
Acquire Infinite Talents and Skills Through Seizing Bodies!

Dylan got transmigrated inside a popular game "MMORPG: Magic Art Online". A game where the strongest profession was mage. He discovered that he was just an NPC and he was actually in the game 10 years before the players would arrive! The game boasts multiple versions. The first version: Invasion of the Demons. The demons began to invade the kingdom of Azir under the orders of one of the Demon Lords. The players must stop the Demon Lord to proceed to the next version of the game! Dylan needs to become stronger as an NPC before the arrival of the players. Unlike the players, once he dies in the game, he dies forever! He needs strong enough strength to survive and help the players to stop the demon invasion. It's also an opportunity to level up! Dylan, with the help of Origin Skill "Split Soul" hopes to surpass the undying players and exploit the opportunities in the game with the help of his past life memories! Split Soul- Allows the MC to split his soul. The number depends on his level. Let the souls possess all types of creatures (monsters, humans, aliens, beasts, demons, any type of race, etc...), and when they die, the MC will inherit their entire lives worth of knowledge/memories, all their talents, skills, and experience for himself! Note: This book consists of level-up, fighting boss monsters, interacting with fellow NPCs and players, cheating, various professions, and mythical creatures like elves and dragons.

DaoistSeniorWhite · เกม
90 Chs

Successful Machination

Dylan, the mastermind of the destruction of the farm land calmly watched what transpired. He couldn't help but feel pity towards the leader of the guards. What a brave fellow! Such a mindset is rare nowadays. It couldn't be bought with money. Unfortunately, he was in the way of his interest. He could run away and he wouldn't order the Hobgoblin to chase him.

Silence him, you say?

No matter how he tries to hide it. Such a big movement is fairly easy to investigate. In the end, it would still point to the goblins causing trouble. What he didn't expect was there would still be eight hundred goblins that would remain. He expected them to get wiped out or at only less than a hundred left.

Who would expect that the leader of the guards would self-detonate himself? Although the explosion looked fierce and scary, it actually reduced the casualties on the goblin's side. One had to say that the leader of the guards only wanted to die bravely on the battlefield, fulfilling his last duty, and didn't really care how many goblins he would kill. It's also possible that due to the heat of the moment, he forgot to take this fact into consideration.

Of course, this was just Dylan's speculation. As for the guard's specific intentions. He didn't know.

Dylan couldn't help but release a sigh of melancholy. "The cycle of life and death continues. We will live, they will die."

"Still those fuckers that died on the Berserker's Deer are stupid. They even mistook him for a mutated Feifei Deer? What the fuck is even that?"

Curious, Dylan opened the mirror and searched for the so-called Feifei Deer. Then, it only took a few scrolls before he saw the results.

The image of the Feifei Deer turned out to be really similar to a Berserker Deer. The only difference was the ears were tucked behind their ears, the brownish fur and their antlers were a lot smaller.

Dylan pushed the thoughts behind his head. He has more important things to do. It was a game of patience. He only needed to wait and see now.

'I hope everything goes well, or the plan that I've concocted will go down the drain.'

Just like that, two weeks passed. As Dylan expected, the news about the destruction of Farm Land, the sole supplier of Tiger Grass was destroyed. This news caught everyone off guard. But what really made everyone taken aback was the fact that it was caused by a Goblin Horde!

Everyone began to speculate about the intentions of the goblins and the consequences of the destruction of the farmland. Some keen individuals began to show signs of a buying frenzy. They smell like a big business opportunity! But they also felt that there was a conspiracy behind it. No matter what, the allure of profit was ignited.

However, they found out that the only stocks of tiger grass in the Congyun Mirror and surrounding shops in the city were out of stock. Everyone knew that some people with keen business acumen were one step ahead of them but some suspicious individuals noticed the uncanny timing. Someone is plotting behind the scenes trying to manipulate the market!

Dylan waited for the news to ferment. For the warriors, the practical use of Tiger Grass was essential! It was used for wound healing and even an important auxiliary ingredient for a lot of potions.

Days passed, and the effect of the short supply of the Tiger Grass began to be felt. The prices from the initial 3 contribution points began to gradually go up. In just a few weeks, it reached an astonishing 10 contribution points per piece.

The supply couldn't meet the demand. This is the truth of the market. The price directly changes with the law of demand. With more demand, the prices go up. Of course, the less supply, the more demand goes up.

The less demand, the prices go down. Consequently, with an abundant supply, the demand goes down, and so is the price.

In the end, the warrior began to become restless. The value of the Tiger Grass rose due to the lack of supply. However, the price reached its peak, 60 contribution points per piece!

It alarmed a lot of merchants. A lot of warriors who suffered from minor to grievous injuries began to protest due to the lack of supply. It reached the point that they had the money but they couldn't even buy one!

"It's time..." Dylan saw the result and nodded with a faint smile. "Mirror, I want to sell all the Tiger Grasses in my hand."

From the initial 200 Tiger Grass on hand, Dylan gradually bought the stocks of Tiger Grasses in the past few weeks before the news of the destruction of the farmland even propagated. Now, he has a total of 1,320 in his hand.

Unfortunately, he couldn't afford all the stocks. He lacked contribution points to do so. He only managed to amass 1,320 after selling all the equipment that the Hobgoblin had given him monthly. As for those Tiger Grasses, he couldn't buy? He could only watch as other smart individuals buy them. But Dylan knew this couldn't be prevented. If only one person bought everything, the suspicion would fall on him easily.

He would be able to get quickly identified. Even though it's hard to connect him to the goblin horde or even believe that a person could control a Hobgoblin. He would stand out like a sore thumb. Yes, he disguised himself while buying the grasses but one still couldn't be too careful. There's no perfect crime as they say. More so, in this world with magic powers.

The others who bought the Tiger Grasses indirectly covered his tracks and prevented suspicion. Only the Congyun Mirror knew that he was the culprit due to the number of Grasses he would sell. However, he doesn't need to worry about that because there's no evidence. The mirror would only treat him as an opportunist with good foresight. Not to mention, what would they charge against him? Manipulation of the market? Or destroying the Farm which doesn't have evidence connecting him to the goblins?

[Are you sure you want to sell your 1,320 Tiger Grasses?]


[Transaction complete. You've received 79,200 contribution points!]

"HAHAHA!" Dylan let out a maddened laugh.