
After all it leads to you

Sua_yves · คนดัง
8 Chs

Coincidence or...?

Jennie's fingers trembled slightly as she unfolded the handwritten letter, the ink on the paper revealing Roseanne's innermost thoughts and emotions. Her heart ached with a mixture of curiosity and empathy as she began to read the words penned by her wife. The letter was a raw and heartfelt confession, a window into Roseanne's past that Jennie had never fully comprehended until now.

My Dearest Lisa,

As I sit down to write these words, I am filled with a mixture of emotions that are difficult to put into words. It has been some time since we last spoke, since our paths diverged and we found ourselves on separate journeys. I want you to know that the memories we shared, the love we once had, will forever hold a special place in my heart.

Looking back, I realize that I made a mistake in comparing our love to what I had experienced with Jisoo. Each love is unique, its own universe of emotions and connections, and it was unfair of me to measure one against the other. Jisoo was a part of my past, and you, Lisa, were a part of my journey through college.

Our time together was marked by moments of joy, laughter, and shared dreams. We supported each other through challenges, and I will always cherish the way you cared for me. But as time passed, it became clear that our paths were diverging, that we were growing into different versions of ourselves.

I want to apologize, Lisa, for not being honest with you sooner. I held onto our relationship out of fear of hurting you, and in doing so, I may have caused more pain than I intended. I should have communicated my feelings openly, without reservation, and for that, I am truly sorry.

Please know that my decision to step away from our relationship was not a reflection of who you are as a person. You are strong, kind, and capable of bringing immense happiness to someone's life. I hope you find the love and happiness you deserve, a love that matches the depth of your heart.

As I write these words, I am filled with gratitude for the time we shared, and I want to thank you for the role you played in my life. Our love was a part of my journey, a chapter that helped shape the person I am today.

May you find your own path to happiness, Lisa. May you discover a love that embraces you for all that you are, just as I am on a journey to find that love for myself.

With respect and sincere wishes for your future,


The mixed feeling turned into a surprise when Jennie's heart raced as she turned the page, her eyes widening in surprise and delight at the sight that greeted her. There, in the midst of candid sketches and drawings, was her own name beautifully written in cursive handwriting. It was as if Roseanne had captured her essence in those pages, adorned with intricate and heartfelt drawings that made her smile bloom like a flower in spring.

As she traced the lines of her name with her fingertips, Jennie's cheeks flushed with a mixture of shyness and affection. The sketches of her were candid and intimate, capturing the moments when she wasn't looking, when her laughter danced in the air or when her eyes sparkled with joy. Each stroke of the pencil seemed to capture a piece of her soul, a testament to the depth of Roseanne's admiration and love.

Jennie's fingers gently traced over the sketches, her heart swelling with warmth and appreciation. She felt a connection to Roseanne's past, a bridge that linked the moments she now shared with the memories that had shaped her wife's journey. The sketches were a silent testament to the beauty Roseanne had found in the details of Jennie's presence, a reminder that love was not just spoken in words, but woven into the fabric of their shared experiences.

As she gazed at the page, Jennie couldn't help but chuckle shyly at the sight of her name surrounded by sketches that captured her in all her ordinary and extraordinary moments. It was as if Roseanne had painted a portrait of their life together, with Jennie at the center of it all.

The first line in the chapter caused a warm flush to spread across Jennie's cheeks. It was as if Roseanne had penned the exact moment they had met, capturing the essence of their unexpected encounter in the café. Jennie found herself immersed in the story, reliving that day through Roseanne's eyes.


The café was abuzz with the soft hum of conversation and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. I sat there in my best suit, a mixture of nerves and skepticism swirling within me. A blind date, my colleague had insisted. I believed in the beauty of unexpected encounters, of love finding its way to us in the most surprising of ways. But a blind date? It didn't quite fit my vision.

I sipped my coffee, stealing glances at the entrance every now and then, my heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and doubt. Time passed, and still, no one approached my table. I was about to chalk it up to a failed setup when I noticed her.

