
After rebirth,I want to marry the shadow guard everyday

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Secretly_A_MoonCat · LGBT+
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Chapter 11: looking at my little guard

Yun Zhongyao went to the Qintian Supervisor. He wanted to find out if there was any event in the future for which the people of Liuyue will have to come to their country. 

Except for business exchanges between the two countries, people with a high status are not allowed to enter other countries at will. They can only come for certain special festivals or big events. 

Yun Zhongyao couldn't figure out why Chu Yan appeared here, so he went to the Qintian supervisor.

"There is a day, when the kingdoms Chuyun and Liuyue would send envoys to communicate with each other every year. This year it happened to be from the kingdom of Liuyue to Chuyun." The Qintian supervisor said respectfully.

Yun Zhongyao frowned slightly, "When?"

"In November. According to the schedule, their envoys will arrive in the capital in about half a month."

After half a month? Then isn't it a bit too early to come now?

Was it unintentional or...

Yun Zhongyao's eyes darkened slightly. At this time, Chu Yan still didn't know him. What was the purpose of Chu Yan for arriving in the capital so early?

After meeting the Qintian Supervisor, Yun Zhongyao fell into contemplation.

Yun Mo dutifully followed Yun Zhongyao without saying a word.

On the way out of the palace, he ran into Yun Zhongyan, "Brother."

Yun Zhongyan seemed a little surprised when he saw Yun Zhongyao, " You should be resting in your residence, why did you come out ?"

"I'm fine." Yun Zhongyao slightly raised his head to look at Yun Zhongyan, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Where are you going, Brother?"

"I have been going to Chunmanlou for a few days. Our father heard about this and he wanted to talk to me about it." Yun Zhongyan shrugged helplessly, a mysterious smile appeared on his gorgeous face, "Do you want brother to accompany you Little seven?"

Yun Zhongyao face turned sullen and he looked blankly at Yun Zhongyan, "I have something to do, so I will leave first."

"Huh, you are so cruel, Are you leaving your third brother like this?" Yun Zhongyan's expression was very boastful.

Yun Zhongyao turned his head and left without hesitation.

Back at the palace, Yun Zhongyao called Yun Mo to his study.

He intuitively felt that the matter of Chu Yan's arrival in the capital was not that simple. He had to check it out, he felt uneasy if he didn't check it carefully. "This prince saw Chu Yan on the flower boat yesterday."

Yun Mo didn't react for a while, before he realized who Chu Yan was. He frowned slightly , " Your Highness, do you want this subordinate to solve it?"

Yun Zhongyao shook his head, "Go and check what he is doing in Beijing so early..." He paused, then said, "Don't let anyone else know about this."

"Yes." Yunmo replied and went out.

Yun Zhongyao rubbed his brow as he looked at the memorial kept on the table, it was sent by Emperor Yun this morning.

Although Emperor Yun hadn't established a crown prince on the surface, his meaning was already obvious, but because Yun Zhongyao himself was unwilling. He had a cold temperament and that is why he didn't like to make go out and meet others just for flattery, so he was still uncertain.

But Emperor Yun always sent a part of his memorials to the Seventh Princes' Palace.

Everyone knew about this, but no one said anything.

Perhaps Yun Zhongming and the others couldn't ask for it, because Yun Zhongyao took over this matter, and Emperor Yun would never come to them because of this matter. 

With a light sigh, Yun Zhongyao resignedly took the memorial on the table and began to read it.

Yun Mo handled things very quickly, so it took only two days to find out the matter.

"His Royal Highness, Chu Yan and others are in a house on the outskirts of Beijing, and this subordinate has seen him send people into the city several times, they mostly wander outside the Seventh prince's Palace."

Chu Yan's goal is him? Yun Zhongyao twisted his eyebrows slightly, suddenly remembering the scene when he met with Chu Yan in his previous life.

At that time, he and Yun Zhongli went to the countryside to play, but unfortunately they were chased by assassins. Fortunately, Chu Yan passed by and rescued them.

Yun Zhongyao didn't think much about it at that time, but when I think about it now, all of this was too coincidental. Since that time, Chu Yan has appeared around him from time to time, occupying his gaze.

"He had ulterior motives when he approached this prince from the beginning." Yun Zhongyao whispered softly.

Yun Mo tilted his head as he couldn't clearly hear what Yun Zhongyao was talking about. "Your Royal Highness?" After a while, Yun Zhongyao thought of a way to deal with it, and the corners of his mouth evoked a slight arc.

Yun Mo saw clearly this time, Yun Zhongyao was indeed smiling. Even though the smile looked very beautiful, it was  so cold that it sent shivers down the spine.

Yun Zhongyao took a piece of paper and wrote some words on it.

His handwriting is elegant and beautiful just like himself "Give this to the sixth brother."

In the note Yun Zhongyao asked Yun Zhongli to go to Hanshan Temple to worship the Buddha tomorrow. 

Since Chu Yan wanted to know him, he gave him this opportunity. He wanted to see what other storms could be caused by Chu Yan, but this time was different from his previous life. This time, everything is in his control. 

Yun Zhongyao put down the pen in his hand and crumpled up the piece of paper which had the words "Chu Yan" written on it. He threw it away, and the paper fell into the lit candle kept next to him. Soon after it was burnt to ashes. 

Yun Zhongyao's invitation was naturally impossible for Yun Zhongli to decline, and he immediately agreed. Early the next morning, Yun Zhongli came to the Seventh princ's Palace.

Yun Zhongyao had already packed up, and got into Yun Zhongli's carriage, and Yun Mo was sitting in front of him.

"It's rare that you would take the initiative to ask me to go to Hanshan Temple." Yun Zhongli chuckled.

" I have been in the palace for a long time, so I wanted to go out and get some air." Yun Zhongyao lifted the carriage  curtain slightly and saw Yun Mo sitting outside, his heart was slightly relieved.

 It's a very risky step to take the snake out of its hole. After all, he is a rabbit with no resistance in Chu Yan's eyes.

But with Yun Mo by his side, he always feels relieved.

"You have looked outside several times along the way, what are you looking at?" Yun Zhongli looked at Yun Zhongyao with a little puzzled.

 Putting down the carriage curtain, Yun Zhongyao leaned against the side wall, "I'm looking at my little guard to see if he is being obedient."

Yun Zhongli's face was full of curiousness. He reached out to lift the curtain, but was stopped by Yun Zhongyao. "He's timid, sixth brother don't scare him."

Yun Zhongli looked at Yun Zhongyao's expression a little strangely, but he still withdrew his hand and didn't talk about the shadow guard. He then continued talking to Yun Zhongyao without a hitch.

Every time Yun Zhongli came to Hanshan Temple, he would park the horse-drawn carriage at the foot of the mountain, and then walk to the temple halfway up the mountain to show his sincerity, and this time was no exception.

Hanshan Temple is the most famous temple in the capital of Chuyun Kingdom. There are many people who come to worship Buddha and burn incense, and there are also many people going up and down the trail.

The journey was much smoother than Yun Zhongyao thought. He thought that Chu Yan would send an assassin like in his previous life.

But it's alright, he wants to see what other tricks Chu Yan can play in this life.

Yun Zhongli went to find the abbot, and Yun Zhongyao waited here with Yun Mo.

After a while, the people he was expecting to come arrived.

Chu Yan walked in front of Yun Zhongyao and showed a charming smile, "This young master, can you tell me where Abbot Duyuan is?"