
After all it leads to you

Sua_yves · คนดัง
8 Chs

You'll be my last love

The cozy living room was bathed in the soft glow of the television screen, its light casting dancing shadows on the walls. Roseanne and Jennie were nestled comfortably on the couch, a large bowl of popcorn between them as they indulged in a movie marathon. Their laughter and occasional commentary filled the air, creating a warm and comfortable atmosphere.

Roseanne leaned back against the cushions, her gaze alternating between the movie and the woman sitting next to her. She couldn't help but marvel at how life had taken such a wonderful turn, all thanks to the unexpected encounter with Jennie. Every passing moment seemed to reinforce the deep connection they had formed, a connection that had blossomed into a love that Roseanne hadn't even dared to dream of.

Jennie's laughter rang out, pulling Roseanne's attention back to the screen as a comedic scene played out. She smiled, feeling a surge of contentment as she watched Jennie's eyes light up with amusement. Their hands brushed against each other as they reached for more popcorn, a simple touch that sent a jolt of warmth through Roseanne's veins.

The movie continued to play, but Roseanne's mind wandered for a moment. She found herself reflecting on how much her life had changed since that fateful day they had met. From the quiet loneliness of her past to the vibrant and fulfilling present she now cherished, Jennie had woven herself into every corner of her world.

"You're quiet," Jennie's voice broke through Roseanne's thoughts, and she turned her head to meet the gaze of the woman beside her.

Roseanne's lips curved into a soft smile. "Just thinking about how lucky I am."

Jennie's eyes softened, and she reached over to give Roseanne's hand a gentle squeeze. "We're both lucky, you know. Life can be quite unexpected sometimes."

Roseanne nodded in agreement, her heart swelling with affection for the woman who had brought so much joy and love into her life. "I never could have imagined any of this. Meeting you was like stumbling upon a hidden treasure."

Jennie's smile matched Roseanne's, and she leaned in, placing a sweet kiss on Roseanne's cheek. "I feel the same way."

The movie played on the screen, its plot weaving its own story, while a much subtler, unspoken narrative was unfolding on the couch. Roseanne felt Jennie's movements, each one a brushstroke painting an uncharted canvas of emotions. Her heart danced in tandem with the movie's soundtrack, and her gaze flickered only briefly to Jennie, registering every shy, hesitant gesture.

Jennie's head came to rest against Roseanne's shoulder, her warmth seeping into Roseanne's senses. A small smile curved at the corners of Roseanne's lips, a silent acknowledgment of the comfort they shared. When Jennie's arm encircled her waist, Roseanne's pulse quickened in response, the anticipation growing as Jennie's fingers danced along the fabric of her shirt.

Then, in a moment of boldness, Jennie lifted Roseanne's hand, her lips pressing a tender kiss to Roseanne's thumb. Roseanne's heart swelled, the touch soft and electrifying all at once. The small gesture spoke volumes, carrying with it the unspoken promise of what was to come.

With a mixture of anticipation and a hint of nervousness, Jennie let her fingers interlace with Roseanne's, their hands finding each other in the small space between them. Their fingers fit together seamlessly, a subtle connection that held so much promise.

The film played on, but its plot was overshadowed by the palpable tension in the room. Roseanne finally turned her head to meet Jennie's gaze, her lips curving into a soft smile. In that moment, there was no need for hesitation, no need for elaborate confessions.

Jennie leaned in, her eyes fluttering closed as their lips met in a gentle, tentative kiss. It was soft, a whisper of what was to come. Roseanne's heart swelled with emotion, her free hand reaching to cup Jennie's cheek as their kiss deepened, their connection growing stronger with each passing second.

The room seemed to hold its breath as their lips met, a soft and tender connection that sent ripples of warmth through both of them. Roseanne's heart raced, her initial calm facade crumbling as she turned her attention fully to Jennie. The movie's dialogue faded into the background as their unspoken feelings took center stage.

