
Adventure starting from the World of cheat musou.

A slave worker salary man died because of a milf. yes, the milfs to whom he had dedicated his right hand to after he got the taste of Reality and then indulge in to fantasy. if you understand the word H TV or something on the Moogel.com. He meet the god who said that the milf was supposed to die but she used him as a meat shield and he died in her place and as a apology he is able have some of his wishes fullfilled. And the MC made the wish or his fantasy that he always dreamt of. And god granted it easily. God " Tch..At least wipe the drool of your mouth." But after training in some dimension his goals changed he no longer wanted anything other than piece full life. Is it possible for a protagonist to have a peaceful full life? HELL NOO!! but-but the twist was that the god did fulfilled his wishes but in a way that made the MC work for the god and complete some important errands, in gods term but in human terms he died for umpteen times, he lost the count of his hellish death and pain. Then finally he completed the task of god still thinking it as a training for him for his future but it also had a consiquenses he gradually lost some of his emotions and desires along the way. Then how was he dragged into the madness of Animeverse. Read how his normal yet not so normal journey unfolds with some cliche moments unlike anything he had experience. --------------------- Hello folks, this my first time writing some things other than in exam paper so beautiful people's be kind to the newbie in house, give lots of comment be it blessings or cursing and let your ideas flow as for what you except the story to deliver. English is not my first language but even so, i had tried my best so the grammar area are pretty good so enjoy and don't mind small hiccups here and there. -------------- Last but not the least I don't own any of the worlds or characters other than My OCs, so the entire creadit of world building goes to the original author.

Doremon_Sensei · แฟนตาซี
36 Chs

Chapter :17

NOTE:- Sorry for the late chapters, as I was trying to improve my writing skills based on my own deductions.

And for those who liked the story I will rewrite the previous chapters as I noticed some mistakes but nothing will change except some details. After I am done with rewritting I will inform you reader's.

Here's the chapter enjoy it.



Sera then turned towards them and said, "Hi, ladies. I am Seraphina, his girlfriend. Nice to meet you," with a princess-like bow and etiquette, clearly trying to bolster her image in front of them.

Until then, except for those two, no one had spoken a word. The red-haired and glasses-wearing girl were muttering something to each other, but I ignored it. After Sera introduced herself, they also started introducing themselves.

"Hello, Seraphina-san. I am Kaori Houjou."

"Hello, my name is Akeno Himejima."


"Hi, I am Tsubaki Shinra."

"Good evening. I am Sona Sitri."

"I am Rias Gremory."

They all introduced themselves as if in a homeroom setting. I sighed and stood up, fixing my shirt. With a graceful bow, I said, "My name is Rudra Vincula Amoris. Glad to meet you," and as I raised my eyes, I saw them looking at me, their faces flushed. Akeno was breathing roughly for some reason. At the same time, Sera said in a

mischievous voice.

"[The fun is just starting]."



"Nice to meet you all. I hope we didn't disturb your ladies' gathering," I said as I took my seat.

"No, we were just about to leave when we saw you," Kaori replied, her cheeks rosy. Just then, I heard Sera's voice in my head thanks to telepathy.

[Tch, ikemen bastard.]

'Huh… what's wrong with you?' I asked her telepathically, but she just smirked and ignored me.

As Akeno was about to say something, the waitress came over with the bill. I paid with my card and gave her a generous tip, which seemed to brighten her mood even more.

After the waitress left, Sona Sitri adjusted her glasses and asked, "Mister Amoris, may I know which faction you belong to?"

For a moment, I didn't understand what she was getting at, but then it suddenly clicked. Before I could respond, I looked at Kaori. Sona noticed my gesture and said, "You don't need to worry; Kaori is aware of the supernatural world."

I nodded in understanding. I knew Akeno wasn't going to keep quiet about me since anyone would choose their best friend over a stranger. And in her case, she's a devil who can't lie to her king.

It also made sense for Kaori to be familiar with the supernatural, considering Rias and Sona control the school from the background. Plus, with Kaori's father being the principal, it was only natural for her to know about these things too.

