
Afflicted Worlds

Ray gets sent to another world in a body that is his but taller. he has a system and a few skills that he didn't Rember having in his old life. Ray never was an important person but that all changes. when the gods marry, and they need someone to be the bridge between both of there worlds they choose Ray for this important role

Oaks_lad · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Main Home Choice

"Who's next?" Ray looked at the other two guys as his aurakept flowing around him but he soon got light headed and the aura died down slightly.

"Y-you bastard do you even know who we are?!"one of the guys blurted out before reaching in his pocket and pulling out a pocket knife.

"Well considering this is my first time here I don't expect to know any of you." Ray said very nonchalantly as he rubbed his head a bit before he looked at the men again after his head cleared up.

"We honestly don't have to do this anymore but it seems your iq isn't high enough to make the appropriate decision in this situation now is it?" Ray took a step back. There vision became blurry from fear that they couldn't even make out rats figure anymore.

"Damn it." One of the men shouted before running to grab there friend that was knocked out on the ground. They clicked there tongues at him as they left and ran off.

The girl slowly picked her self up and looked at the

silhouette of Ray, she wanted to say a lot of things to him but she couldn't open her mouth to let a single word come out.

"Get home now please." Ray said before walking away and back towards his home. He let out a loud sigh of relief as he made it back home.

"How about we don't go adventuring at night anymore. Matter of fact how about I just take my ass to bed" he opened his door and walked inside he then noticed as he walked in the sheer size of his house in this world. It wasn't as big as a mansion but it was still huge in perspective to a normal house.

"Must the gods over do it?" Walking into the kitchen he seen a note with a book and a paper under it. He picked up the note and looked at it under the light of the kitchen after flicking the light switch on.

( if you have any questions for us you can write them down in the book and they will be answered as soon as we get the chance to answer them. Also, the two worlds have different times. As the world by my husband time keeps flowing, but when you're in his world the time in my world will stop but only for you. I'm sure you noticed your abilities already, I was against giving you such scary powers but my husband talked me into giving them to you either way please live your life as you wish. But if you choose to keep the time flowing while within the other world, it will continue to do so.)

"Ah well I could guess who made this note" his eyes dulled slightly as he looked at the many hearts that surrounded the note. He placed it down before looking at the paper under it.

"It's Some sort of talisman? I've seen these in video games and movies before." he picked it up and slid it behind a picture and it stuck to the wall. Well, the best idea now is to take a nap.

"Shift" Ray said half of the move and it worked but he noticed a difference, it took way longer to transport him to the other world than before. At least that's what it felt like in his opinion but either way, it went he got there unharmed.


"Gah." he groaned as he landed flat on his face before slowly standing up and looking to hit right towards a door before turning to his left to see a bed. He looked back down at the black and brown wooden floor and looked at the wooden log walls.

"I can't be the only one that likes the aesthetic that wooden cabins give. I'll probably end up spending most of my time here either way it goes." ray pulled his exhausted body into the bed and covered up.

Within a few minutes of his laying there, he went to sleep. That same night his house had started to become noticed by the local wildlife.

-/- morning-

His eyes slowly opened up and he looked up at the ceiling, he slowly started to blink before rising up and rubbing his eyes. He turned his body sideways and slid out of the bed slowly and sluggishly as his feet tapped against the floor.

"Morning huh? Please tell me I at least have something to eat or wear." Ray moved towards a dresser. he didn't want to move towards the closet as he thought there might be clothes in there for special occasions instead of casual wear and also it was farther than the dresser.

"Glad I have clothes at least." he grabbed another white shirt and some pants these pants were slightly baggy but became tight around the calf and stopped at the ankle. They were jet black, he grabbed some black socks and slid them on his feet sluggish before putting the shirt on and the shoes.

He walked down the stairs of the cabin while stretching his arms out while yawning. He cut the corner down the stairs and the smell of wood flowed past his nostrils before he looked at the kitchen.


"Was this fridge always here?" he thought back to the first time he arrived at this exact world and thought back to now. This fridge was definitely not here when he first arrived he then looked at a stove and a microwave that was also there.

"What is all this? Why am I not getting an explanation for what's happening?" Ray walked over to the book that be brought with him to the world and opened it before reaching by the microwave and grabbing a pen before stopping once again before writing.

"Ok... These pens weren't here either..." he looked at it before writing down on the paper within the book slowly and neatly as possible.

(what is going on? Why are there modern-world items in the cabin? What is happening? should I be concerned?)

Right after he had finished writing down everything healed within the book and placed the pen next to it, words started to magically appear on the book right before his very eyes. He thought that if it was the him before this summoning he would have freaked out at the sight of something like this and especially the three eyes snake he felt with yesterday. Ray started to think about how much he was actually changing.

(we heard that you was going to make this your main home so we decided to help you out with living, we are still not done yet with moving everything through.)

After reading the message it became clear to him why everything was here now, he moved back to the kitchen and opened the frige. It was full of meat, eggs, and vegetables of all kinds.

Ray reached out towards the food items that was inside his fridge with a blank expression on his face but the drool going down his mouth made it apparent how excited he was about the food the gods bestowed him with.

His attention was caught when a text popped up on his screen from the system.

[blood assimilation- can be used]
