
Advent of the SSS Infinite Returner

One day, enormous structures appeared in multiple places around the world and summoned monsters, causing the population to decline. Everything changed when the players arrived. People who awakened and gained the qualifications to climb the Dark Tower. These players acquire special skills upon their awakening. Our MC was one of those people and he awakened the SSS-grade skill 'Infinite Returner'

FlameDragonKing · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Episode 1 – Kim Jaehyuk (1)

"So this is the end, huh?"

Jaehyuk silently witnessed the destruction in his exhausted state. Ruined lands. Fallen corpses of brave warriors. Flames and smoke everywhere.

And then, there was the silence.

It was a situation that can only be described as the end of the road. Some would describe it as beautiful destruction while others will say it was the end of the current era.

It is very difficult to understand without context. So let's go back to the beginning of all stories.

In the year 2018, Enormous structures appeared in various parts of the world, including Seoul.

[Dark Tower]

That was what the people called the Tower. Jaehyuk couldn't remember the exact reasons, but he only know he skipped school that day.

The situation was something that has happened several times in a fantasy story so there wasn't much to explain.

The mission was unclear. There was no message that explained anything about the Tower. But the people began talking. Many speculations was formed but there was no right answer.

However, the way people viewed the Tower suddenly changed on that particular day. It was the day monsters arrived in the world and rampaged, killing around half of the world's population.

The people referred to that incident as the 'Great Calamity'.

However, that was not the end of Humanity. The Tower called upon the humans from below.

Players. People who received the Tower's message and earned the power and right to climb it. 'Climb the Dark Tower and become a God.'

Thousand of people accepted that message without a second thought. If they wanted to survive, then they needed power. And they can easily find that power in the Tower.

There was also many rewards for climbing the Tower of Imagery that attracted alot of people as well such as fame or fortune. It was said that if you perform well in the Tower, your name will be recorded in the 'Archive Records'.

Anyways, these people then received the power called the [System] that allowed them to earn items and skills just like a game to climb the Tower.

Jaehyuk was one of those people who awakened special abilities and entered the Tower. He couldn't remember his motives for entering the Tower at the beginning. However,

'Fame? Money? Women? I don't care for such things. They're completely irrelevant.'

He lived his life more differently from others. The problem surpassed his lack of communication skills. It was because of the skill he gained when he first awakened as a player.

"Status Window."

Upon muttering the command, a system interface appeared.

[Player Information]

Name: Kim Jae-hyuk

Age: 1000+

Divine Name: Black Mountain King

Attributes: Cold-Hearted, Perseverance

Skills: Infinite Returner, Heavenly Slaying Swordsmanship, Sword Aura (Ki), Giant Body Transformation, Shunkō, Iron Skin (Hierro), Heat Resistance, Cold Resistance...

[Skill: Infinite Returner]

Grade: SSS+

Description: Activates automatically upon death. Return to the moment when the skill was acquired. Only memories are preserved when returning. Abilities from previous turns are sealed.

Jaehyuk narrowed his eyes.

There was a grading system for items and skills of the Dark Tower from F grade to SSS grade. F grade being the lowest grade and SSS grade being the peak grade.

At first, he wondered why he received such a skill. Although it helped the user to return from certain death. Why did it send him back all the way to when he first acquired the skill.

It was only when he experienced the Tower did he understand the purpose of the skill. The difficulty level of the Tower was ridiculous.

If a game have several difficulty levels where the player can freely choose from, the difficulty of that Tower was automatically set on Hell Mode.

The Trials were almost impossible to complete, the monsters were very strong to the point that it reached a ridiculous level. Even goblins, who were known as mobs, could easily kill a grown human male without effort.

If a person entered with a weak mindset, they will be devoured before even passing the first floor of the Dark Tower. Back then, he had such a mindset and died pathetically on the first floor.

But that was not the end of his story. He was saved from certain death and returned to the past. Then he started to make preparations even since that moment. Dying and gaining experience then returning to the past.

It was a blessing yet at the same time – A terrible curse. Even so, he still valued the skill like a great treasure.

Becoming a ranker before reaching the 50th floor, killing multiple high level monsters, becoming a constellation, killing multiple gods from different nebulas and even otherworldly gods from different dimensions.

Because of this skill, he was able to accomplish things that were considered to be impossible. Although, he had to lose many important things in return.

'Was it worth it? All this pain and suffering – Just for what?'

Jaehyuk closed his eyes, recalling the distant memories. The painful memories from all his previous regressions started flooding in and his expression crumbled. But that was only for a moment before he returned to his usual stoic expression.

He slowly raised his head and stared at the creature before him. A giant black creature that towered over him as if he was an ant. It was the boss monster of the 99th floor.