Jennie's kiss was gentle yet filled with a depth of emotion that spoke volumes. It was a reassurance, a promise, and an admission all rolled into one. Roseanne's hand instinctively reached up to cup Jennie's cheek, her fingers brushing against soft skin as she deepened the kiss. There was no need for words-their actions conveyed everything they had been holding back, everything they had been waiting to explore.

As they pulled away, their breaths mingling in the space between them, Jennie's eyes met Roseanne's with a mix of vulnerability and determination. Roseanne felt herself drawn into those eyes, as if they held the answers to questions she hadn't even realized she'd been asking.

"Finally," Jennie whispered with a playful grin, her fingers finding their way to lace through Roseanne's.

Roseanne chuckled, a blend of relief and affection evident in the sound. "I guess I was waiting for you to make the first move."

Jennie's eyes sparkled mischievously. "Well, someone had to do it. And I've waited long enough."

Their laughter mingled in the air, a testament to the comfort and ease that had settled between them. Roseanne turned to fully face Jennie, her fingers tracing delicate patterns on the back of Jennie's hand. The intimacy of the moment was palpable, a silent affirmation of the emotions that had been building.

"You know," Roseanne began, her voice soft, "I never thought life would take this turn. But I'm glad it did."

Jennie's gaze held a mixture of tenderness and playfulness. "Oh really? Even with all the unexpected twists and turns?"

Roseanne nodded, her smile warm. "Especially with those. They're what make the story memorable."

Jennie's fingers brushed against Roseanne's cheek, her touch feather-light. "Well, get ready for more memorable moments, because I'm not going anywhere."

The promise in Jennie's words resonated deep within Roseanne's heart. She leaned in, their lips meeting once more in a kiss that felt both familiar and new, a celebration of the journey they had embarked upon together.

As they pulled away, Roseanne's gaze met Jennie's, a world of unspoken emotions passing between them. With Jennie by her side, Roseanne knew that whatever life's chapters held, they would face them together-embracing the unexpected, savoring the cherished moments, and creating a story that was uniquely theirs.

The atmosphere crackled with an electrifying energy as Jennie's lips met Roseanne's once more. This time, the kiss was fueled by a hunger that had been simmering beneath the surface, a desire that they could no longer ignore. Roseanne surrendered to the intoxicating sensation, her hand finding its way to Jennie's waist, pulling her closer until their bodies were pressed together.

Their lips moved in sync, a dance of longing and passion that seemed to erase all the boundaries between them. Roseanne's heart raced as she tasted the sweetness of Jennie's lips, her fingertips tracing delicate patterns along Jennie's back. She felt Jennie's fingers tangling in her hair, their breaths mingling in the space between them.

With a soft gasp, Roseanne broke the kiss, her lips trailing a path of fire along Jennie's jawline. Her breath brushed against Jennie's skin, sending shivers down her spine. She left a trail of soft kisses down to the curve of Jennie's neck, feeling the rapid beat of her pulse against her lips.

Jennie's fingers tightened in Roseanne's hair, a quiet moan escaping her lips as Roseanne's kisses became more urgent, more fervent. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them caught up in this whirlwind of sensations.

Roseanne's lips found a particularly sensitive spot on Jennie's neck, and she sucked gently, eliciting a breathless whimper from Jennie. It was as if every touch, every kiss was a declaration of their unspoken desires, a language only they could understand.

When Roseanne pulled away slightly, their eyes locked once more, a shared understanding passing between them. The air was heavy with anticipation, their hearts pounding in rhythm with each other. And in that charged moment, as their breaths mingled and their foreheads touched, Roseanne knew that this was just the beginning of a journey they were embarking on together, a journey fueled by love, passion, and a connection that couldn't be denied.

As the intensity of their shared moment lingered in the air, Jennie's voice quivered with desire as she cupped Roseanne's cheeks, her eyes locked onto Roseanne's with a desperate plea.

"Roseanne," she whispered, her voice a breathless mixture of longing and need, "make love to me."

The raw honesty in Jennie's words sent a surge of electricity through Roseanne's veins. Her heart raced as she felt the weight of Jennie's gaze, the vulnerability and desire that was laid bare before her. Without a moment's hesitation, Roseanne's arms slid around Jennie's waist, pulling her close in a tight embrace.

