
A world where an otaku could

An original story inspired by the #system genre i love so much. the story is mostly about a young man who travels to another world. due to a split decision. Travel with him as he discovers how small he is in the grand scheme of things.

X3la_lord · Fantasy
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6 Chs

posted glory

I've started to get used to the village life. I mean i miss tv, and internet. However, I have discovered my love of telling storiesto thw children. Due to what I would call probation living situation. I spent alot of tume in the library, and the few youths liked my storys, (stolen) thought up by me. Durring that time I learned most people here. Have the ability to use magic, in general there were five types of magic: Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, and Enhance. The first four were simple, but Enhance was something out of a fighting anime. People could run at hyper speeds, Punch trees in half, and fight bears freely. On a side note im not very good at normal Enhancement magic. For my magic, Drannor and I figured It was Enhance, Fire, and Earth. See specialist magic like mine are made of pieces of the basic. Due to it being part Enhance it tended to become a wild bronco when used. But that didn't explain why I could infuse wind as well as water, but maybe it had something to do with the melded Part. 

Then One day that girl who I learned was Esta, came to bring me hunting with them and handed me a bow. I had mentioned once I knew how to use one but it wasn't good. So I practiced with the hunters for a day. My arms felt dead, after the day was over I visited Drannor. Lately he and I have been talking a lot. He showed me you could activate skills you've learned. Apparently by using what he called skill cards one could see the skills the world had granted them. 

Something similar to assistant, it didn't have all the functions but it was useful. I later checked my status later on. \

Status Race human, Age 21

Hp 1390/1900. Mp 1850/2000

, Magic affinity melded explosion magic-Infusion magic,

 Attributes Str-14 Dex-15 Con-16 Wis-11 Char-18 Ki-10


 Blasting cap Lv 21, Blast Shield Lv5. Water wave Lv6, Burning boom Lv 4, Wind barrier(bug killing/cooling),  Beach travel lv 3, Forest travel Lv15, Climbing lv 9, Swordsmanship lv 15, Archery Lv 4, Accuracy lv 7, Bug killing explosion lv8, Carving lv4, Reasoning Lv5, Lunar slash Lv?, Lunar time Lv?, Flirting lv2, Battle senses LV 1, Magic molding lv 3, Magic infusion lv8

I have become very fit over these few weeks. I'd say I was very well built. And my skills with a blade went from being a nobody to being able to keep up with seasoned hunters. And my control over the basic elements had increased greatly. I've also learned more about the ongoing Eziekel, which everyone calls Zeek and is hated by a number of people. But due to his skills and birth he was still welcomed. I didn't mind him. He reminded me of a friend of mine. 

"Hey Ezekiel I wanted to do some exploring and I know your off duty come on out and help me train. I wanted to try something, and I need some back-up." I yelled up seeing as I still couldn't stand after teleporting so I refused the spells always. He came down and spoke with that shit eating grin. "Why didn't you just teleport inside?" I used my skill, and hit him in the side making him double over. "You know why now let's go. Or should I take up the estas offer?" I also grinned, recently she offered to let me join her family as a branch head. Apparently she and her mother are the last two of the town's nobility, but the mother was ill and couldn't move. Stuck in a sleep and didn't age at all. 

We journey through the forest for a bit jumping from tree to tree running through the grass and brush. By infusing mana into my body and actively using the forest movement skill I moved like a monkey in the forest. After a few hours I began to tire so we rested. The morning sun was beginning to turn into a harsh light and we took refuge in the shade and drank tea. "Wow I would have never thought I could run like that through the woods. This mana thing is fun. I really miss my family though." I spoke truthfully only Ezikel and Drannor knew of my situation. Which is why I was welcomed so well. I don't know if it was pity or something else. 

"Yeah, Taylor you're improving well Humans usually don't have a large aptitude for magic, or active skills. It's usually magic races such as us Elves, Dwarves, and Demons. That can easily Use active skills. I mean it did take you a bit to learn how to use them. And you still have to say them outloud so maybe you aren't that talented." He grinned again, and stood up." So what's the plan today, what experiment are we doing?"

I spoke excitedly this time. "It's time for me to build my new powerful weapon. I'll take inspiration from my youth. The Blast core is a ball of condensed energy which is made of explosions, I've been practicing my control for this reason." And I began to condense the magic in my palm. A shimmer of light between my palms, then a spark and an explosion a distance away, gored the hill out. "Ok maybe it'll be harder than I thought." I checked my Mp again. I had only used a small amount, about 100 or so. "Activate skill Magic control" I formed the ball again with my hands. The orb formed better this time. The energy unstable, started to shake and I threw it. Again a scar on the land formed, bigger and deeper. This time my body felt weak. My Mp I checked again. And I was desperately low on mana. From the amount that I had grown exponentially, was down to the last few points. "Oh wow that took a lot more than I thought." I sat down and the sun beating down on me seemed to be getting lower now. I hadn't realized how much time had passed. " Hey Zeek, let's head back. But his face was pale. "What's wrong?"

"Do you not know what you just did?" He yelled and I flinched. "You just blew up a steel armadillo." I was confused until I thought about it. And I remembered that they were high tier monsters which were almost impossible to pierce. But I looked around and I didn't see a corpse.

"I don't see anything like that, and I didn't notice it." I pondered. "You're not joking are you."

