be fine." Then he squeezed her hand to further reassure her. "After this, can we maybe go out and dance?" He changed the topic to distract her mind from the experiment even just for a few minutes.

Yumhee undoubtedly still feels afraid but chose to smile at him and simply nods her head as an answer to his invitation. Squeezing back his hand she said "I'm actually thinking more than that." She teased him. Steve raised an eyebrow and Yumhee giggled a little. "Well, I'm pretty sure that they will have an assignment for you after this. So I requested if I can escort you as your personal trainer and also so that I can observe further the effects of the serum and if there are any drawbacks."

"Ha, your stalking tendencies are worsening." Steve teased Yumhee back, laughing a little. But before Yumhee can reply, Dr. Erskine said that it's time to start. Yumhee kissed his lips without a care for the people around them and smiled at him one last time before walking to a corner and started to observe seriously.

Steve blushed profusely. He was embarrassed and happy at the same time because it seems that it's okay for them now to be openly dating. At the camp, they can't really show everyone they're dating so that Steve can have a more peaceful stay there.

But someone at the booth was totally surprised at their intimate interactions, confused on how their relationship progressed that much without anyone noticing at the camp and feeling a little jealous.

Agent Carter was conflicted. Though she and Agent Sakura aren't close, she does respect and admire how dedicated the woman is to ending the war. But on the other side, ever since that grenade incident at the camp, she had felt drawn to Steve like never before in her life to anyone else.

While Agent Carter is lost in her thoughts, the people around her especially those that knew Agent Sakura, were all shocked as well to witness the interactions between the two. The men were all speechless and puzzled by the woman's choice for a lover. Many have tried to court the lady but ultimately failed with her saying firmly that she has no time to find a husband nor start a relationship while there's a war going on around them. And some of those are present at the lab. They felt humiliated, angry and jealous.

Even Colonel Phillips felt angry. He considers Agent Sakura like his own daughter. Though they have disagreements, they do have the same goals and he adores her tenacity.

Howard on the other hand, just like Dr. Erskine wasn't surprised that much. Because of the Rebirth Project, him and Yumhee had become genuine friends. Though at first glance they make an odd pair of friends but they have actually a lot of similarities like them being open minded and respectful of someone's beliefs no matter how bizarre or outrageous it might be. So of course Yumhee did tell him about her and Steve. She wouldn't shut up most of the time actually when she starts talking about Steve which annoyed him sometimes especially when he's extremely busy with his inventions. But well...he can't really complain about it because he do talk about girls with her as well.

Will release 4 chapters this day ^^

jacque_araocreators' thoughts