Their lips met once more in a kiss that was both tender and urgent, a promise of the emotions that were about to be shared between them. As their mouths moved together, Roseanne's hands slid down Jennie's back, her touch igniting a fire that consumed them both.

With a purposeful grace, Roseanne lifted Jennie into her arms, Jennie's legs wrapping around her waist as their kiss deepened. The urgency in their movements was a reflection of the passion that had been building between them for so long. Without breaking the kiss, Roseanne carried Jennie towards the bedroom, each step a testament to their unspoken connection.

As they entered the dimly lit room, Roseanne gently laid Jennie down on the bed, their eyes locked in a heated gaze. The room was filled with a palpable tension, a mix of nervousness and anticipation that only fueled their desire.

Roseanne's fingers worked deftly to unbutton Jennie's blouse, her touch sending shivers down Jennie's spine. With each touch, each caress, the barriers between them seemed to fade away, leaving only their raw emotions laid bare.

Jennie's breath hitched as Roseanne's lips brushed against her skin, leaving a trail of kisses along her collarbone. The sensation was electric, a delicate dance of pleasure and vulnerability. With every touch, every whispered sigh, they discovered new depths of each other, a shared intimacy that transcended words.

Jennie's chest heaved as she sat up on her elbow, her gaze locked onto Roseanne's flushed and beautifully disheveled form between her legs. Their bare bodies glistened with a sheen of sweat, a testament to the intensity of their shared passion. As she looked down at Roseanne, her heart raced, the afterglow of their lovemaking still coursing through her veins.

Roseanne's breathing was labored, her chest rising and falling in time with the rhythm of their entangled emotions. Her lips were slightly parted, a soft, satisfied smile gracing her features. The room was filled with an almost tangible warmth, a cocoon of intimacy that wrapped around them both.

Jennie's fingers traced delicate patterns along Roseanne's scalp, her touch featherlight yet electrifying. She pushed Roseanne back down and Roseanne hungrily lapped her cunt, The memory of their moments together replayed in her mind, each sensation and every shared gasp etched into her memory. She felt a deep connection with Roseanne, a connection that went beyond the physical, transcending into a realm of shared vulnerability and profound love.

As she threw her head back, her lips formed a smile after she came down from her high, Roseanne's eyes fluttered open, meeting Jennie's gaze with a tenderness that made Jennie's heart swell.

"Hey," Jennie whispered, her voice carrying the weight of their unspoken emotions. Roseanne slowly crawled up until she was on top of her.

Roseanne's fingers lifted to brush a strand of hair away from Jennie's face, her touch sending a surge of warmth through Jennie's body. "Hey," she replied, her voice soft and filled with a depth of emotion that words couldn't fully capture.

Jennie shifted slightly, resting her head against Roseanne's shoulder as their bodies remained intertwined. The room was filled with a tranquil silence, the kind that only lovers who truly understood each other could share. In that moment, everything felt right, their worries and doubts momentarily fading into the background.

As they lay there, the world outside seemed to disappear, leaving only the two of them in a sacred space of love and connection. And as the minutes ticked by, Jennie realized that their journey together was just beginning, a path filled with countless moments like this one, where their souls would intertwine, and their love would continue to grow, deepening with every heartbeat.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting warm hues across the sky, Roseanne and Jennie found themselves wrapped in a serene moment of togetherness. They were seated on the porch, the gentle breeze ruffling their hair and the world around them enveloped in a peaceful stillness. The colors of the evening sky painted a breathtaking backdrop, a canvas for their shared emotions.

Roseanne's arms encircled Jennie, pulling her closer until their bodies were molded together. She nestled her face into the nape of Jennie's neck, inhaling her scent as if committing it to memory. The closeness was more than just physical; it was an embodiment of the profound connection they shared.

Jennie's fingers intertwined with Roseanne's, their hands finding each other naturally, like two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly. And in that tender embrace, Jennie's voice broke the quiet, uttering three simple words that carried a world of meaning.

"I love you."