"I don't belong to any faction; I am a free man without any shackles," I said to Sona, staring into her eyes, which made her blush and look away.

"Well, if you're all done here, I'd like to take my leave now," I said, extending my hand to Sera. She took it and stood up.

All this time, Rias hadn't said a word, and I had also ignored her. I took one last look at Akeno—or rather, at the spirit clinging to her neck. The spirit noticed my gaze and, instead of being scared of someone stronger than it, waved at me.


"Um... Amoris-san, can I get your phone number?" Kaori asked bashfully.

"Huh?" I blurted out, sounding foolish.

Kaori panicked, thinking I had misunderstood her intentions, and quickly clarified. "No, no! I'm asking for your contact because my father wanted to thank you for saving me!"

"I understand... Here," I said, giving her my contact information. Then Sera spoke up.

"If you're leaving too, let's go together."

"Sure, why not," Akeno said, glaring at me. I couldn't understand what this masochist's problem was.

We all started walking together toward the entrance. When we got there, a shiny black car was waiting, and a blonde lady bodyguard stood by the door. She opened the back door for Kaori as soon as she saw her.

"If you don't mind, why don't I drop you all off at your homes?" Kaori asked Rias and her gang. I stayed a couple of steps behind with Sera, still feeling a bit uncomfortable getting too familiar with strangers. Even though I know them from the anime it is entirely different matter when they are real and breathing people just like any normal human.

"There's no need to trouble yourself, Kaori. You know we can fly faster than a car. Besides, your father will worry if you're late," Sona politely declined, explaining her reasoning.

"Yeah, Sona's right," Rias said, speaking for the first time since introducing herself inside the restaurant.

"Well then, good night, everyone," Kaori said, getting into the car and driving away.

Seeing an opportunity, I said, "I'll take my leave now as well. It was a pleasure meeting you all." I held Sera's hand and was about to leave, but she snapped her fingers, and we started rising into the air.

Below, Rias and her gang watched us curiously. In this DxD universe, devils fly using their wings, and only a few can fly using magic. It requires precise control over mana, and even a small mistake can be fatal.

Just as we were about to fly away Sona spoke taking out a paper with magic circle drawn on it.

"Wait a minute mister Amoris, Maybe you know or don't know but this Kuho town is devil's territory and here Rias Gremory and I are the manager of this territory and any supernatural who have a business here should have permission from us to live in this town." She said with a serious tone realising her mana a little in the air trying to inmitdate me.

" Ha- so what are you getting at.?" I asked with a little irritation in my voice, sera who was beside me was just enjoying it like some kind of drama. 'Today I am seriously going to make her pay for this'

Hearing my reply the whole air became tension just as Sona was reply once more Rias let loose her mana and looked at me with a killing intent and said in a ordering tone.


"As overseers of Kuoh, it is our responsibility to keep normal people away from supernatural beings. Therefore, you must get permission from us to stay here," Rias said, her eyes filled with arrogance. When I watched the anime, Rias didn't seem this unpleasant, but reality is a different story.

I know anime and reality are completely different, but still, unlike Sona and the rest of the gang, Rias seemed to have an inflated sense of self-worth.

I definitely had a crush on her before, but seeing her like this, she just comes off as incredibly conceited. Fortunately, Akeno, Koneko, Tsubaki, and Sona are sensible and think like civilized people, unlike Rias, who seems to believe the world revolves around her.

"So, you're saying I should take permission from you to live in my own home, huh?" I said coldly, landing softly with a *tap* while Sera floated higher, enjoying the drama.

"Mister Amoris, we're not asking you to take permission to live in your own home, but you must understand that we can't let any supernatural beings roam freely in Kuoh. It might cause a disaster for humans, like stray devils and fallen angels targeting human lives. We just want to get to know you better for the future," Sona said, smoothing over Rias's blunder, seemingly realizing that I wasn't an ordinary supernatural being since I didn't even flinch at their killing intent.

Even in the anime, it was shown that Sona had a good head on her shoulders, much better than Rias. The only advantage Rias has over Sona is her body, and nothing else.

