
Advent of the SSS Infinite Returner

One day, enormous structures appeared in multiple places around the world and summoned monsters, causing the population to decline. Everything changed when the players arrived. People who awakened and gained the qualifications to climb the Dark Tower. These players acquire special skills upon their awakening. Our MC was one of those people and he awakened the SSS-grade skill 'Infinite Returner'

FlameDragonKing · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Episode 1 – Kim Jaehyuk (2)

"Hah... Hah... Hah..."

Jaehyuk opened his eyes and at the same time made a rough gasp. In such a situation, he realised he was staring at the ceiling of a familiar room. It was the room he hasn't seen for five years.

"... I returned... once again."

He returned back to the past. To the beginning of all stories.

Most people would have been shocked but Taehyuk just wore a dark expression. After all, this was something that had already happened before.

"How many times now? 99 times? Void Dragon — that bloody bastard!"

Jaehyuk could not understand. Why did he lose? Was his stats lacking? What about his Hierro? His weapons? No, something is not right.

... The Earth Dragon's Sword is made of the tooth of the Earth Dragon I killed on the 85th floor. The tooth of a dragon should affect another dragon, Yes? So why? Is the Void Dragon that powerful?

The power gap between the Void Dragon of the 99th and the monsters on the other floors was nothing but ridiculous. Not even the most powerful Noble Phantasm could pierce its skins.

The Gods of the Heavenly Realm, the Otherworldly gods and the Four Legendary Beasts. He was sure even if they all teamed up, they will still lose against the Void Dragon.

The opponent was just that strong. Too strong. Was that the reason why the Gods didn't attempt to advance to the 99th floor?

"You can try but only death awaits you on the 98th floor."

Remembering those words from back then, Jaehyuk ground his teeth and clenched his fists.

He regressed that many times yet he still failed to defeat a single opponent. To a regressor, this was nothing but embarrassing.

Imagine regressing over 78 times just to lose to the same opponent again. Anyone will be pissed too.

... Let's calm down now.

Jaehyuk took a deep breath and headed to the bathroom to wash his face. After washing his face, he looked at the mirror.

A face he hadn't seen for a very long time. Jet black hair, dark eyes and a lean figure. His hair reached past his neck and he was around 182 centimetres tall.

When Jaehyuk saw his own reflection, he released a sigh.

Since he returned to the past, it was natural he would lose all his stats and skills. Meaning, the powers that strengthened his body was now gone along with his divinity.

... Thinking of which, the message should be appearing anytime now.

Literally in the next moment, a screen interface suddenly appeared.

[Congratulations, you have received the right to climb the Dark Tower and become a God.]

[Random attitudes and skills will be assigned.]

[You have gained access to the Status Window.]

"Status window."

Upon command, a mini screen appeared before his retina.

[Player Information]

[Name: Kim Jaehyuk]

[Divine Name: *Sealed*]

[Age: 20]

[Attributes: Cold-Hearted, Perseverance]

[Skills: Returner Clockwatch]

[Strength: 1]

[Agility: 1]

[Physique: 1]

[Magic Power: 1]

Such pathetic numbers. Jaehyuk felt depressed upon seeing his stats and his list of skills that has been reduced. Even his divine status was sealed.

It was a shame. If only he could return to the past with the powers he possessed from the previous turns, he would have already conquered the Dark Tower.

He had to start all over from the beginning once again. It was beyond annoying especially when he was this close to reaching the 100th floor.

... Well, this is how my skill works. I can't do anything about it.

Jaehyuk sighed.

Once a person awakens as a player of the Dark Tower, they receive a random attribute and skill. For him, he received the SSS skill Returner's Clockwatch when he awakened.

It returns the player to the past upon death. For Jaehyuk, the skill returns him moments before he got the skill when he died. It was a pretty useful skill that allowed the user to gather experience.

With this skill, even the weakest fighter could become a veteran fighter. Although its only downside was that he doesn't return with his abilities in his previous regressions.

Everything had to be fair, right? If such a thing was allowed, it will completely destory the entire ecosystem of the Tower.

... I always wonder about the effects of the Returner's Clockwatch.

According to what one of his companions explained at the time, there were an infinite amount of worlds. Each of them having their own timelines.

Now there was a big question. Does the timeline resets everytime he returns or is a new timeline formed whenever he returns? It was a question that Jaehyuk haven't been able to answer.

Speaking of which, there was something in his status window that caught his attention.

... Looks like I got this attribute again.

Jaehyuk took a look at his attributes information.

[Attribute: Cold-Hearted]

Description: Ability to maintain rationality in any situation. Provides complete immunity against mind control and curses.

[Attribute: Perseverance]

Description: Ability to push through any situation despite difficulty. Provides additional defence and attack power when in critical condition.

Two attributes? Originally when he first awakened, he only possessed the Cold-Hearted attribute. But somewhere down the road, he got the Perseverance and even since then, he always returned with that attribute.

... I guess it makes sense.

The effects of his SSS skill did not allow him to regress back in time with his previous attributes. But it never said anything about his attributes.

More importantly,

"What's today's date?"

Jaehyuk pulled out his smartphone from his pocket and checked the time.

December 21st, 2018.

Once he saw the time, Jaehyuk smiled. It was the same as last time. That's good. It wasn't alot of time but he could work with this.

"On December 25th, the tutorial will begin. I have only four days to prepare."

When the tutorial will begin, the monsters from the Dark Tower will invade Earth and cause destruction. In truth, it was a test for the players to prepare then for the Tower.

Even then, many people will die. However, that was not his concern.