Those words, spoken in the hush of the fading day, carried an undeniable weight, a weight that made Roseanne's heart swell. She felt her eyes prickle with tears, the emotion within her threatening to overflow. The journey they had embarked upon, the challenges they had faced, the moments they had shared - it had all led them to this point, this space where their hearts beat as one.

Roseanne pressed a soft kiss to Jennie's shoulder, her lips lingering there as if savoring the taste of those words. She tightened her embrace, as if afraid to let go, as if she wanted to hold onto this moment forever.

"I love you too," Roseanne whispered, her voice a gentle affirmation of the feelings that had taken root in her heart. And as the last traces of daylight faded, the world around them transformed into a canvas of stars, a reflection of the love that illuminated their souls.

In that tranquil moment, as the night settled around them, Roseanne knew that she had found her place of belonging, her sanctuary of love. And as they watched the stars twinkle in the vast expanse above, their love story continued to unfold, a tale of two hearts entwined, destined to journey through life together, embracing each sunrise and sunset as a testament to the beauty of their love.

As the evening sun cast a warm glow over the city of Paris, the iconic Eiffel Tower shimmered in the distance, an emblem of love and romance. Roseanne and Jennie stood on the balcony of their cozy Airbnb, the city's magic enveloping them in an atmosphere of enchantment.

Roseanne had been planning this moment for months, knowing how much Paris meant to Jennie and how deeply she felt for her. She had carried the ring with her, hidden away until the perfect time. And now, on this day, after the celebration of Valentine's Day and just a week after Roseanne's birthday, the stars had aligned in their favor.

As Roseanne got down on one knee, her heart raced with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. She had prepared a speech, words that would convey the depth of her feelings and her commitment to Jennie. But before she could utter a word, Jennie's eyes glistened with realization, her hand flying to cover her mouth as the emotions overwhelmed her.

Tears welled up in Jennie's eyes as she turned away, her body trembling with the sheer intensity of the moment. Roseanne's heart clenched at the sight, her own eyes misting over as she reached out to Jennie, her voice catching in her throat.

"Jennie," Roseanne's voice was a gentle whisper, her heart pouring out through every word. "From the moment we met, my life has been filled with colors I never knew existed. You've brought light, laughter, and an indescribable joy into my world. I've fallen deeply in love with you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side."

Jennie turned back to face Roseanne, her hands still covering her mouth, her eyes brimming with tears of happiness. And then, something unexpected happened - Jennie herself sank down to her knees, right in front of Roseanne. Her eyes met Roseanne's with a mixture of vulnerability and overwhelming emotion.

"Roseanne," Jennie's voice wavered with the weight of her feelings. "I love you more than words can express. You've shown me what love truly means, and you've captured my heart in ways I never thought possible. I want to share my life, my dreams, and my future with you."

Roseanne's heart swelled as she watched Jennie's tears fall, their hands reaching out to each other, trembling with a shared understanding that transcended words. The love between them felt tangible, like an unbreakable bond that had only grown stronger over time.

Roseanne took a deep breath, her hand gently reaching into her pocket to retrieve the ring. Holding it out before Jennie, her voice quivered but resolute. "Jennie, will you marry me?"

Jennie's eyes met Roseanne's, the tears in both their eyes reflecting the depth of their emotions. With a nod that held all the love and affirmation she needed, Jennie whispered, "Yes, Roseanne, I will marry you."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, bathing Paris in a soft, golden glow, two souls bound by love and destiny sealed their promise to one another. And as they embraced, tears of joy mingling with sweet kisses, the Eiffel Tower continued to sparkle in the background, a witness to a love story that had found its perfect chapter in the heart of the city of love.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Jennie's fingers traced the final words penned by Roseanne, each letter a testament to the depth of their love. Roseanne's words resonated within her, touching her soul and igniting a warmth that spread through every fiber of her being. The emotions within those pages were raw and genuine, a reflection of the beautiful journey they had shared.