She was sitting at a far table, her eyes focused on me. A hint of amusement danced in her gaze, and I felt a jolt of recognition. Could this be my date? Her gaze held mine for a moment, and I felt a tug in my chest, a strange connection that I couldn't quite explain.

Gathering my courage, I stood and made my way over to her table. I couldn't shake the feeling that our encounter was anything but ordinary. As I approached, I couldn't help but notice the way she watched me, her lips curved in a hint of a smile.

"Jennifer?" I asked, my voice laced with uncertainty.

She rolled her eyes playfully, and I felt a mixture of surprise and amusement at her reaction. With a cutest pout I ever seen in my life, she uttered "Just Jennie."

I chuckled softly, realizing that perhaps the blind date was not the path to love that I had envisioned. Maybe it was in the unplanned moments, the unexpected connections, that true love truly blossomed.


Jennie stared at the diary, her heart fluttering with a newfound appreciation for their journey. She had known their meeting was special, but reading Roseanne's account of it added a layer of depth and sentiment that she hadn't fully grasped before. The way Roseanne had perceived her that day, the subtle nuances she had captured in her description, all painted a vivid picture of their first encounter.

───※ ·❆· ※───

I belong to you

July 2019

As Roseanne slid into the seat across from Jennie, a warm smile graced her lips. The air around them seemed to buzz with curiosity and anticipation, and Jennie's question caught her slightly off guard.

"Can I help you with something, Miss stranger?" Jennie's voice was soft, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of curiosity and kindness.

Roseanne's smile widened, finding herself drawn to the genuine interest in Jennie's eyes. She leaned back in her chair, her fingers idly tapping against the tabletop. "You know, every person is a stranger until you get to know them," she replied, her voice carrying a hint of playfulness.

Jennie tilted her head, a gesture that seemed to capture Roseanne's attention. She had to admit, there was something incredibly endearing about the way Jennie looked at her, as if trying to decipher a puzzle.

A rush of gratitude swept over Roseanne, and she silently thanked her friends for orchestrating this blind date. The unexpected encounter had brought her face-to-face with a woman who seemed to possess a charm and curiosity that were undeniably magnetic.

With a gentle laugh, Roseanne added, "You know, my friends might be on to something with this whole setup. You've already got me intrigued,"

Jennie's lips curved into a mischievous smile, and Roseanne felt her heart respond to the spark in her eyes. her tone light and inviting. "And you are...?"

"Roseanne," she offered with a warm smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Jennie."

Jennie's eyes twinkled mischievously as she observed the telltale rosy hue dusting Roseanne's cheeks. "You're blushing quite a bit, Roseanne," she remarked playfully.

Roseanne chuckled, her fingers tracing the rim of her coffee cup as she met Jennie's gaze. "Well, you have that effect on me, Jennie. It's not every day that someone as captivating as you walks into my life unexpectedly."

The compliment seemed to hang in the air for a moment, a silent acknowledgment of the undeniable attraction between them. The café hummed with the gentle buzz of conversation around them, but in that moment, it was as if they were the only two people in the room.

Jennie's cheeks warmed, and she looked down briefly, her fingers toying with the edge of her napkin. "You're not so bad yourself, Roseanne," she admitted, her tone soft and genuine.

Roseanne leaned in, her chin resting gently on her hand as she observed Jennie with a playful glint in her eyes. "You know, Jennie, I've noticed that you're quite shy," she remarked softly, her tone carrying a warm undertone.

Jennie's cheeks tinged with a deeper shade of pink, and she shifted in her seat, her gaze dipping down momentarily before meeting Roseanne's again. She tried to suppress her smile, but her lips curved upward despite her efforts.

Caught in the enchanting dance of their conversation, Roseanne found herself utterly captivated by Jennie's demeanor. She sensed the fleeting moments when Jennie's gaze would wander, the shyness coloring her interactions with an endearing charm.