Void Dragon, Vilholin.

Jaehyuk applied strength to the hand holding the sword. It was an SS rank sword crafted from the Earth Dragon's Tooth.

The Void Dragon was the biggest obstacle in his path to the top floor. Needless to say, the dragon was a massive pain in the ass. It was just too strong. Nothing works against it.

Even the otherworldly gods that devoured countless worlds were not as strong as this dragon.

98 times. That was the total amount of times Jaehyuk died and regressed. He died 20 times during his journey and 78 times just against this damn stupid dragon.

Was the dragon placed here by the Tower to prevent players from reaching the last floor? Was this some sick joke?

A breath attack that absolutely destoryed everything and scales impenetrable by all attacks. How was anyone supposed to beat this monster?

However, his thoughts were cut short by the voice of the dragon.

[You Sunfish Bastard, have you finally run out of juice?]

Jaehyuk laughed.

"Me? No way! I'm just getting started.

A white aura arose from Jaehyuk body and exploded.


Jaehyuk leaped towards the Void Dragon's face, swinging down the sword engulfed with soul chasing sword Ki and the Void Dragon roared.

It was a simpe swing of the sword yet it had high destructive power.

'Heavenly Slaying Swordsmanship'.

It was a sword style taught to him by the Heavenly Slaying Saint. Its purpose was breaking heaven and destroying mountains.

He used the first technique — Dismantle.

There were seven forms of the Heavenly Slaying Swordsmanship yet his master only taught him the first technique. Compared to other players, he had to work twice as hard. He wasn't talented so he only learnt the first technique.

He slashed, slashed and slashed.

After slashing 50 million times, he was given the title 'Mad Slashing Demon' by the players.

After slashing 60 million times, he gained sword insight. At 70 million slashes, his spirit reached a new level.

At 80 slashes, he surpassed his master in basic techniques. At 90 million, he became the Sword Demon. Meaning, the sword finally became one with the body.

After slashing 100 million times, he had already slain countless constellations and made a name for himself as the 'Constellation Killer'.

Since the technique does not use mana, he could spam the move endlessly. And when he combines it with the [Sword Ki], it becomes powerful enough to rival the power of hidden skills.

However, it was completely worthless against the Void Dragon. Those hard scales were impossible to penetrate with a simple technique. The best it could do was leave a few scratches here and there.

Jaehyuk ground his teeth.

'I already know that the first slash is not enough and I can't use the other techniques because I'm low on mana.'

After mastering the first technique, he learnt the other six techniques of the Heavenly Slaying Swordsmanship. But the problem was that it required a large amount of mana to use.

The Void Dragon took a deep breath and released it, filling the entire area with flames. Instead of trying to dodge, Jaehyuk swung the Earth Dragon's Sword in an attempt to cut the flames.


Scorching waves of heat washed over Jaehyuk as he ground his teeth.

[SSS Infinite Darkness Coat is resisting the 'Flames of Destruction'.]

[Hierro is resisting the 'Flames of Destruction'.]

[Flame Demon's Bracelet is resisting the 'Flames of Destruction'.]

[Frost King's Armour is resisting the Flames of Destruction.]

[Resisting status effect : Burn.]

The combined effect of his defensive artifacts and his skills allowed Taehyuk to survive the flames and cut through.


Jaehyuk managed to cut a path through the flames for himself. Leaping high into the air, he entered Vilholin's field of vision and then...


... Drew a thin line on its right eye.


Vilholin screamed in agony.

Normally, such a thing wouldn't have been impossible. But because of his high stats and his use of the high movement technique 'Shunpo', he was able to inflict damage on the Void Dragon.


Blood spouted out from the wound on Vilholin's right eye.


Vilholin became enraged and the temperature of the surrounding started to increase in response to that anger.

[Sunfish Bastard.]

Black orbs of infernal flames manifested behind the Void Dragon. Those flames were definitely a threat.

'I can't let that hit me.'

Those orbs of black flames completely destoryed the entire squad of constellations that came with him to the 99th floor.

Boom, Boom—!

Black flames started raining down on the entire area of the 99th floor, incinerating the place.


Jaehyuk managed to dodge the flames using Shunkō. However, he didn't come out unscratched. His old wounds haven't healed yet and he was being inflicted with even more wounds.

At this rate,

'I won't last much longer.'

He clicked his tongue. He didn't want to die again after everything he had gone through. He would have to start all over from the beginning.

'No. Not this time.'

He would definitely survive. He began gathering his man by using the mana circulation technique he learnt from his mother. There was no need to preserve mana anymore.

At the same time, orbs of flames flew towards his direction.

Kwang— Kaboom—!