"Jennie, my love,

As I write these words, my heart overflows with gratitude and joy. The moment you said 'yes' to me, and later when we stood before the world and declared our love with 'I do,' I felt like the universe itself was celebrating our union. Every second we've spent together has been magical, and it's as if all the moments before this were leading us to each other.

Your love has illuminated my life in ways I could never have imagined. Your laughter is a melody that resonates in my heart, and your presence is a comforting embrace that surrounds me even when we're apart. From the city lights to the quiet moments we've shared, each memory with you is a treasure that I hold dear.

I am overwhelmed by the thought that our love story has unfolded against the backdrop of our lives, from the first meeting to the moment I knelt before you in the city of love itself. It feels like you were always meant to be a part of my life, and I am grateful beyond words for the love we've built together.

Now, as I rest my pen and close this chapter, I want you to know that you are my heart, my love, and my forever. I promise to cherish every day we have, to hold you close through both joys and challenges. Our journey has been a testament to the power of love, and I am excited to see where life takes us next.

With all my love,


Jennie closed the notebook gently, a serene smile playing on her lips as she looked around their shared home. Every corner held memories of their journey - the laughter, the tears, the shared dreams. As she leaned back on the couch, she felt a deep sense of contentment settle within her.

The woman she loved was in the other room, her presence a soothing balm to Jennie's soul. Reflecting on their journey, Jennie was grateful for every twist and turn that had led her to this point. Their love was a testament to the beauty of second chances, of finding a home in each other's hearts.

As the night enveloped them, Jennie's heart swelled with love for the woman who had become her everything. She knew that their story was still being written, that there were more adventures and chapters waiting to unfold. And as she closed her eyes, she held onto the knowledge that their love was a force that could weather any storm, a bond that would only grow stronger with time.

The morning sun shinned, Jennie's eyes fluttered open as the soft touch of a kiss graced her cheek. The warmth of the gesture spread through her, and she turned her head to find Roseanne sitting beside her on the table, a tender smile gracing her lips. The soft glow of morning light bathed the room, and Jennie couldn't help but be captivated by the sight of her wife.

Roseanne's arms cradled the very diary that had sparked this journey of reflection and rediscovery. Jennie realized she must have dozed off on the couch in the study while reading through Roseanne's intimate thoughts. With a contented sigh, she sat up and stretched her limbs, her gaze never leaving Roseanne's.

Smiling softly, Roseanne looked at the diary in her hands, her eyes sparkling with affection. "So this is what kept my wife home," she teased gently, her voice a melodic cadence that washed over Jennie's senses.

Jennie chuckled softly, her heart warming at the sight of Roseanne and the playful tone in her voice. "Well, your diary is a treasure trove of memories," she replied, her voice tinged with a mix of fondness and intrigue.

Roseanne's fingers lovingly traced the cover of the diary before she placed it gently on the table. Her gaze shifted to Jennie, her expression tender and open. "It's more than just memories," she began softly, her eyes holding a depth of emotion. "It's a journey of growth, of understanding who I was and who I am now. And sharing it with you has made it even more special."

Jennie reached out and brushed her fingers against Roseanne's, their touch a silent affirmation of their connection. "I feel honored to have been a part of your journey," she admitted, her voice soft and sincere.

Roseanne's smile deepened, and she shifted closer to Jennie, their knees almost touching. "You've been more than a part of it, Jennie. You've been the heart of it," she said, her voice carrying a weight of gratitude that reached deep into Jennie's soul.

Jennie's heart skipped a beat at those words, her eyes locked onto Roseanne's with unwavering intensity. "And you've been the author of the most beautiful chapters of my life," she whispered, her voice carrying a promise of love and devotion.

In that quiet moment, their love enveloped them, a palpable force that seemed to fill the room. Their connection was profound, a culmination of shared experiences, vulnerabilities, and the understanding that they had found their forever in each other.

Roseanne's hand reached out to cup Jennie's cheek, her thumb brushing gently against her skin. "Let's continue writing our story, Jennie," she murmured, her eyes filled with a mixture of hope and certainty.

Jennie leaned into the touch, her lips curling into a soft smile. "With all my heart," she whispered, her voice a pledge that echoed the depth of her feelings.