As Jennie blushed even deeper, Roseanne's heart skipped a beat. She could have teased, could have playfully laughed, but something about this moment felt different. Instead, she chose to speak her truth, her words carrying a soft sincerity.

"The way that rose hue colors your cheeks," Roseanne said, her voice gentle, "it's quite endearing, you know. Almost like an invitation to kiss it."

Jennie's blush deepened further, her gaze dipping once more. The air between them seemed to crackle with a newfound tension, a shared understanding that held more weight than words alone could convey. In that moment, time seemed to slow, as if the universe had conspired to create this connection between them.

As the delicate moment hung between them, a soft chime cut through the air, signaling an incoming call on Roseanne's phone. She glanced at the screen briefly, noting that it was June, the friend who had set her up on this unexpected date. Instead of answering the call, Roseanne swiftly sent a text message, expressing her gratitude for arranging the meeting.

Jennie's brows quirked with curiosity as she noticed the interaction, her own shyness temporarily set aside. "You can take the call if you need to," she suggested, her voice gentle.

Roseanne shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips. "I'd rather not," she replied, her attention fully on Jennie. "You see, when I'm admiring art, I prefer there to be no interruptions."

Jennie's eyes widened in surprise before a soft chuckle escaped her. The comparison between their conversation and art appreciation caught her off guard, but it was undeniably charming. "Art, huh?" she mused, her lips curling into a playful grin.

Roseanne nodded, her gaze locked onto Jennie's. "Yes, art," she confirmed, her tone infused with a subtle playfulness. "And right now, I find myself quite captivated by the intricate strokes of this conversation."

A faint blush graced Jennie's cheeks, her heartbeat quickening at the intensity of Roseanne's gaze. The café seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in this suspended moment.

Leaving the cozy ambiance of the café behind, Roseanne and Jennie stepped out onto the bustling street. Amidst the lively crowd, a sudden rush of wind heralded the approach of a reckless motorcyclist, his path on a collision course with Jennie. Instinct kicked in, and without a second thought, Roseanne's arm shot out, encircling Jennie's waist and pulling her protectively close.

Time seemed to slow as the world momentarily faded into the background. Roseanne's heart raced in her chest, the adrenaline coursing through her veins as she held Jennie against her. In that fleeting moment, everything seemed to come into sharp focus-the faint hum of the city, the distant chatter of pedestrians, and the sweet fragrance that enveloped her senses.

Jennie's scent was like a heady fragrance, a symphony of delicate notes that stirred something deep within Roseanne. Her skin felt like petals beneath Roseanne's touch, soft and tender. As their bodies pressed together, Roseanne found herself lost in the sensation of being so close to Jennie, as if the world had narrowed down to just the two of them.

The motorcycle whizzed by, missing them by a hair's breadth. The rush of the moment lingered, a shared heartbeat that resonated between them. Slowly, Roseanne released her grip, her fingers reluctantly leaving the warmth of Jennie's waist. Their eyes met, a silent exchange that spoke volumes of the connection they were beginning to forge.

"Are you okay?" Roseanne asked, her voice laced with genuine concern.

Jennie nodded, her cheeks slightly flushed from the adrenaline rush. "Yeah, thanks to you."

A soft smile curved Roseanne's lips as she tucked a loose strand of hair behind Jennie's ear. "Just doing what I can to protect a valuable piece of art."

Jennie's eyes twinkled with amusement, her lips curving into a playful grin. "Oh really? And what kind of art am I?"

Roseanne's gaze held a hint of mischief as she leaned in, her breath brushing against Jennie's ear. "You, Jennie, are a masterpiece that I'm only just beginning to appreciate."

The bustling city street seemed to fade into the background as Roseanne took a step closer to Jennie. There was a palpable tension in the air, an unspoken understanding that this moment was a crossroads, a decision that would shape the path ahead. With a soft smile, Roseanne gently reached for Jennie's hand, her fingers intertwining with Jennie's.

"I would love to see you again," Roseanne said, her voice carrying a genuine warmth. She held her cellphone towards Jennie, the device ready for the exchange of numbers.

