
Practicing Spells

Noah walked towards the Leaky Couldron going through all the information he acquired. The potions Professor, as biased as he is qualified, The groundsmaster Hagrid who rears dangerously and powerful magical creatures and castle itself is magical and full of secrets.

'I should definitely try exploring the castle. It might contain many secrets left for the students. Hagrids help will be vital if I want a powerfull magical pet. Maybe I can find one in the Forbidden forest.'

Soon he reached the spot Professor Mcgonagall mentioned but didn't find her there. 'She wouldn't wait here for so long she might have an errand to run'.

Noah took the wand out of his pocket. He didn't want to keep it there are risk breaking it. 'But Hermione and the others keep it in their pockets though.' Noah checked once more to see if Mcgonagall had arrived but found no sign of her so he went to the shop where he bought his trunks. 'I'll see if I can find something useful here'.

"Noah my boy are you back again, wasn't the trunk up to your requirements." A middle aged wizard with hair tied in a ponytail asked from behind the counter.

"Mr Hopkins, the trunk was satisfactory. I was wondering if you have something to keep my wand."

"Ah, your looking for a wand holder. Your one of the few students who actually think of your wands". The man, hopkin something that looked like a belt with an what looked like a wand version of the gun holder and placed it on the counter.

Noah put the belt around his waist and checked for ease of removal. It worked quite well. A small smile formed on his face

"Looks like you're satisfied. That'll be 5 galleons. Theres a quick removal charm, a self clean charm and unbreakable charm on it. I assure you it's worth the price."

"Alright Mr Hopkins here you go." Evan put 5 galleons on the table and left the shop. He quickly made his way to the spot Professor Mcgonagall mentioned and found she had arrived.

" I am sorry for being late Professor, I hope I didn't make you wait for long."

" Your 5 minutes late Mr Evan's, but since I arrived only a minute back myself you don't have to apologise. Hold on to my hand."

" crackk"

They arrived at an alley in Godrics hollow with a crack. Noah still felt uncomfortable but it was a lot less then the previous time.

"This is where we part. Your term starts on the 1st of September. Go to kingscross station, and platform 11 3/4. Here the 3/4 means the third pillar out of the four. You'll understand when you get there."

"Yes,Professor "

" Good "

" crackk "

After a quick farewell Mcgonagall apparated away. Noah quickly made his way home. His mother was sitting in the hall seemingly waiting for him. When she saw him coming she beamed

" So how was it sweaty did you like the magical community. Tell mom about it."

" There's really nothing much to say. I just went shopping and met some seniors from Hogwarts. I couldn't see any new magic other than the wand selection."

Noah didn't mention anything about his speculations on Voldemort and possible dangers like the Forbidden forest. He was worried she would not let him go if she knew.

" Tonight you need to explain it to your dad honey so you better learn some simple magic as proof."

" Yes mom, I'll learn something right away." With that Noah ran to his room. He was really excited to try magic. He took out his wand and tried waving it expecting something to happen but nothing did. Occasionally there were few sparks, nothing more.

" Damn it, what am I doing wrong. I tried everything for the last hour." Noah exclaimed his grievance loudly.

"Have you tried reading the book first?." His mother who heard him advised with a question. " You're right mom, I'll try reading the books first."

he took out the Hogwarts spells textbook. He went through the wand waving of the first spell and chant.


His wand immediately lit up with light. Although it wasn't as bright as a modern torch it was still bright enough to light a dark room. Noah had a small smile on his face. What he didn't realise was most wizards wouldn't even have a light half as bright as his in the first try let alone succeed.

With renewed vigour Noah went through the other spells. By dinner time he had already learned how to cast five spells - lumos and nox, aquamenti, incendio and wingardium leviousa. Lumos was the easiest by far. The others where much more difficult. He had to learn the fire spell- Incendio in the bathroom to avoid setting the house on fire. He continuously cast 'incendio' on a bathtub filled with water.

Although Noah could cast all these spells he had only mastered 'lumos' and 'Incendio'. As of now he could control the size the flame from the size produced by a match to one the size of half his bathtub. He was surprised that he had better control and stronger power than the other spells. He theorized he might have higher aptitude for fire related spells.

Right now he was walking off to dinner with the wand safely tucked in his wand holder at his waist. He still couldn't believe he could do magic. He was extremely pleased with himself. Bit he still reminded himself that he only just got introduced to the magical community so he must work har to catch up with his peers before the start of Hogwarts.

Noah's mother had prepared a wonderful dinner for celebrating his admission to Hogwarts and in addition to make his father more open to the suggestion. Now the dinner was over and some desserts have been brought to the table. It was time for Noah to convince his father. He was quite nervous and barely ate anything although all the dishes were his favourites.

Noah took a deep breath, composed himself and began. " Dad I've got something to tell you. "

" Oh go on." Mr Evan's lifted his chin and motioned him to go on.

"Dad, magic is real and I learnt I was a wizard"

There was silence for a while as Mr Evan's really wasn't expecting this. He looked sceptical " Hmm was that a joke. aif it is....."

Before he could finish what he was about to say. Noah took out his wand and cast 'lumos'.

A bright light cast from his wand and remains for a few seconds before he gently chanted 'Nox'.


" What about now Dad " Noah spoke with a smug look."

" That's quite convincing, anyone would be fooled. where did you get it? " Mr Evan's said with a smile. Although he still didn't realise what happened.

Noah realized the problem so he cast

" aquamenti " on his father's empty glass which quickly filled up with clear water. He gave some time for his father to digest but when Mr Evan's was about to speak Noah quickly cast " wingardium leviousa " making the glass fly up.

"..." Mr Evan's was rendered speechless.

" What he said is true honey and he got an invitation to a magic school today. " Mrs Evan's who was watching all this with an amused smile until now spoke up.

" Wow if that's the case then as long as he wants to he should definitely join. HAHAHA amazing. So how do we admit him there. " After a few minutes Mr Evan's finally regained his composure and got to the point.

" Dad I've already admitted to Hogwarts and bought supplies. Could you drive me to kingscross station on 1st September. I have a train at 11." Noah spoke the final piece

" No problem both mom and I would like to meet other magical folk. we'll drop you there. In the mean time young man you better work your hardest and catch up to the rest." Mr Evan's said the last part in a joking manner but his sin took it very seriously.

" Yes dad I'll do my best "


Authors note: For anyone asking about the trace. You should know of how Hermione spoke that she practiced magic before her first year. Also know that Godrics hollow is filled with wizard homes so the trace might not necessarily work.

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