Jennie's sudden movement and the churning in her stomach caught both of them by surprise. She pulled back slightly from Roseanne's touch, her expression shifting from contentment to unease. Roseanne's concern was evident as she followed Jennie to the bathroom, her steps filled with a mix of worry and curiosity.

As Jennie leaned over the toilet, Roseanne knelt down beside her, one hand gently resting on her back for support. She watched with empathy as Jennie threw up, her brow furrowing in concern. Once Jennie was done, she slumped back against Roseanne's chest, seeking comfort from the woman who meant the world to her.

"Are you okay, love?" Roseanne murmured, her hand moving to wipe Jennie's lips with a tissue, her touch careful and tender.

Jennie leaned back against Roseanne's chest, her breathing ragged as she tried to collect herself. She closed her eyes briefly, then let out a sigh as she spoke, her voice tinged with a mix of emotions. "I have a feeling of what might be happening," she admitted softly, her fingers reaching up to tangle with Roseanne's.

Roseanne's brows furrowed slightly, a mixture of curiosity and concern filling her gaze as she looked at Jennie. "What do you mean?" she asked gently, her thumb brushing over the back of Jennie's hand.

With a determined nod, Jennie reached into the cupboard and retrieved a pregnancy test. Roseanne's eyes widened with a mixture of surprise and excitement, her heart racing as she looked at the test in Jennie's hand. She couldn't help but ask, her voice laced with hope, "Are you sure? Could it be?"

Jennie met Roseanne's gaze, a soft smile gracing her lips. "I want to give it a try," she replied, her voice carrying a blend of confidence and vulnerability. She moved closer to Roseanne, her fingers interlocking with Roseanne's, their connection a lifeline in this moment of uncertainty.

Roseanne's heart swelled with emotions as she held Jennie's hand, her eyes fixed on the pregnancy test that held the potential to change their lives forever. She leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to Jennie's forehead. "Whatever the result, we'll face it together," she promised, her voice unwavering in its commitment.

Jennie nodded, her gaze unwavering as she placed the pregnancy test on the bathroom counter. "Together," she echoed, her voice a testament to the unbreakable bond they shared.

Roseanne's anxiety was palpable as she paced back and forth outside the bathroom door. Each step she took seemed to reverberate with the mix of hope and nervousness that had settled within her. She couldn't help but steal glances at the closed door, as if willing the test to reveal its answer faster.

Time seemed to stretch as Roseanne's thoughts wandered between different possibilities. The idea of becoming parents had always been a dream they both shared, and the anticipation of that dream possibly coming true was almost overwhelming. She couldn't shake the mixture of excitement and fear that filled her heart.

With a deep breath, Roseanne tried to steady herself. She knew that whatever the result, their love would guide them through this new chapter of their lives. Her fingers nervously traced the edge of her shirt as she continued to pace, her footsteps echoing the rhythm of her racing heart.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the bathroom door opened, and Jennie emerged, her expression a mix of emotions that Roseanne couldn't quite decipher. Their eyes met, and for a brief moment, time seemed to freeze. Roseanne's voice was barely a whisper as she asked, "What does it say?"

Jennie's gaze held a mix of awe and disbelief, her lips curving into a radiant smile that lit up the room. She held the pregnancy test in her hand, and Roseanne's heart skipped a beat as her eyes zeroed in on the result. She felt as though the world had paused in that instant, waiting for the words to register.

Jennie's voice was soft but filled with an unmistakable joy as she said, "It's positive."

Roseanne's eyes widened, her heart bursting with elation. A wave of emotions washed over her as she looked at Jennie, her eyes glistening with tears of happiness. She crossed the space between them in a few quick strides, wrapping her arms around Jennie in a tight embrace.

Tears of joy streamed down Roseanne's cheeks as she pressed her forehead against Jennie's, their smiles intermingling as they shared a moment of sheer bliss. The weight of the news settled in, filling the room with an atmosphere of love and anticipation.

"We're going to be parents," Roseanne whispered, her voice filled with wonder and awe.

