
Adventure Time: Shadow Elemental

I knew that day felt weird but I ignored it and I died, but I never imagined I would be thrown into the world of Adventure Time almost 800 years before the events of the show as a shadow, a shadow will some neat tricks. Now that I'm here guess I should adventure. [|------|] This will be kingdom building and slice of life story for almost all the time before the events of the show, there will be action whenever I can make up a scenario that makes some inkling of sense. There will be time skips alot as I doubt you guys want me to write 700 years worth of content, and I'm incapable of coming up with enough content for that anyway. I aint creative enough for that Very fast paced romance too, not good at writing sappy stuff and just want to get it out of the way, oh and one more thing- NO HAREM. I hate harem with an undying passion, don't even ask for it.

SirRandom · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

[|Ch.4 Bubblegum|]

Italic text like this, are the mc's thoughts that are accessible to everything in his mind.

Normal text like this is the mc describing what he or others are doing, a sort of pseudo-omniscient narrator that is himself.

"Text like this is people talking."


The room fell into an eerie silence as we locked eyes for a solid 30 seconds. Breaking the tension, she finally spoke up, "What's your name?" I glanced around, taking in the wooden interior that matches my expectations. My eyes catch sight of a staircase leading down, likely to her laboratory where her brother resided.

As she awaits my response, I furrow my brow, racking my brain to recall my own name, but my mind draws a frustrating blank. "Um..." I stammered, a wave of confusion washing over me. "I dont have one" I answer.

She arched an eyebrow, setting her gun aside. "Well, I'm Bonnibel," she introduced herself, the room falling into silence once again. "So... where did you come from?" she inquired, her curiosity evident. I search for the right words to say.

"I come from the south. I woke up there a couple years ago and decided to venture out, hoping to find others like me." I respond, weaving a tale similar to hers.

Her expression turned pensive as she nodded. "Do you have any family?" she asks. "No," I replied, feigning a touch of sorrow. "When I woke up, I found myself alone, and just explored the ruins" I add, hoping to evoke enough sympathy to persuade her to let me stay.

"May I stay here? I believe we both could benefit from having someone to talk to," I inquire, locking eyes with her. She takes a moment to consider before responding, "Hmm... do you have any specific needs I need to know about?" she asks.

"No, I just need to sleep, and I should avoid any types of light" I reply, receiving a nod in return. "Well, I suppose you can stay then, but if I suspect you are dangerous I will not hesitate to kill you," she warns.

"Well I think a tour is in order."


"This is my lab," Bonnibel proudly declares, gesturing towards the expansive space. Adjacent to it stands Neddy, a remarkable creature resembling a large, pink, and plump dragon. Neddy's significance cannot be overstated, as it serves as the very foundation upon which the Candy Kingdom thrives in the future.

Neddy, with its watchful eyes, delicately sucks on the roots of the candy tree that supports the lab and house, producing the candy juice that sustains the future candy kingdom. It is no surprise that the creature eyes me with caution; Neddy has always displayed fear towards anyone other than Bonnibel.

As we find ourselves in the basement floor of Bonnibel's abode, the lab illuminates the entire space with an abundance of light. I, positioned in her shadow, initiate a conversation, "This is pretty cool. Did you manage to create all of this by yourself?"

Although I already possess knowledge of Bonnibel's achievements, I keep this fact concealed. It is crucial to inquire about every detail now, so that when I demonstrate my familiarity in the future, it does not arouse suspicion.

"Yes, I have been alive for quite some time now. Do you have anything interesting to show me?" she asks. I pause for a moment, contemplating whether or not I should reveal my ability to manifest a physical body.

After a brief reflection, I decide to be honest as there is no reason to hide it. "Well, I have the power to manipulate existing shadows, and my own body" I explain, focusing on the shadow cast by Neddy and shaping it into a hand.

"Furthermore, I can transform shadows into tangible constructs," I demonstrate, moving onto a nearby wall and pressing my hand against the invisible wall that keeps me trapped and eventually black flames flicker into existence right where my hand should be, before turning into a black hand.

"However, I must admit that I am still honing my skills in manifesting physical forms, as it tends to drain my energy," I confess, retracting my hand and acknowledging my limitations for now.

"How do you work..." she mutters, walking up to me and giving me a quick once-over. I shrug before deciding to inquire further, "So, what do you do all day?"

After pausing for a moment, she ponders her response, "Typically, I spend most of my time in the lab, but today I have to go hunting." Her statement catches me off guard, and I raise an eyebrow in curiosity, "You hunt? Is it even safe to eat anything?"

She chuckles lightly, confidently replying, "Of course. It's been 200 years since the war, as far as I can tell, and I haven't dropped dead from radiation poisoning yet." With that, she starts collecting some stuff.

She picks up a sleek, firearm from a meticulously organized rack on the wall, along with a belt adorned with what appear to be grenades.

Additionally, she gathers an assortment of crafted tools, ranging from finely honed knives to expertly crafted axes. I can't help but raise an eyebrow at the sight.

"Grenades, really? For some animals?" I inquire, genuinely perplexed.

A mischievous smile dances across her face as she responds, "Oh, no. These are for the monsters. You never know what we might encounter out there."

That is true, earth is regaining elasticity, which pretty much means imagination can now effect the world also known as magic.

and mindless mutants still exist and those two dont go well together so it is still very dangerous, it will maybe a few more years before more and more intelligent life comes to be once again.

Of course there is still quite a bit that currently exists, like the residents of Wizard City, which has been around before humans and vampires ever existed. Like I'm talking millions of years ago.

But of course, earth lost elasticity fast and magic faded out, but now that its returning for the past couple of decades Wizard City should be up and running at this very moment.

Just more years before mutants and the such start populating it aswell.

With that, she swiftly ascends the stairs, and I follow suit, As she reaches the door leading outside, she turns to me and asks, "Are you coming with?"

I nod, shrugging a bity, " I didn't have a chance to properly explore while searching for survivors. Lead the way; I don't have anything better to do anyway." I respond taking refuge in her shadow as she walks over to the vehicle I spotted while coming here.

Now that I get a close look at it, it looks like a quadbike made of all sorts of junk, which I get, its been way to long for alot of vehicles to remain intact, mostly just parts to snap together.