Jennie hesitated, her lips caught between her teeth as her heart raced. The flutter of anticipation was almost overwhelming. Yet, as she met Roseanne's earnest gaze, her uncertainty waned. She took a small breath and reached for the phone, her fingers brushing against Roseanne's in the process. Her heart skipped a beat as she began typing in her number.

As Jennie finished inputting her digits, she felt Roseanne's other hand gently touch her wrist. Her eyes flickered up to meet Roseanne's, curiosity mingling with a spark of something else. Before she could fully grasp what was happening, Roseanne's thumb brushed against the inside of her palm, and then something truly unexpected followed-an intimate kiss pressed to the delicate skin of her palm.

A soft gasp escaped Jennie's lips, her cheeks warming at the unexpected gesture. The sensation was utterly novel, yet undeniably sweet. She watched as Roseanne's lips met her skin, imprinting a tender memory. It was an act of intimacy that felt both bold and endearing, a touch that held promise.

Roseanne met Jennie's gaze once more, a mixture of sincerity and a touch of playfulness in her eyes. "I'll be looking forward to our next encounter."

Jennie's lips curved into a shy smile as she felt the warmth of Roseanne's hand holding hers. "Me too," she murmured, her voice soft yet laced with a sense of anticipation.

Roseanne's smile lingered as she watched Jennie's taxi slowly merge into the traffic. Her heart was still fluttering from the encounter, the sweet exchange that had taken place just moments ago. She knew in her gut that this was something special, a connection that held a promise of more to come.

With a contented sigh, she turned her attention back to her phone as it continued to ring. Seeing June's name flash on the screen, Roseanne chuckled softly to herself. Holding the device to her ear, she answered with an amused tone. "June, my dear friend, what could you possibly want now?"

There was a pause on the other end of the line before June's voice came through, tinged with confusion. "Roseanne, why did you text me thanking me?"

Roseanne's brow furrowed, her confusion matching June's. "What are you talking about, June? I thanked you for setting me up on the date, remember?"

A chuckle sounded on the other end, mixed with a touch of mischief. "Roseanne, your date, the one you were supposed to meet today-Jennifer, right? Well, she bailed on me and didn't show up at all."

Roseanne's eyes widened, her mind racing to process this unexpected revelation. "Wait, what? Are you serious?."

June's laughter continued, a touch embarrassed. "Yeah, she didn't. Left me hanging, and I thought she might have reached out to you directly."

"But... then who was..." Roseanne's voice trailed off, a mixture of disbelief and realization washing over her. She disconnected the call with June, her thoughts a whirlwind of confusion. She was left standing on the bustling sidewalk, her heart racing not from the taxi's abrupt stop but from the realization that had just dawned on her.

A mixture of emotions flooded Roseanne's chest as she recalled the interaction, the subtle chemistry, and the genuine connection she had felt with the woman named Jennie. The irony of the situation wasn't lost on her-how she had anticipated an encounter with a different Jennifer and yet had stumbled upon Jennie instead, a serendipitous twist of fate.

Roseanne's lips curled into a smile, the kind that carried a tinge of amusement and excitement. She hailed a passing taxi, the driver eyeing her curiously as she stepped in, the corners of her mouth still lifted in a grin. With a new determination, she gave the driver the address to her home and settled into the seat, her thoughts consumed by the intriguing encounter that had just taken place.

As the taxi made its way through the city's bustling streets, Roseanne's mind replayed the moments shared with Jennie-the playful banter, the hesitant smiles, and the flutter of excitement in the air. It was as if a new chapter had unfolded unexpectedly, a chapter that she was more than eager to explore.

She chuckled to herself, her heart light and her spirits lifted. The uncertainty of the future held a different kind of thrill now, and she welcomed it with open arms. Roseanne knew that sometimes the most enchanting stories were the ones written in the margins, the unexpected twists and turns that shaped the narrative in ways one could never predict.