Jennie's laughter mingled with her tears as she held onto Roseanne, the two of them standing in the embrace of a future that was both beautiful and unknown. And as they held each other, they knew that their love was the foundation upon which this new adventure would be built, a love that would guide them through every step of their journey as parents.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Roseanne's heart seemed to freeze in that moment as her eyes locked onto her first love, who had just walked past her in the park. It was as if time had folded in on itself, and for an instant, all the memories and emotions of their past flooded back, threatening to engulf her. But to her surprise, there was no rush of emotions, no rapid heartbeat or racing thoughts.

Instead, there was a strange calmness that settled over Roseanne. She found herself standing there, gazing at Jisoo, who was now walking with further down the path. Her mind seemed to be caught in a whirlwind, trying to make sense of this unexpected encounter.

As she watched, Roseanne noticed the way Jisoo's smile lit up her face, just like it used to. Her heart skipped a beat, but it was a beat without the intense longing she had once felt. She was grateful for the time they had shared, the memories they had created, but she also realized how far she had come since then.

Slowly, Roseanne turned her attention back to the scene before her-the sight of Jennie and their beautiful daughter, Ella, playing on a blanket spread out on the grass. The sight filled her with a warmth that radiated from deep within. This was her present, her reality, and the love she had with Jennie was a kind of love she had grown into, a love that had shaped her and matured with her.

With a contented sigh, Roseanne resumed her steps toward her family, her heart no longer held captive by the past. She was living a life she had always dreamed of, a life filled with love, happiness, and the joys of motherhood. The encounter with Jisoo had served as a reminder of how much she had grown and how far she had come on her journey.

As she reached Jennie and Ella, her heart swelled with love for the two most important people in her life. She leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on Ella's forehead before sitting beside Jennie on the blanket. Their fingers intertwined, and as they watched their daughter play, Roseanne felt a profound sense of gratitude.

Life had a way of taking unexpected turns, but it was in those twists and turns that she had found her true path, her true love. And as she looked at her family, she knew that the journey had been worth it, every step of the way.

Roseanne's amused chuckle escaped her lips as she spotted Lisa in the distance. It was almost surreal how life had woven these threads together, how paths had crossed and intertwined, bringing different people from her past and present together in this park on this day.

Lisa, her ex-girlfriend from a chapter of her life that had now turned into a distant memory, stood there with a baby boy in her arms. Roseanne watched as Jisoo walked up to Lisa, and they exchanged kisses. The years seemed to have treated Lisa well, and the sight of her with a child was something Roseanne hadn't expected.

As Lisa turned sideways to converse with Jisoo, their interaction seemed friendly and easygoing. Roseanne found herself both fascinated and distant from this scene. It was as if she were observing a part of her past from a new vantage point-no longer caught in the whirlwind of emotions that had once defined her connection with Lisa.

The feeling was bittersweet, a blend of nostalgia and gratitude for how much she had grown since those days. As she watched Lisa and Jisoo, Roseanne felt a sense of closure, a sense that everything had come full circle in its own way.

Turning her attention back to Jennie and Ella, who were now giggling and playing together, Roseanne's heart swelled with love once again. She reached out and playfully tickled Ella's tiny toes, eliciting a burst of laughter from the little girl. This was her reality now-the life she had built, the love she had nurtured, and the family she cherished.

With a smile on her face and a heart full of contentment, Roseanne reveled in the joy of her family's laughter, in the beauty of the park around her, and in the love that had truly become her home.

───※ ·❆· ※───

As Lisa picked up her son, Jun. once more, his tiny arms wrapped around her neck, Jisoo was concenrated to tie his shoelaces. Her voice was laced with mock disbelief as she playfully pouted at him, "Seriously, aren't you a bit too young for school?"

Lisa chuckled, her gaze warm and tender as she placed an arm around Jisoo's shoulders. "Well, he's growing up fast, babe," she said with a fond smile. "Time flies."

Amid their tender moment, a small voice chimed in, full of innocence and pure excitement. "cool?"