Ezekiel spoke up in anger. "That's because all that's gone. You literally destroyed it. There is nothing left." He pointed out a shard of what looked like steel. "That's all that's left, you are banned from using that spell ever by the village." I was shocked he was so angry. But I could understand that I grabbed the large plate and started walking. Seeing as I barely had any mana left. And we returned to the village. 

When we returned I noticed the hunters seemed on edge then a thought occurred to me, so I called out to Esta. "Hey Esta, what's wrong?" she seemed startled. 

"Did you not see that huge explosion? You came fromm…...Did you make that explosion?`` The look on her face resembled that scary Elder. 

"Yes, today was test day and I was seeing what would happen with certain things."

"You. You. You." the anger turned to exhaustion. "Just next time tell me so I can warn people?" she spoke in a scolding tone. I sulked and walked to Drannors home, which had become mine as well.

I opened the door and walked inside and made my way to his study because I needed to learn more to use my spell safely. And I studied until dinner, I was always good at learning things I found cool. I didn't learn too many more things just increased my understanding about magic. I tried mini versions of the spell, and they worked nicely. Maybe it was just the amount of mana that made it unstable. Next time I tested, I would start with smaller versions. And work my way up. And bring a timer. Once again a strange feeling gripped my arm, and fear rose in my body and a familiar warning echoed in my ears. "Warning danger, do not engage."

"Hello Elder, How are you?" Still not letting go. "I'm sorry if I angered you. How can I help you."

The voice swapped with the hand giving me chills down my spine. "I would prefer you not use spells in the study. I know Drannor does but it's him and not you." I shook my head agreeing but I had to speak up. "Well I can't take these books out so use them and try to use the knowledge I was learning." she sighed. "Oh help me, you too are so similar."  

 Then I was allowed to take the books to the training area, and then return them. So that was nice, the next month or so I worked on my spell. Sword training, archery practice, and skill leveling, we defended the village from the occasional monster attacks. I had become a full fledged member of the village. I checked my stats like always, when I woke up.

Hp 1390/1900. Mp 1850/2000

, Magic affinity melded explosion magic-Infusion magic,

 Attributes Str-14 Dex-15 Con-16 Wis-11 Char-18 Ki-15


 Blasting Cap Lv 51, Blast Shield Lv15 Blast Core lv1. Water wave Lv6, Burning boom Lv 4, Wind Barrier(bug killing/cooling) Lv18,  Beach travel lv 3, Forest travel Lv15, Climbing lv 9, Swordsmanship lv 29, Archery Lv 10, Accuracy lv 15, Bug killing explosion lv8, Carving lv4, Reasoning Lv5, Lunar slash Lv?, Lunar time Lv?, Flirting lv3, Battle senses LV 8, Magic Molding lv 25, Magic infusion lv41 Explosion Lv14, 3D Movement Lv10, Shield Lv4

My skills began to increase, and more and more of them came to my ownership. And my ability to use them actively really helped. I've also unlocked three more titles. Guardian of the forest edge, which increased all stats when fighting in the forest. Explosive king, which tripled the effects of blast spells, and lowered their cost. And thirdly Helper of the weak, it just made my movement faster when helping others. I hadn't really seen any effects while having it equipped. So I kept Guardian of the Forest Edge. Because we were in the forest. Recently I was asking the Elders about skill levels and I learned something amazing. Those skills evolved and fused together. 

So that was my next quest, looking at my skills I decided that blasting cap would be the best to level up. It took three week of continuous usage to level it Lv 99. My level grew by 5 and my mp has tripled. "Ok Drannor, I can't seem to evolve this skill. It's at level 99, and my affinity for its usage has grown as well, so what do I do?". They didn't say anything and smiled. God do I hate that condescending smile. All they did was hand me a small bottle of liquid. "And this does what." I sniffed it, and almost fainted. It was the worst smell I had ever experienced. "No, I will not drink this." I tried to run but it was too late. My arms were bound, and my mouth was held open by these Old people, but they were stronger than me using all my mana. As they poured it I tried to scream. "Nooooooo". Then I fainted. 

It was days before the taste left my mouth. "I will never trust you guys." I spoke angrily towards the evil people who forced me to drink that evil drink. No matter what I drank I could not rid myself of that terrible taste. Apparently the terrible drink was a skill evolution drink, and it forced the body to fuse all similar skills. All my skills that were elementary based turned into high rank skills. Now my skills are.


Explosion control LV 1. Water melded-magic lv 1, Fire melded-magic Lv1, Wind melded-magic lv1,Beach travel lv 3, Forest travel Lv1, Archery Lv 1,  Carving lv1, Reasoning Lv 1, Lunar swordsmanship lv 1, Flirting lv1, Battle senses LV 1, higher 3D Movement Lv10, Magic control lv1, Lunar magic arts Lv?, protective magic Lv1

    Now my skill list shrank, but most of my skills turned into high rank skills. But the skill levels reset, that was really annoying. Plus it seems the mystery skills, changed and fused with others and themselves. Also that terrible taste means I had high possible skills. Which made me happy and angry at the same time. Now that my skills were all high rank, they would be harder to level up. And have higher abilities, and even higher limits low and mid rank skills max level was lv 100, high rank skills max level was 999. Like in an rpg, gotta hand it to god or whatever he made sure I'd understand the stuff.