Some simps might be willing to do anything to get close to her, but I already have Sera, and there are billions of people in the world. There are many like Rias. Just because I look calm and peaceful doesn't mean I'm afraid of them or seeking their favor. Now, I'm not going to that academy, and I don't need a degree anyway.

"Miss Sitri, know that I am not someone who likes chaos or fighting. I prefer peace. But if someone interferes in my life without my will, know that I don't mind showing them their rightful place," I said, glancing at Rias, who raised an eyebrow, still radiating killing intent. I looked into her eyes, which made her retract her aura, and her face flushed for some reason before she looked away.

"Ara~Ara~," Akeno chuckled beside her, while Koneko was eating sweets, paying no attention to her surroundings.

"And it seems like you're still naive to think you can govern a town like Kuoh, where there are hundreds of supernatural beings powerful enough to kill you in seconds. I wonder who was foolish enough to give you permission to rule this territory with that lousy attitude of yours."

"A ruler isn't just a position; it's a responsibility, and you utterly lack the qualities of a ruler. You're all weak as hell," I said dramatically, spreading my arms.

It seemed like Rias was about to blow up, and Sona was barely holding her anger, with their peerage ready to attack at any moment.

But do I care about them? Hell no! They are so weak that a single Goblin General from that forest could wipe out the whole Rias peerage, while Sona might last a bit longer because of her tactics.

"Mister Amoris, you're going too far with your rudeness. You don't know us, so how can you mock us?" Sona said, her face red with anger, while Rias was glaring at me. "Don't look at me like that, you'll fall in love," I thought, amused.

[Hahahaha, what the hell is wrong with these chicks' brains? Hahahah!]

Sera was laughing like a madwoman.

"You know, you're naive to think that in a battlefield, you'll get a chance to know your enemy and then have time to prepare a counter-strategy. In a battlefield, a single millisecond can be fatal, and you should be able to assess the power gap between you and your enemy with a single glance," I lectured them, knowing they probably believed I was weaker than them. They were still unaware of Night, who was making footholds in the air with wind magic.

Listening to my words, Sona calmed down a bit, but Rias was still fuming and shouted, "Who do you think you are? I am Rias Gremory, the heir of the Gremory family and the sister of the current strongest Lucifer in the underworld. You're arrogant to think you can get away after mocking the two heirs of the underworld," she said, releasing her destruction mana into the surroundings.

"Pffff~ Ahhaa~Ah~Hahahahaa," I couldn't hold back my laughter after listening to her words, and even Sera laughed loudly, which embarrassed Rias even more.

"Rias Gremory, tell me, who are you? Enlighten this foolish one."

"Hmph.. I am the Heir of Gr -!"

"That is your position in the house of Gremory. I asked, who are you?"

"I am the sister of the strongest Maou in the underworld."

"I didn't ask about your relationships. I asked, who are you?" I said, irritated that she was missing the point.

"I already gave you the answer, but you keep asking the same question over and over again," she said, clearly frustrated.

"Enough!" Sona interjected, stepping forward. "Mister Amoris, I understand your frustration, but we need to keep order in Kuoh. Please, take this teleportation magic circle paper and meet with us at a later time. We need to ensure mutual understanding and cooperation." She handed me the paper, her tone firm yet conciliatory.

I took the paper, my expression softening slightly. "Very well, Miss Sitri. I accept your invitation," I said, glancing playfully at Rias. "Night," I called.

From above, Night, my faithful companion, descended gracefully. His presence alone was enough to make the devils tremble. Even as a hatchling, Night's power was overwhelming. He landed with a thud, his black fur shimmering with a silver hue, creating an awe-inspiring image. His killing intent filled the air, causing the devils to gasp for breath and their legs to shake.

Night's eyes glowed menacingly, and the sheer force of his presence made it clear that he wouldn't tolerate anyone mocking or looking down on his father and master.

"Remember this feeling," I said, my voice cold. "Next time, be more respectful."

With a snap of my fingers, Sera and I vanished into thin air, leaving the devils to collapse to the ground, their knees giving out from the sheer pressure they had just endured.

As they struggled to catch their breath, the weight of what had just happened settled in. They had underestimated me, and now they knew the consequences of such folly.


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