
After rebirth,I want to marry the shadow guard everyday

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Secretly_A_MoonCat · LGBT+
42 Chs

Chapter 10: sleeping with the little guard

Yun Mo stood aside with his head down, not daring to look at Yun Zhongyao at all, and Yun Zhongyao used the ginger soup as an excuse to hide his embarrassment.

Although he was a little unconscious at that time, he still remembered it afterwards. He was embarrassed at the thought of holding Yun Mo's head in the water and not letting him go.

He was so embarrassed that he almost forgot to investigate, why did Chu Yan appear here, and who pushed him into the water?

Yun Zhongyao did not speak, and Yun Mo naturally did not dare to speak.

It was Yun Zhongyao who broke the awkward atmosphere in the end, because he had finished drinking the ginger tea and did not have an excuse to avoid talking, "Just now...thank you for saving me."

He couldn't help sighing in his heart and thought, Yun Mo saved him again.

"This is what this subordinate should do." Yun Zhongyao's thanks made Yun Mo a little flattered. In his opinion, this is all within his duties, but Yun Zhongyao actually thanked him?

"You don't need to worry about things that happened in the river. This prince did something inappropriate in a hurry. If you want to make up for it..."

Yun Mo blushed and shook his head before he could finishspeaking. "No! This subordinate understands."

Those cold eyes looked at Yun Mo's red face, and a strange feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

The sense of touch that was not obvious in the chaos, but kept playing back in his mind at this moment, stimulated his nerves, making him feel as if there was still that cool and soft feeling remaining on his lips.

"You go back first, this prince is going to rest." Yun Zhongyao said.

"Yes." Yun Mo replied, walked over to take the empty cup away, and then retreated.

Lying on the bed, Yun Zhongyao thought he would fall asleep soon, but when he calmed down a bit, his mind couldn't help but start to think about tonight's events.

As the prince of Liuyue State, why did Chu Yan appear in the capital of Chuyun State? Who was the one who knocked him into the water?

There was no one else on board at that time. If they were outside, Yun Zhongming and Yun Mo are good at martial arts and should be able to stop him in time, and Yun Zhongming was still standing so close to him.

Yun Zhongyao felt that his body was a little hot, and fell asleep in a daze.

But in the middle of the night, he suddenly woke up.

He had a nightmare again.

He felt sore and weak, and his throat was dry and painful.

Yun Zhongyao got up and wanted to pour himself a glass of water, but when he got out of bed, his legs went soft and he fell to the ground.

Shuang'er, who was supposed to be guarding the door, was told to sleep by Yun Mo a long time ago. It was Yun Mo who was guarding the door at this moment. His sleep was shallow, and he rushed in as soon as he heard the sound.

"Your Highness! What's wrong with you?" Yun Mo rushed over to help Yun Zhongyao up, when he was lifting him up he touched his hot skin, "Your Highness, you're temperature is very high , this subordinate will go and call the doctor."

"Don't go..." Yun Zhongyao took Yun Mo's hand and said weakly, "Pour me a glass of water."

Yun Mo immediately walked to the table, the water in the teapot was already cold, so Yunmo heated it slightly with his own internal energy. Then he handed it to Yun Zhongyao.

"Your Highness, this subordinate will go and call the doctor." Yun Mo wanted to go out, but Yun Zhongyao grabbed him and he (YM) couldn't walk away.

Perhaps people always become vulnerable when they are sick. Yun Mo that appeared at this time was regarded as a support by Yun Zhongyao.

Yun Zhongyao held Yun Mo and refused to let go, fearing that Yun Zhongyao would catch a cold, Yun Mo could only wrap the two of them together with a quilt.

"Your Highness?"

"Don't go...Don't go..." Yun Zhongyao's hot breath was spit out on Yun Mo's neck. Making him feel that, that piece of skin was about to be burned.

Yun Mo looked at Yun Zhongyao's who squeezed brows and looked very uncomfortable. He hesitated and didn't care about the distinction between master and servant anymore.

He took off his shoes and climbed onto Yun Zhongyao's bed.

He let Yun Zhongyao lie down in his arms and wrapped him in a quilt.

Although this posture was uncomfortable, Yun Zhongyao felt that he was sleeping very sweetly.

So when he woke up the next day, seeing Yun Mo holding him, he didn't react for a moment.

"Why are you in this prince's bed?"

Yun Mo silently glanced at Yun Zhongyao's arm that was tightly wrapped around him, without speaking.

Yun Zhongyao realized that he was entangled with the other person like an octopus, his face flushed, and he hurriedly let go of Yun Mo.

Seeing Yun Zhongyao seemed to regain his spirit and his complexion became a lot better, Yun Mo thought that he should be fine and was secretly relieved.

"You..." Yun Zhongyao seemed to want to say something, but he couldn't say anything for a long time.

Yun Mo got off the bed, his body was numb so he staggered when he stood up.

This made Yun Zhongyao feel a little guilty.

"Your Royal Highness got a fever last night, and this subordinate had no choice but to overstep his boundaries and help the prince. Please forgive his sins." Yun Mo knelt on one knee.

Yun Zhongyao clutched his forehead, a little helplessly, he got out of bed, "You get up first, this prince doesn't blame you."

After washing up, the older brothers came to visit him early in the morning. They were relieved after they made sure that he was okay.

"Little seven, did you fall on your own?" Yun Zhongfeng asked while closing his folding fan and looked meaningfully at him.

Yun Zhongyao lifted his head slightly, the expression on his face was unwavering," what does third brother think ?"

"You don't know how to swim, and you basically don't take the initiative to approach the edge of the boat. You were originally standing far from the edge. But you suddenly ran to the fence? Besides, you are no longer a child, can't you even stand steadily?" Yun Zhongyao thought surely he is different from the others, he doesn't think Yun Zhongfeng is wrong.

Yun Zhangyao lowered his eyes. It was because of suspicion that he exhibited such strange behavior, he said "Brother I just wanted to look at the scenery. It was a bit slippery, I was not careful and fell down."

Yun Zhongfeng looked at Yun Zhongyao, there was no change in those cold eyes, it seemed that this person was born with a cold personality. But Yun Zhongfeng knew that it was not true. This person is a very emotional person, otherwise he would not hide this matter.

He sighed," I know you're smart and now that you have grown up you can make your own decisions ,brother can't stop you. But if you are bullied brother want stand by idly"

" Ok brother, if something happens in the future I will definitely ask you for help."

After Yun Zhongfeng left, Yun Mo looked at Yun Zhongyao in a puzzled manner.

Yun Zhongyao looked at the trees in the courtyard in a daze, "Don't understand?"

Yun Mo nodded. He saw a little blueish black bruise on Yun Zhongyao's back last night, which was clearly a trace of being hit by something.

"At that time there were only the seven of us on the boat, and the one who hit the prince must be among them... This prince does not want to affect the friendship between the brothers."

Yun Mo didn't understand, but since Yun Zhongyao said it, he too didn't worry about it anymore, after all, he is just a servant.

Yun Zhongyao felt Yun Mo's mood instantly sinking "Unhappy?"

"This subordinate couldn't protect Your Highness."

Yun Zhongyao stood up and reached out to touch Yun Mo's head, "You have done a good job. Without you, this prince would have died."

"Yun Mo, this prince trusts you the most in the whole world "

Should I change Yun Zhongyao's nickname?

In Chinese his nickname is 'Xiao Qi' but it literally translates to 'Little seven'.

Tell me your suggestions in the comments~

Secretly_A_MoonCatcreators' thoughts