
Adventure starting from the World of cheat musou.

A slave worker salary man died because of a milf. yes, the milfs to whom he had dedicated his right hand to after he got the taste of Reality and then indulge in to fantasy. if you understand the word H TV or something on the Moogel.com. He meet the god who said that the milf was supposed to die but she used him as a meat shield and he died in her place and as a apology he is able have some of his wishes fullfilled. And the MC made the wish or his fantasy that he always dreamt of. And god granted it easily. God " Tch..At least wipe the drool of your mouth." But after training in some dimension his goals changed he no longer wanted anything other than piece full life. Is it possible for a protagonist to have a peaceful full life? HELL NOO!! but-but the twist was that the god did fulfilled his wishes but in a way that made the MC work for the god and complete some important errands, in gods term but in human terms he died for umpteen times, he lost the count of his hellish death and pain. Then finally he completed the task of god still thinking it as a training for him for his future but it also had a consiquenses he gradually lost some of his emotions and desires along the way. Then how was he dragged into the madness of Animeverse. Read how his normal yet not so normal journey unfolds with some cliche moments unlike anything he had experience. --------------------- Hello folks, this my first time writing some things other than in exam paper so beautiful people's be kind to the newbie in house, give lots of comment be it blessings or cursing and let your ideas flow as for what you except the story to deliver. English is not my first language but even so, i had tried my best so the grammar area are pretty good so enjoy and don't mind small hiccups here and there. -------------- Last but not the least I don't own any of the worlds or characters other than My OCs, so the entire creadit of world building goes to the original author.

Doremon_Sensei · Fantasy
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36 Chs

chapter : 18

A/N :- If your reading this then I hope you can point out the mistakes I made.

If you comment than I can know that what you expect from my story, and I can improve more being a newbie.

Anyways Enjoy the chapter.


[ 3rd person POV ]

The Underworld, also known as the Netherworld, is a prominent and important location in the Draconic Deus, and the home of the Devils and Fallen Angels, and by extension the Gods of Hell.

The Underworld is roughly the same size as the human world, but with a much larger landmass, as there are no oceans, just lakes. The sky was originally purple during both the day and night, but the current Four Great Satans adjusted the flow of time to match it in the human world for the sake of the reincarnated Devils. They reproduced an artificial moon using demonic power and made the night's darkness the same as the human world.

The Underworld is split into two regions: the Devils' Region and the Fallen Angels' Region. Neither side wants to associate with the other very much, and they are always ready to cut each other's throats.

There were originally 72 pillars of the pure-blooded devil families that ruled over the Underworld, but after the Great War, their number was reduced considerably. The time of the Great War is such a painful memory that no one wants to remember it today.

That war destroyed many homes, claimed countless lives, and brought innocent devils and other species to the brink of extinction. Hence, the devil who played a crucial role in ending that Great War was given the title of Lucifer.

Sirzechs is his name. He is known as a siscon among his close friends and family because of his deep love and overprotectiveness for his younger sister, Rias Gremory.

The ace of the Anti-Satan faction, he was feared by devils, fallen angels, and angels alike due to his power of destruction showcased during the Civil War, which could disintegrate any object or being with just a touch.

For his immense power and character, he was given the title of the Strongest. Yet, this Lucifer now finds himself in a dilemma.

It's not that he is so weak that he can't do anything, but in this situation, using force would affect the entire Underworld.

Currently, that very Lucifer is sitting in his office. The entire room is dark except for the light streaming in from the window.

"Haa... How ironic that the strongest Lucifer, feared by everyone for his unimaginable power, is so powerless that he can't even protect his beloved sister's happiness... hahaha." He smiled a self-deprecating smile.



Lost in his thoughts, he was jolted back to reality by a knock at the door. He straightened his appearance and, in a deep voice, said, "Come in."


The door opened, and a stunning woman entered, dressed in a western-style maid outfit. Her hair shone like silver, and her red eyes glowed peculiarly in the dim room.

She approached Sirzechs' desk and spoke. "My lord, as per your instructions, I have informed her about postponing the wedding date and also mentioned that Riser Phoenix is scheduled to meet her in a week." Her tone was formal and cold, without any hesitation. Hearing this, Sirzechs let out several sighs.

"So what was her reaction, Grayfia? Did she say anything?" Sirzechs asked, massaging his temples.

"She was depressed and disappointed in her father for trying to ruin her life," Grayfia replied in the same cold tone, but if you knew her well, you could sense the irritation and frustration hidden in her voice.

"Haa... I am sorry, Rias. Your brother is powerless right now. I hope some miracle will happen... Hmm, Grayfia, is there anything more you want to report?" He asked solemnly, tapping the armrest of his chair with his fingers.

"There isn't anything urgent, but there is this individual I perceived while monitoring Rias. Though I couldn't accurately gauge his power, I can confidently say he is not any weaker than you."

Hearing this, Sirzechs was taken aback. He was known as the strongest for a reason, and aside from the gods, there was no one who could match his power. However, he had no reason to doubt Grayfia, for she was his Queen and utterly loyal. This mysterious individual stirred many thoughts in Sirzechs' mind, and just as he was about to say something, Grayfia interrupted him.

"Do you think that we can us—"

"NO, you should stop that train of thought. Unfortunately, Rias already had a fallout with him." Grayfia informed him of the incident that transpired in front of the restaurant, and she could still feel the gaze of the woman hovering in the sky, smiling and looking at her despite her using a concealment ability that could fool even gods.

"Ugh!? Rias, how the hell am I supposed to help you when you yourself are causing troubles left and right... Grayfia, can you think of any solution to this? My brain is not in the right condition to think right now." He grunted.