"I guess I will be busy starting today."

There was so much to do yet so little time. But first, he had to make a stop at that 'place'.

* * *

Four days later.

"There's alot of people here."

Dressed in all black, Jaehyuk found himself in the busy streets of Songpa-gu. Because it was December 25th, Songpa-gu was crowded with people who wanted to enjoy the holiday.

He checked the time on his electronic wristwatch.

[ 11 : 55 : 01 ]

"5 minutes left, huh?"

Look at how this people were smiling and going about their day. They seriously did not know what was about to unfold.

Maybe if they knew about the future, they would treasure this five minutes they had left.

Jaehyuk closed his eyes and recalled the events of the past. Moans and screams of the fleeing people, monsters feasting on the people, a lost child crying in the background.

It was a scene that has already happene over and over. 99 times, to be exact. Maybe he could have prevented those deaths if he reported what he knew. But,

... Useless.

Even if he reported what he knew, he doubted anyone will believe him. Since the Tower suddenly appeared, there was no information about it. He would have been seen as a crazy person.

In the end, this people had to die. It was simply their fate.

"Hey, Kim Jaehyuk."

Jaehyuk turned his head and saw some people approaching. A total of six people. But the one that stood out was the man in the middle.

A well-toned physique, short hair and an attempt at making a scary expression. He has the typical rough appearance of a delinquent. But,

... Who is this? Do I know him?

Since he kept most of his time in the Tower, it was very difficult to remember faces on Earth. But seeing as these guys knew his name, then they must have some kind of relationship.

"What are you doing here? Are you waiting for someone? A girl perhaps? Well, seeing how you're dressed, then I guess that's the case."

"Sorry, but who are you again?"


The man looked visibly confused. Then he opened his mouth with a slight annoyed tone.

"Hey now, don't pretend like you don't know me."

"I know you? Sorry, I really can't remember."

"Does he really not remember?"

"Hey Baekwan, did you hit him very hard in the head?"

"Haha! Baekwan, look at what you've done. The poor bastard has memory loss now."

The six men began to laugh including the middle man. Jaehyuk wasn't bothered by their laughter. Instead someelse caught his attention.

... Baekwan? I see now.

It was a name he had forgotten a long time ago but hearing it again, helped him remember.

Kang Beakwan.

That was the name of the person standing before him. He attended the same college as he did but he was a grade above him. He was known for being a garbage human being in the physical education department.

... I now remember why I skipped school.

He could remember it vaguely. He skipped school because Kang Beakwan beat him up to the point he had to be hospitalized. Now he has come here to make trouble as well.

... I can't believe I was bullied around by this piece of trash.

Jaehyuk sighed. He was really pathetic during his college days.

"So you're Baekwan? I finally remember now."

"Haha! Is that so?"

"Yes, but do you think should be wasting your time like this?"


"You only have three minutes left. If I were you, I would cherish this last few minutes greatly before it disappears."

"What the hell are you saying, you bastard! Did you lose your mind or something? Spouting out bullshit like this."

Baekwan became enraged and shouted. He must have thought he was being mocked.

The six surrounded Jaehyuk, closing all escaped routes.

People started steering clear upon sensing the tense atmosphere. It seems a fight was going to break out.

"It seems I was too related with you. This time, I'm going to beat you up so bad that you're not going to walk for a week."

Baekwan cracked his knuckles and spoke confidently upon having the number advantage.

However, Jaehyuk ignored him and checked the time on his wristwatch.

... Only two minutes left.

Jaehyuk sighed. This people didn't know what they were doing. Picking a fight with him instead of enjoying the little time they have left.

He looked at the six people with a serious expression and his aura completely changed. It was so frightening that the six people subconsciously took two steps back.

"Well, I guess I will finish this in a second."

"Hey, what are you..."


Before Baekwan could complete his sentence, something flashed faster than he could blink.


The unconscious Baekwan fell helplessly on the floor. Then, the five underlings guarding his back followed next.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

"Hey, did you see that?"

"Why did they suddenly fall?"

"Forget that, should we call an ambulance?"

The people spectating the fight wore a confused expression. They didn't see anything yet those six fell on the floor as if they had been hit.

Meanwhile, Jaehyuk was looking at his fist with a frown and muttered to himself.

"Three seconds? I thought I could finish it in one second. I guess this is the limit of this body."

He already knew he was far weaker than his previous self yet he still had high expectations since he has been training intensely for four days without rest. However, that could only take him so far.

He looked around and noticed a crowd had formed. Did they gather because of the fight?

Wait, could he call that one-sided beating a fight? Either way, it was bothersome.

Jaehyuk looked at his wristwatch one last time before throwing it away. Next, he unsheathed the Hwando that was hanging on his waist.

Some people were frightened by the sword and ran away. Some recorded him on their smartphones while some even called the cops but Jaehyuk ignored all of them.

"Five seconds. There's not alot of time now."

He began to silently count down inside his head despite the commotion.

... Five, four, three, two, one.

It was then the earth below began to shake. The noisy people became even louder. They must have thought an earthquake was occuring.

Jaehyuk slowly opened his eyes. "It's time."

The landscape began to change. Then a message rang in his ears.

[287 world has been chosen to participate in the Dark Tower.]

[Preparing Scenario...]

[The Earth is being filled with Dark Ether.]

[The demonic people are rising.]


Crack! Kkk—

The ground split open and hideous creatures climbed out of the earth one by one.


The colour of the sky turned pitch-black in an instant. A dangerous storm was approaching. A storm that would cause the destruction of the world.

[The Tutorial will begin!]