Multiple explosions erupted and dust rose from the ground. Jaehyuk leaped out from the dust cloud and unleashed the second technique of the Heavenly Slaying Swordsmanship.

'Single Thrust'.

The thrust of the sword crossed the air. It was not fast, yet it was not slow. But the thrust wasn't avoidable.


The Void Dragon roared in pain.

The chin of the Dragon God was torn by a single thrust.

"You... D... Dare..."

"Tch! How disappointing. I thought that strike would have blown away your chin."

"Foolish constellation, I will definitely kill you this time."

Multiple flames orbs manifested and shot towards Jaehyuk at frightening speed.

Jaehyuk evaded using 'Shunkō' and expanded his senses using 'Sensory Field'. Even then....

Boom! Boom! KABOOM—!

It was still difficult to evade the flames without damage. Jaehyuk barely managed to evade even one of those explosions without getting burnt.

In the next moment, Jaehyuk turned his head and opened his eyes very wide. The Void Dragon took a deep breath and unleashed the [Black Flames of Annihilation].

The Jaws of the Void Dragon was already healed. Was this the aim of the previous attacks? To cause a distraction while it healed.


Jaehyuk realised his mistake.

There was no way he would be able to dodge on time even if he used the Shunpo technique. He quickly activated all his defence skills.

[Skill 'Giant Body Transformation' has activated.]

[Skill 'Hierro' has activated.]

[Gigantification will occur.]

[Your body defence has increased.]

His body was filled with the power of a Giant and the skin was hardened using Hierro. The breath of Annihilation washed over him in an instant.

[Frost King's Armour is resisting the Flames of Annihilation.]

['Hierro' is resisting the Flames of Annihilation.]

[SSS-Infinite Darkness Coat is resisting the Flames of Annihilation.]

['Flame Demon's Bracelet' is resisting the Flames of Annihilation.]

Multiple artifacts activated and started working on overdrive to resist the Flames of Death. However, that all changed in a few moments.

[Heat Resistance has failed to resist the Flames of Annihilation.]

[Frost King's Armour has failed to resist the Flames of Annihilation.]

[SSS-Infinite Darkness Coat has failed to resist the Flames of Annihilation.]

[Hierro has failed to resist the Flames of Annihilation.]

[Flame King Bracelet has failed to resist the Flames of Annihilation.]

[You are now affected by the status effect : Burn.]

[Status effect: Burn increased to level 2.]

[Status effect: Burn increased to level 3.]

[Status effect: Burn increased to level 4.]

[Warning ⚠️ Your existence is at risk of Destruction.]

"Ahhh! Damnit!"

The countermeasures he prepared against those Black Flames of Annihilation were still being burnt. That was the power of the Void Dragon of the 99th floor. However...

[Attribute 'Perseverance' is taking effect.]

[Your body defence has rapidly increased.]

[Your Flame Resistance is increasing.]

[Your Flame Resistance has reached SSS rank.]

[Your Flame Resistance has nullified the status effect: Burn]

Jaehyuk successfully managed to survive the Breath of Annihilation because of his attribute. The Void Dragon looked at him with a shocked expression.

[You survived my Flames of Annihilation, huh? Tck! How annoying. Are you some kind of cockroach?]

"Haha! It's not a big story. Believe it or not, I am a very stubborn bastard. But I will be killing you now."

[Hmph. Are you sure you should be talking big considering your pathetic condition?]

What the dragon said was true. Even though he managed to survive the Breath of Annihilation, he was now in a crucial condition. Even so,

"Could say the same to you. Even the scales you are so proud of... are starting to have cracks."

[... ]

Crack— Scatter—

Cracks started spreading across the Void Dragon's Scales. Seeing the shocked expression of the Void Dragon, Jaehyuk laughed.

"Why do you look so shocked? Did you think I was just attacking you randomly? Or have you forgotten who your opponent is? After all, you are facing the Constellation Killer."

[How arrogant. It seems it's time we finally put an end to this.]

"Hahahahahaha! That's right. I guess you are right!"

Jaehyuk started charging his final attack and the Void Dragon was charging a dark breath. The fight was reaching its conclusion.

... I will end it all with this one strike.

There was no need for something complex or something flashy.

Jaehyuk used all his power to charge a simple technique.

Heavenly Slaying Swordsmanship Seventh Form— Extinction Sword.

A sword that absolutely cuts everything in existence. It was final technique of the Heavenly Slaying Swordsmanship.

Jaehyuk unleashed the [Extinction Sword] and the Void Dragon unleashed the [Breath of Destruction]

A slash cuts through everything and a breath that destroys everything. Which one was superior?

Both attacks crashed and a grand explosion erupted, swallowing both the Void Dragon and Jaehyuk.