
A Vampire’s Caregiver

[Mature: No rape] Twenty five years old Everly Eloise, a pure blooded orphan werewolf is hired by a wealthy man who suddenly needed a caregiver. She accepted the job, but one thing she didn’t anticipate was the monstrous side of him. The side of him that the media never showed, or at least never even knew of. Valerio Avalanzo, a wealthy European man who was betrayed by his lover, leaving him in a condition that he very well hid from the entire world. The incident caused him to drastically change. He became cold hearted, feared by most, unsociable, emotionless, and worst of all, developed deep hatred for the word “love.” For a man who was blind and held such deep hatred for love, it was believed that he was emotionally incapable of loving anyone, therefore leaving the world with this perception of him. But what happens when he meets Everly Eloise, his caregiver? Will his heart win or will his hatred for love win? And what happens, when he discovers that Everly is not just his caregiver, but a werewolf as well. The creatures that have been an enemy of his kind for centuries?

AngelLily · แฟนตาซี
354 Chs


Valerio suddenly awoke from his sleep, his hand gripping his chest.


He breathed heavily and quickly reached for the table near his bed.


He grabbed his phone and dialed Leia's phone number.


[The number you're trying to call is currently switched off; please leave a message].


A deep frown immediately settled in between his brows, and he dialed the number again.


But just like before, it said the same thing, causing deep apprehension to immediately overwhelm him.


Leia was not the type to turn off her phone for the sake of an emergency, so this was so weird and worrisome.


Not just that, he was feeling this sense of deep worry, as though he could feel that something was wrong.


It can't be just a feeling. Something was definitely wrong.


He thought about it and decided to leave first thing in the morning and make sure that she returned safely to the family house.

[The following day, at 8:00 a.m.]



"Alex, get the car ready," Valerio ordered, and Alex obediently nodded before making his way out of the building.


"Sir Avalanzo." Everly's hoarse early morning voice resounded, and Valerio turned around to face her.


"What is it?" He asked.


"May I ask where you are going?" She inquired, and he immediately crumpled his brows at her.


"Why?" He narrowed his eyes at her, and Everly shrugged.


"Nothing; I just want to know." She replied, and Valerio parted his lips to talk, but at that moment, Alex returned with the car key in his hand.


"The car is ready, we can leave now." He spoke, and Valerio nodded.


He turned around and walked off, no longer bothering to answer Everly's question.


Everly stared at their disappearing backs, and she abruptly shook her head, suddenly feeling a bit dizzy.


This has been happening to her for a week now, and it seems to have gotten worse since she came there.


It makes her wonder if she is sick or something.


A low breath fled her nose, and she returned upstairs.


She walked toward her room and pushed the door open.


She stepped inside and sat down on the bed, but yet again, like before, the dizziness hit her.


She clutched her head and, thinking that that was all, a wave of discomfort overwhelmed her when she suddenly began to feel her gums itching so badly.


What is going on? She contemplated within herself, knowing that something was definitely causing those symptoms, and the thought of going to the hospital crossed her mind.


Well, she isn't really a fan of hospitals, but she has to go because the discomfort was getting out of hand.


She let out a soft breath and grabbed her cross-over bag from the bed.


She slipped her feet into her sneakers and made her way downstairs.


She proceeded to exit the mansion, but Delacy's voice made her stop in her tracks.


"Where are you going?" She asked, and Everly turned around to look at her.


"Um…it's personal." She replied, and Delacy arched her brows at her.


"I see. Well, do return on time. Mr. Avalanzo won't be happy to know you left without telling him."

She said and walked away before Everly could say anything.


Everly shrugged and strolled outside.


She walked out of the black gate and flagged down a taxi.


"Where do you want to go, ma'am?" The taxi driver asked.


"Waves hospital." She replied and stepped into the taxi.


The driver drove off, and it took her about one hour before she arrived at her destination.


She stepped down and paid the driver, then turned around to look at the huge hospital before her.


Her heart began to beat furiously within her, and she quickly grasped her chest.


"It's okay, Everly. No one can hurt you now." She assured herself, seeming to have recalled some terrible memories.


She mustered up all the courage that she could and followed behind two ladies who were walking up the stairs.


She pushed the glass door open and stepped inside, only to halt as sudden fear caught her again.


'It's okay. No one will hurt you." She assured herself once again and quickly wandered towards the receptionist.


"Good morning, miss. How may I help you?" The brown-skinned young receptionist with curly hair and a blooming smile on her face asked, and Everly fidgeted with her fingers.


"I'd like to make an appointment with the doctor."


She replied, and the receptionist glanced at her computer.


"What type of appointment would you like to make?" She inquired.


"I just want to run a test." She clarified.


"I see… "May I know your name, address, age, and date of birth?" The receptionist requested.


"Um, my name is Everly Eloise. Twenty-five. September 21, 1997," She responded.

The receptionist nodded and typed the information in.


"Your address, please." She requested.


Should I give my own address or Mr. Avalanzo's address? Everly contemplated and eventually decided to give hers.


"Alright, here you go." The receptionist signed a piece of paper and handed it over to her once she had paid her bill.


"Wait in the B section." She directed her, and Everly nodded before walking towards the B section, where a few others were seated.