Both Lisa and Jisoo burst into laughter at their son's mispronunciation. Lisa gently corrected him, "It's 'school,' sweetheart, not 'cool.'"

Jun scrunched up his nose in concentration, his brow furrowing. "S-k-oo-l, cool?" he tried again, his big eyes looking up at them with uncertainty.

Jisoo ruffled his hair affectionately and nodded. "Close enough, my little wordsmith."

Lisa grinned down at him. "You'll get it right, buddy. But for now, let's head to 'cool' together."

Before they leave Lisa's gaze turned back and lingered on the scene, her heart filled with a mix of emotions. She had once been a part of Roseanne's story, a chapter that had its own impact and significance. Seeing Roseanne now, wrapped in the embrace of a new chapter with Jennie and their daughter, brought a bittersweet but ultimately heartwarming feeling.

A genuine smile tugged at the corners of Lisa's lips. She could see the love between Roseanne and Jennie, the way they looked at each other and their baby girl. It was a kind of happiness that Lisa herself had once shared with Roseanne, a different love story that had led them both down separate paths.

As Lisa turned her attention back to her own family, she felt a sense of contentment. Life had its own way of unfolding, of leading each person to their own destiny. For Lisa, that meant building a life with her partner and their child, creating their own memories and sharing in their own adventures.

With a final glance at Roseanne's family, Lisa's heart swelled with a mixture of nostalgia and hope. She silently wished them all the happiness in the world, grateful for the love they had shared during their time together and for the happiness they had each found in their own ways.

And as Lisa walked away, hand in hand with her wife and Jun, she carried with her the knowledge that love was a complex and beautiful journey-one that could lead to unexpected destinations, but one that was always worth embracing with an open heart.

Jisoo's glance back at Roseanne's family through her shoulder, which held a depth of understanding and a silent acknowledgment of the shared memories they had once held.

As she turned her gaze forward, walking alongside Lisa and Jun, Jisoo felt a sense of gratitude for the journey she had embarked on. Her own life had taken her on a different path, leading her to new love and new beginnings. She tightened her grip on Lisa's hand, a reassuring gesture that conveyed the strength of their bond.

The park around them was alive with the sounds of children playing, the rustling of leaves in the breeze, and the gentle murmur of conversations. It was a snapshot of life's ongoing journey, a reminder that the present moment was where their focus should be.

Jisoo's heart was light as she looked ahead, her steps synchronized with Lisa's. She was no longer the high school student who had once shared laughter, dreams, and love with Roseanne. She was now a mother, a partner, and a person who had grown and evolved along her own path.

As they continued walking, Jisoo felt a sense of contentment settling within her. Life was a series of interconnected moments, each leading to the next, and she was grateful for the love, lessons, and experiences that had shaped her. With Lisa and their son by her side, she was ready to embrace the future with open arms, knowing that her journey was uniquely hers to navigate.

As Lisa and Jisoo continued their stroll, their son Jun nestled in Lisa's arms, Jun's curious gaze was fixed on the world around him. His tiny hands reached out, exploring his surroundings with an innocent wonder. Lisa smiled down at him, her heart warmed by the sight of her son's curiosity.

Unbeknownst to anyone else, Jun's attention was caught by something special-a pair of bright, inquisitive eyes belonging to a little girl named Ella. Ella, held in Roseanne's arms, returned Jun's gaze with equal interest. Their eyes locked for a brief, magical moment, as if they were communicating in a language only they understood.

A small toothy grin broke out on Jun's face, mirroring the same expression on Ella's lips. It was a simple yet profound connection, a bond formed between two innocent souls who had barely begun to experience the world around them.

Lisa and Jisoo continued to walk, lost in their own conversation and the world of parenthood. Roseanne and Jennie also lost in the own world, They remained unaware of the silent exchange between Jun and Ella, two young hearts reaching out to one another with pure and unspoken affection.

In the park's vibrant atmosphere, where laughter, joy, and the promise of new beginnings filled the air, Jun and Ella's encounter was a reminder that even in the midst of life's bustling moments, connections could be made that were as sweet and pure as the love that surrounded them.

Expect the unexpected
