
A wizards journey

Noah Evans, a clueless muggle born wizard receives his letter for Hogwarts. Or at least that's what it seems like at first. Is he really just a muggle born? Is he really clueless about the magical community? join his journey to become the greatest wizard of all time~ -‐-----‐------------------------------------------------------------ This is a Harry Potter fanfiction. I hope to make a story that is to my liking. As of now it's purely a hobby might write seriously in the future. I welcome only constructive criticism. I hope you guys can point me out if there's any mistakes. My first language is English so you don't have to worry about grammar other than occasionally when I might have slipped

Diabolic_eternal1 · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Choosing Wands

"Let's do ladies first." Saying so Olivander measured Ginny's arm length. Then he brought out various wands and let her try one after the other.

"psshfhu" At her third try she got a suitable wand. "Ash wood and unicorn hair. A wonderful combination. Ash wood chooses those who are stubborn and courageous but not the prideful or foolish. An unicorn core amplifies these effects.

"Next Noah phoenixus....kuhm Noah Evan's let's try getting you wand shall we. I am looking forward to this. Never had someone like you before...." Spoke Olivanders with his milky eyes focused on Noah's face. 'Did he just say Phoenixus, what does that mean and how does he know my name' . While Noah was lost in his thoughts Olivander brought a wand.

"English oak, Phoenix feather"

Noah tried using it but felt some kind of resistance from the wand.


"holy, unicorn tail hair"

"Not that too"

Noah kept trying wands and failing. He thought it was because he wasn't good at magic. But Olivander didn't care about Noah's thoughts went on with his charade

"Good, just as I expected your a tricky one indeed. Ahh try this Aspen wood, phoenix feather." Olivander brought another wand from behind the shelves.

This time Noah felt a connected albeit a faint one. " Mr Olivander I think this one suited me." Noah said clutching onto his final thread of hope. ' Any wand will do as long as I can become a wizard.' Olivander looked looked at the wand for a moment and spoke. " Although this wand has a slight compatibility with you it's not the most suitable one. Try this Elder wood,Phoenix feather core."

Once again Noah felt a connection, a little more stronger than the previous.

"You seem to be favoured by this wand too. Try another Acacia wood, Phoenix feather"

When Noah tried it this time there was a much stronger reaction and the tip of the wand lit up with a bright red light light.

Olivander finally let out a laugh."Wonderful, haha, Now Noah cery few people get a choir in this but you can either choose the elder wood wand or the Acacia. The Elder wood only shows its true power when you have a strength beyond your peers but is not known for its loyalty, while the Acacia shows its true power at the hands of a talented wizard with greater understanding of magic and once it truly aknowledges you as its master it shall stay loyal to you."

Noah was surprised at this choice but quickly composed himself and thought about his choice. ' The Elder wood and Acacia wood both have hidden strength I can unlock but the Elder wood isn't known for fidelity and with the added more compatibility with Acacia wand I felt I think Acacia wand is more suited for me.'

"Mr Olivander I have made up my mind I shall take the Acacia wand." Saying so Noah took 7 galleons from his pouch and put it on the counter.

Olivander gave a thin smile and gave him the wand. "I am looking forward to you doing great things with the wand young man."

Noah looked at Ginny and she silently acknowledged him. They both walked out of the door as though they had planned it before. Going through this strange encounter seemed to have strengthened their bond. They could at least call each other friends now.

While walking out Noah looked at his wand. It was copper brown in colour with an elegant handle. Above the handle was a carved hazy outline of a bird. Noah could swear it wasn't present when he first took it for trial. Overall Noah was very satisfied with his wand.

"What took you so long." Ron, the impatient one enquired as soon as Noah and Ginny got out. "It's my fault, I had to go through many wands to get a suitable one."

"Don't worry too much about it. I had to go through many wands myself. You must be one of Olivanders rare favourite customers. He likes it when you don't get the right wand easily." Harry comforted Noah.

"What else do you have to get, let's get it quickly." Chimed in Hermione.

"I still have to get a couldron and potion supplies. "

"You better watch out for your options Professor, he is the worst teacher at Hogwarts and always tries to get Gryffindors in trouble. "

"Ron you shouldn't speak so about your Professor's, Snape might be a bit harsh with you, but he is still a reputed potions master and one of the youngest at that. He even tried to protect the sorcerer's stone from you-know-who last year."

"Come on, Hermione..." Ron wanted to continue arguing but was interrupted by Harry.

"That's enough both of you. Let's get their supplies and go eat icecream. my treat."

'Didn't Hermione say harry defeated Voldemort when he was a baby then how was there a Voldemort last year. Got to ask Hermione later.' They quickly bought the supplies and went towards Florian ice creams at the north of the city. Along the way they spoke about many things in Hogwarts like the vanishing steps, moving staircases, the great lake, Hagrid and the dangerous beasts he like to keep, quiditch. When quiditch was mentioned Ron and Harry went on a charade, while the rest just ignored them.

Then Ginny, Hermione and Noah discussed other things like the library, the Hogwarts Express and Hermione mentioned Noah to go through his books so that he does not fall behind when he goes to Hogwarts.

Noah took it very seriously too. He and Ginny spoke some more and they officially became friends and promised to help each other if they come across any problems.

"Alright it's almost time for me to meet up with Professor Mcgonagall. see you all at Hogwarts." Now that it was time he decided to leave the group and go meet Professor Mcgonagall. He didn't want to make her wait any longer.