
A world where an otaku could

An original story inspired by the #system genre i love so much. the story is mostly about a young man who travels to another world. due to a split decision. Travel with him as he discovers how small he is in the grand scheme of things.

X3la_lord · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Drannors curse

    I got dressed, looking at my body mostly stripped of clothes, now with unfamiliar underwear. I figured I was changed or maybe it was something like in those anime where the hero uses a strong attack and the clothes are blown off. I put on the clothes laid out for me, my sword polished and next to me out of its sheath. And what looked like pears, in a basket. The doorway had curtains as a cover. "Status"

It appeared 

 Status Race human, Age 21

Hp 990/1000. Mp 850/850

, Magic affinity melded explosion magic-Infusion magic, Attributes Str-12 Dex-14 Con-16 Wis-11 Char-18 Ki-10


 Blasting cap Lv 8, Blast Shield Lv5. Water wave Lv6, Burning boom Lv 4, Beach travel lv 3, Forest travel Lv2, Climbing lv 3, Swordsmanship lv 8, Accuracy lv 4, Bug killing explosion lv8, Carving lv1, Reasoning Lv3, Lunar slash Lv?, Lunar time Lv?, Barrier breaker Lv1 Flirting lv1

    "Huh two are a mystery, I wonder if I used something I wasn't supposed to. Also who the hell did I flirt with." a notice showed up. "Open notice' 

 Title unlocked Forest splitter. Bonus 100% attacking wooden creatures or structures. 

    "Oh I got a title, man I really feel like I'm in an anime." I also noticed my body seems stronger, the fat on my body seemed like less, and my magic felt like more, " I wonder, show level and experience" then a new window popped up 

Taylor "Rouge" Rose. Lv 10, resident of Trees Cradle, 

"Wait, where is Trees Cradle, am I in it? Does that mean I live here now." I approached the doorway and stuck my head out and I locked eyes with a woman walking towards me. We stood still for a moment then she screamed, one of pure fear like she saw the devil. "Wait what's wrong, are you ok." I left the doorway and kneeled down. I reached out but she shifted back. "Wait, are you scared of me?" she shook her head quickly. I felt hurt, I didn't mean to scare the town, I am used to being liked. Maybe not always but working in retail for a while but I'm good with people. 

"Lady lili, are you okay!!!' the voice cuts off, a bulky man with green hair stared at me sword drawn. "La-lady lili, Please come over here, away from the swordsman." The woman lili walked away. I was still on the ground kneeling. Saddened that this woman i've never met before was scared so much she was pale like a ghost so i spoke up "Sorry I didn't mean to spook you, If you wouldn't mind may I talk to that old man I spoke to yesterday. With the grey beard I didn't get his name."

The man responded after a moment and his voice was stiff. "Elder Drannor, is currently in bed. The magic he used was too much for him so he is resting. I Ezekiel will help you. As the second in command of the guard I will help you with whatever you need." He hurried the women along and blocked the view. "You are my guest due to the fact we treat the injured, so please relax. Due to what you did our village is using a lot of resources, and you scared the ordinary citizens including my mo-.." he cleared his throat. "Lady lili."

Now I get why he is so on guard, the woman is his mother. I nodded then spoke "Well you see one problem is that i really don't like heights. And looking out the window I did not like it." I shrugged. I actually was losing my shit cause I really hated heights but I felt like it wasnt a good idea. "So by any chance I could get a room lower down or one without a window, I'd feel better."

"Well I don't have any lower rooms." He stood there for a moment, it was so silent you could hear Lilis' steps and she quickly walked away. "I know let's go talk to Elder Drannor, he is awake. Just resting, so let's descend, Teleport" Both  Ezekiel and I were on the ground. I had to sit down and the instant travel really messed up my sense of balance. "Sorry"

"Haha, to think the whole towns scared of you. And yet u cant even stand up after a shirt trip. God what will the guard think of you after i tell them about this?" He half laughed at me

This really began to bother me so I stood up. Although unstable I was able to walk well enough. "Let's go shall we, let's go visit the old man" I was gonna walk away but I used my arms to motion for him to move. 

We approached a stone house, which was a bit strange seeing as most of the houses were smaller and either made of wood on the ground or built into the trees. It was like how the village chiefs seemed to have bigger and better houses. On the doorway there were carvings which I could only compare to runes. That I had seen in the media. So I asked a question. "So this house is pretty sturdy, is it like the village chief's house or something?"

The man Ezikel answered "No this is just the elders home, to be honest one of the elders dislike heights similar to you. So maybe 40 years ago we built this place for the elders so they were always near the village center… And for it to be used as a shelter during times of war." Ezikel opened the door, inside the space was larger than the outside. I was shocked, but I've slowly become used to stuff like this. 

    I lay in bed, stiff and sore. I haven't been this tired in 100 years, I've lived a long life. I really should get that man to live here. I know the villagers will be safe with him living here. I sighed "But why didn't he warn me. I haven't been hit like that in so long, I hope that sweet child of Balder is a safe I used barriers to protect the others, But damn is that girl stuipid". A knock came from the door, so I replied "Come in".  And then Green hair pain walked in. I was preparing to hear his daily complaints about a certain girl. But his face was pale, he spoke up. "Sir Elder, the swordsman has come to vist to ask about living arrangements."

It was my time to shine, I was a bit excited to talk to the old man. But upon walking in and seeing him I froze. "Holy. Um. Are you ok?" He was missing an arm and his body was covered in bandages. "I'm sorry did I do this? If so I feel really bad I didn't mean to hurt you. I just tried something different". I bowed seeing as I felt that would be the best now and looked up. 

The old man Drannor was his name. Looked like a sweet grandfather, his smile without a hint of anger. "It's ok. You did warn me you didn't know what would happen." he motioned to Ezekiel. "Zeek, please bring a  chair in which I wish to discuss with this young man."  Few moments later, Ezekiel brought a chair, placed it down and placed a bowl of a foul smelling liquid next to the elders good arm. "So what did you want to talk about? Something about living location, or whatnot." 

"Yeah, ya see. I really don't like heights. And I was wondering if I could stay for the time being on ground level." I shrugged. "You don't have to let me live here, just a few days for me to rest. Then I can leave." Drannors face went pale. I hope he's ok. Then a flash went across his eyes and a hand was on my shoulder. I looked up and the woman with green eyes was behind me. "Oh hello there Mr. How  was your nap?"

I shriveled up Upon meeting her gaze. Her face was gentle, but her eyes scared me. I really felt fear, then the assistant spoke up. " notice danger senses high do not engage." No assistante I couldn't tell. She spoke again, "You're not leaving. You will be teaching our young ones how to infuse mana. And help fix the damages you did."

Yep, this is it, I'm going to die. Her hand on my arm was ticking my Hp down. At a pretty fast pace too, so I spoke up fast. "Ok, Ok just stop breaking my shoulder." Then she flashed that devil grin, and walked away. I took a deep breath. "Well I suppose. I will be living here for a while. I don't suppose we could get that house figured out." Drannors face showed fear fading as well. He also knew the true fear of that smile.