
addicted to love

In August, freshmen entered the campus, a dance video quickly caught fire throughout the campus forum of Beijing University - the girl's hair is like a waterfall, a white dress standing on the ground, water sleeves dancing, shuffling, dancing light like a butterfly whirling, beautiful not like a real person. Not surprisingly, the title of school flower fell on the head of the Fu kite. But soon someone broke down to post: the school flower is an ice mountain beauty, in the end who can enter her eyes? ! Everyone invariably use the word "building to draw" to build buildings. - Lou Yu, the famous man of Beijing University, he was born dazzling, handsome enough, and the prince of the top family, no matter where is the existence of all eyes. But its character is cold and dispassionate, clear of heart, and because of this, some people argue under the post: How can ice and snow rub sparks? Later, no one knows that the love of two people is destined to go to the end. However, no one expected, love less than a year, Fu Kite broke up. After many years of reunion looked at the woman calmly walked by him, like strangers, Lou Yu tried to suppress violent emotions. Until that -- "You've got the wrong person." .. The voice is piercing straight through the heart. The calm moment that the man has disguised for many years falls apart. He suddenly pushes the woman against the wall and asks in a trembling voice: "Volkite." "Are you kidding me?" - Love with the wind, Kite kite, play with you, come back to me.

Daoist7XsYDz · สมัยใหม่
39 Chs

The work of a big man

[School flower that level of big beauty take the initiative to come up to you can you refuse, the big guy before not talk, it is estimated that did not meet the school flower so energetic ha ha ha.]


[Rely on the service, the comment area put a little respect, inexplicably taken photos on the Internet to talk about, into their own feelings?]


Do not be afraid to be said ah, show hands.


The comment section continues to fervent, there are watching, there are speaking for the Fu Kite, there are gloating, and even photographed two people eating together tonight.


The photo was not typed, and once it was posted, the post once again caused a stir.


"Tut, this is not the real hammer, those small licking dogs who support the school flower hit the face?"


Speechless, two high appearance level Yan Ba stand together more eye candy, people can not be in a serious love? Sure enough, heart see what is dirty.


[Kiss the real hammer hammer, died early in the morning, how to eat a meal with the opposite sex, innocence is gone?]


I said upstairs don't lick too.....




Lou Yu learned the news, just out of the restaurant, ready to go to the lake with Fu Kite walk to eat.


Liang Ruibo made several phone calls were mercilessly hung up, when see the other party sent "don't bother, in the busy." These cold and full of impatient words, he "fuck" sound, quickly click the dialog box to type.


Here Fu Kite see Lou Yu take the trouble to hang up a phone, can not help but curious to ask: "you do not answer?"


"Crank calls, just ignore them."


The lake waves ripples, Lou Yu as if nothing happened should sound, finger abdomen pressed on the screen, is ready to do not disturb open, the status bar suddenly pop up a message -


"It's urgent. It's about you and the Volkite."


His eyes fell on the top, his expression suddenly serious, and Fu Yu said, went to the railing to return the phone.


Good coincidence, the mobile phone in the pocket of Fu Kite then buzzing up, is Jiang Wan Wan called, she looked at the back of Lou Yu, will pick up the phone.


"Kite, something's wrong!"


There came a voice panic eager, Fu kite take mobile phone action a meal, hurriedly asked her what happened.


"Someone posted anonymously on the forum, spreading rumors that you rejected so many boys before because you were in love with Lou Yu, and that you deliberately created a person to marry into a wealthy family!!"


"... What?"


Cling to Marry into a rich family? !


Fu Kite head "buzz" a sound, there is a moment of blank, slow down a few seconds to calm down, she only felt ridiculous.


"I'm sharing the link to the post with you."


Jiang Wan Wan said, cursed: "That stupid rumor dog did not write you and Lou Yu's name in the post, with what FL letter refers to, and the other side secretly took a picture of the two of you, although the Mosaic, but a bright eye will know who this is."


Fu Yin pursed his lips and lowered his eyes to browse the post.


In fact, there are many rational people, but some of the comments are really ugly, and the remarks are very ordinary, if she is not the party, I am afraid she would be confused.


The sky is completely dark down, the autumn wind with a chill blowing in the face, the girl holding the mobile phone standing in place, the body involuntarily some stiff.


Jiang Wan Wan was worried to death. She had never experienced such a thing before. For a time, she was in a bit of a panic and had no control over her voice.


"What should we do, Kite Kite, this matter cannot be left unchecked, or should we open another clarification post?"


The end of the phone also faintly mixed with Rong Qian and Yan Siyu angry voice, threatening to let them know who is spreading rumors, will cut each other apart.


Fu Kite moved to blink his eyes, comfort them don't worry.


She will not let some people unbridled to her rumors and slander, those who said foul language ID account one by one screenshots, she opened the address book, ready to contact the guide, and then the police.


'Good heavens!


Suddenly there was a cry of surprise on the phone, and Rong Qian quickly took Jiang's mobile phone and said loudly: "Yiyuan Yiyuan, you look at the post, just now it automatically refreshed, and all the anonymous accounts inside have now become real names!"


After hanging up the phone, Fu Yuan clicked into the post again.


Sure enough, the anonymous ID inside all became a detailed college + a level + student number name.


She looked at the poster's account and frowned: "Physical Education College Grade One, Grade Three Yang Shuo... ?"


The name was familiar, she carefully recalled it, and finally remembered that the person who harassed her near the playground at the end of the military training day seemed to be him.




After the ID changed to a real-name system, Fu Yan flipped through the comments section and found that most of the names displayed on the accounts that said that kind of nonsense were quite familiar to her.


I heard it when the defendant was white.


The mood can not be said to be complex, even always well bred Fu Kite can not help but want to scold.


Exiting the home page, she inadvertently noticed a newly opened post, which said that the rumor seemed to be locked, and now a comment in the comment area can not be deleted.


[ Hey, eat melon in real name, some people don't really think that the name of the prince of Beijing Circle is called in vain?


"Mom is so handsome! Is this the big guy's hand?"


[Yang Shuo I have an impression, the end of the day of military training fanatically Fu Kite blocked on the road, after being rejected also want to moral kidnapping, trying to let Fu Kite promise him, failed, and want to start beating people, and finally was Lou Yu to teach.]


[Really developed limbs simple mind (statement: only refers to Yang Shuo, did not look down on the meaning of sports students oh)]


Fu Kite looked at the comments, blank frown.


Lou Yu.....




Forum this thing is too sudden, let her almost forget there is such a person, Fu Kite quickly back, he just stood in the direction to look, I saw Lou Yu is coming towards her.


The emotion of the young eye surged, deliberately restrained from letting the Fu Kite find, "Sorry, some temporary things, let you wait for a long time....."


He paused as his eyes touched the familiar interface on his phone's screen.


After a moment's silence, he whispered, "You know everything?"


Fu Kite followed his line of sight to his mobile phone, nodding, "Well, all know."


She looked at him, pointed to his real name ID in the comments section, and asked hesitantly: "This..... Did you do this?"


"It's me."


Lou Yu from Liang Ruibo mouth learned that the forum after the first time to contact the post to black, find out who those people are, the following things naturally easy to do.


Originally he also wanted to send a post clarification, but in the editing of information and hesitated, clarify the post in advance is not in a hurry, should seek the consent of Fu Kite.


In fact, in the beginning there was a desire to hide.


Because girls are always emotional, in the face of those unfounded rumors, he does not know whether the Fu kite can bear it.