"Hmmm... Although I don't have a concrete idea, I think from now on, you should stop pampering Rias. This is the main cause of her spoiled nature. Fortunately, the little sister of Serafall-sama has a good head on her shoulders and invited him to a meeting for negotiating his stay in Kuoh." Taking a deep breath, she continued. "And I think you should meet him personally before reaching any conclusions."

Sirzechs thought for a while and stood up. With all other paths seemingly closed, he realized he needed to take a chance on this wildcard.

"Make preparations to go to Kuoh. This may be the last chance we can get." Saying so, he exited the room, and with a teleportation circle manifesting under Grayfia's feet, she also vanished, leaving the dark and silent room.


[ In Front of the Restaurant After Rudra Left ]

The atmosphere was tense. Everyone except Rias realized they had made a blunder by provoking an unknown man they only knew from Kaori and Akeno's stories. They knew that the man was powerful enough to easily defeat warriors of Akeno's caliber, so they thought they could handle him. However, they now understood how wrong they were.

Sona was the first to compose herself and address the group. "We made a blunder. We need to discuss how we can apologize for our mistake." With that, Sona prepared a teleportation circle and transported everyone away, but not before erasing the memories of the normal people around.

No one objected to Sona's words. Some might think that it was just a minor argument and wonder why there was so much concern, but the more perceptive individuals understood the gravity of the situation.

Provoking someone without reason is never right, especially someone who hadn't harmed them. Akeno's story had already shown that the man had accidentally entered her home and, rather than causing trouble, had apologized and even given a gift as a token of his remorse—a gesture that could have been seen as romantic under different circumstances.

And Akeno panting heavily while something being wet was a totally different matter.

*Ahem* Anyway, it all started this morning...


[ Flashback ]

**Early Morning (Occult Research Club Room)**

Kuoh Academy, previously known as Ousei Academy

In the Occult Research Club (ORC) room, three people sat on the sofa in the center of the room.

One of them was a red-haired girl with a devilishly beautiful face, blue eyes, and a voluptuous body—Rias Gremory. Beside her sat a natural beauty with violet eyes that showed mischievousness and black hair tied in a ponytail that reached below her waist—Akeno Himejima. Her body, while still stunning, was less voluptuous than Rias's.

Opposite them sat a silver-haired woman in a maid costume, drinking tea calmly after dropping a bombshell that made Rias curse under her breath.

"Riser Phoenix will be visiting you in a week's time. You should be ready to receive him and also manage your peerage properly," Grayfia, the silver-haired woman, said.

"But how can Father and Brother approve of that? I am an adult and I can choose whoever I want to marry, and I already said that I don't want to marry that scum!" Rias shouted, clutching the armrest of the sofa tightly.

"Rias, you should know about the devils' rules and traditions very well. I am not going to explain it to you again. If you are that opposed to the marriage, then you should make an effort to win the Rating Game," Grayfia replied calmly. They proceeded to discuss the situation revolving around Rias and Riser's marriage. Grayfia explained how Sirzechs was powerless to interfere with family matters due to his position as a Maou, and how Rias's father was determined to fulfill his drunken promise to Lord Phoenix.

After Grayfia left, Sona Sitri and her queen, Tsubaki Shinra, came to the ORC room. Seeing Rias gazing out of the window, Sona inquired about the reason for her bad mood.

Rias explained her dilemma, and they brainstormed ways to annul the marriage. While listening to all of this, Akeno squirmed in her seat, which Tsubaki noticed. Concerned, she asked if Akeno was feeling unwell, although devils typically don't get sick.

"No... no, it's just that... ugh! Ano... Rias, I want to say something." Unable to hide the truth about Rudra anymore, even with his bribe, Akeno blurted out the events of the past morning and how he bypassed her barrier and defeated her in an instant.

Hearing Akeno's story, a mischievous idea sparked in Rias's mind. Smiling with renewed hope, she said, "We have to somehow bring him to our side. If he is truly as powerful as Akeno says, I can make him my servant, and we'll win the Rating Game." She then explained her plan in detail, though everyone but Rias had a similar thought:

'Why the hell would anybody stronger than you become your servant?'

They didn't voice this doubt, not wanting to burst her bubble. Perhaps, just maybe, she could seduce him into joining her peerage.

After discussing their strategy, they planned to eat out at a restaurant that night. Coincidentally, they met the daughter of the principal, Kaori, who was also good friends with Akeno and Tsubaki. She joined them and shared her own experience with the same man, adding more information to what Akeno had already provided.

Now, back in the present, with the gravity of their actions weighing heavily on them, they needed to figure out how to mend the situation. Sona, taking charge, hoped their forthcoming apology would be accepted and prevent any further conflict with Rudra.


The whole day, Rias was upset about her father's decision. Even after coming up with her plan, she felt off, which caused her to now want to slap her old self for digging her own grave.

She was so distracted that she didn't notice the inhuman level of beauty of the couple they were talking to. After learning that Rudra was living in the same town, she decided to corner him and as compensation, make him join her peerage—but it backfired.

She underestimated her opponent and acted like a cliché villain from some manga, while Rudra played the role of the hero who slapped the villain down.

Rias, being an otaku, couldn't help but connect the scene to a manga. She realized her mistake after witnessing the power of Rudra's pet.

The realization hit her hard, making her understand just how badly she had blundered.Determined to rectify her mistake, she convinced herself that she could seduce Rudra with her body if it came to that.

She had made a vow to only marry someone she loves, and she was willing to go to any lengths to make it possible.

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