
Afflicted Worlds

Ray gets sent to another world in a body that is his but taller. he has a system and a few skills that he didn't Rember having in his old life. Ray never was an important person but that all changes. when the gods marry, and they need someone to be the bridge between both of there worlds they choose Ray for this important role

Oaks_lad · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Worlds collide

Ray falls flat on his back and lets out a groan in pain.

Ray is a black teen, male with low messy and curly hair. His fall was one after his long talk with the goddess of love and the god of war. They had two worlds that they had made and after their marriage, they decided to bring them both together Ray was that bridge that brought them together.

"Ah I don't mean to be cliche but I hope this is worth it." ray mumbles as he picks himself up. He had a white plain shirt on with some black pants black socks and some black and white shoes on.

He looked around and noticed that he was in some sort of cabin. He noticed it was very well built and all the wood and shelves were polished within the room. Ray opened the door slowly as he walked out of the room. The door didn't even make a single squeak this took Ray by surprise.

"How new is this place?" he walked over to the very clean couch and inspected it for a moment before observing the rest of the rooms and areas.

After completely inspecting the entire house inch by inch Ray came up with a pretty quick answer to why it looked so clean.

"Everything is new or has just been made." he blurted out of his mouth as he moved towards a bookshelf he reached for a brown book before a red system popped up in his face.

Retracting his hand back quickly before reading what the system said to him.

[clan- horror clan(horror clan blood-100%)

Abilities- poison blood, horrid body manipulation

Skills- blood assimilation, illusion

Weapon - syringe blade

Perks- pain nullification, delicious,

God given ability- world shift

(Horrid combat






The system sat there until he fully read through all the words on it before closing itself and disappearing.

"Horrid combat? You know they could at least have me some explanation. Well at least the rest is pretty self explanatory."

He placed his hand on the spine of the book he was originally reaching for and pulled it out of the book shelf.

(Horrid swordsmanship)

Ray stared at it for a moment with unfeeling eyes before he looked upwards in thought. He then looked back down at the book and opened the book.

"So basically this house is just made for me. There's no other way to think about it other than that. Also why do I feel so… emotionless. Maybe it's harder for me to experience emotions. Maybe there gone." He wondered as he held the book in one hand and flipped through the pages with the other.

The book itself has both pictures and words, describing each move that he saw within the book he felt it melt out of the book and seep into him after each page was flipped.

After flipping to the final page there was a symbol on the final page that had a lock on it with the word master behind the lock. It caught Rays attention for a moment before a notification popped up along with the system.

[horrid swordsmanship learned]

"Oh so is it that easy? Hmm can't get my hopes up." he moved away from the bookshelf and headed towards the backyard.

As he opened the door he was greated with a skinny thin snake with three eyes starting him straight in the face. It was so thin you could mistake it for a branch or a twig but it was as if it was waiting for him to come out the door.

It stared him dead in the eyes as it brings itself up to his eye level and flickers its tongue at him before opening its mouth revealing multiple pairs of fangs that went all the way down its throat.

Its eyes rolled to the back of its head and it lunged forward at him it did this motion slowly as if it was being cocky thinking it would hit him no matter what.


"What exactly are you?" Ray asked as he grabbed it by the head and pulled it close to him and inspected it. It squirmed in his hand before he snapped its neck quickly and blood dribbled out of its mouth.

-blood assimilation can be used-

[level up]

He swiped some of the blood from the mouth of the snake and brought the snake body inside.

"What exactly do I do now? With this snake blood I mean." he was confused to how the skill worked and how he would use it.

[intake blood]

After seeing this Ray hesitated as it was a shock to him that he needed to take in the blood but he wanted to be stronger.


"Wait that's not to bad." he does with a emotionless expression as another notifcation popped up

[horrid body manipulation +1

Illusion +1

New skill - horrid presence]

"Well, this is feeling like one of those weird web novels where the person gets transmigrated into a different world and gets a kick-ass ability," he said as he looked at his god-given ability.

"It sounds cool and all but don't get your hopes up. It's just how I would hop nothing more nothing less." he pressed World to hop on his system panel and he got sucked through a portal it made him feel weird but nothing too bad


The only bad part is he didn't know how to stick the landing yet. He got up and he was in a new house, This house had brown painted walls and looked very modern. It was just as clean as the other one and had the same layout but the only difference with this new home was where it was.

"Ah, city huh?" Ray looked out the window before heading towards his door slowly.

"It's nighttime. Should I really go outside at night time?" he said as he had his hand on the door nob.

"Well, unlike the God Of War, this is the goddess of love world. Would there really still be crime happening here?" he made the decision to open the door. He walked out of the gate of his house and spit into the grass before staring off at the stars for a minute before turning to his right and going for a walk.

As he walks through the city he hears some commotion coming from a alley near the subway. He stops and looks down the alleyway.

"Mfmf! Someone-!"


"Shut up you dumb bitch! You should have stopped blabbing at the teachers! Now I got suspended because of your dumb ass! Do you know how you're gonna repay me now?!" a boy said as he grabbed a girl by her neck and licked his lips as he pulled her close to his face.

There were two men standing behind him with jackets on they walked up and held her legs down tightly as he tugged at her shirt while holding his hand over her mouth.


The girl bit into his hand hard making him bleed and he responded by pulling his hand back and balling his fist up.

"DUMB BITCH!" he got ready to swing but something stopped him from releasing a powerful hit on her. He looked upwards to see a boy about the same age as him standing over him and the other two guys.

"Who is this bastard I can't see his face! it's too damn dark out!" the man swung back and tripped one of rays legs making him stumble back slightly.

The men got up while the girl tried to cover herself and put her clothes back on. The man reached into his pocket and whipped out a knife as he slowly approached him with it.

"Don't go yapping your mouth to the feds ya hear me! How about I leave you with a warning slash?!" the man said as he put the knife to his cheek and looked him in the face.

The fact that he couldn't see any of rays face made him uneasy. Ray made no movement at all he even almost looked like a statue. He didn't breath he didn't sway, he just stood there.

[horrid presence activated]

Emdiatly the boy in front of Ray started trembling before dropping his knife.

The boy made the decision to attack, so he reached down to grab the knife and come up with an attack but once he looked back up the towering figure of Ray standing over him made him piss himself.

The liquid left a pungent stench and made a very obvious stain on the clothes of the boy before Ray kicked him in the face knocking him out.

Tilting his head slightly at the other two boys Ray asked a simple question.

"Who's next?"