
Go. To. Hell!!

He lifted her onto his shoulder and nodded at his colleague.


They both returned to the SUV in which they had driven to get there and laid Leia in the back seat.


They both took their seats in the front chair and drove off to an unknown location.


It took them at least two hours plus a few minutes before they arrived at their destination.


They turned the steering wheel and drove into a compound with a very nice, two-story building that looked quite expensive.


They parked in the parking lot and turned off the car's engine.


They stepped down from the car and carefully pulled Leia out.


The one who had knocked her out hung her over his shoulder.


"Let's go." Together, he and his colic proceeded into the mansion.


They walked into the living room, and the first person they met seated on the couch was Logan.


On his lap was seated his lover, Rose, who always had this evil scent lingering around her.


"Leo, Theo, You found her. Great! Great! Take her to the basement, I will be down in a minute." He smirked, and the two twins, who were Leo and Theo, nodded obediently.


They carried Leia down to the basement and threw her on the cold floor.


She fell on the floor with a heavy thud, and Leo, who was blonde-haired and blue-eyed, quickly stepped out of the way when Logan's footsteps began to echo behind them.


With a huge smirk on his face, Logan shut the door behind him.


He walked down the stairs with Rose beside him.


He stood in front of Leia's unconscious body, and his smirk widened even more.


"Wake her up." He gave the order, and Theo, who had brown curly hair and blue eyes, made his way to the basement's far corner.


He grabbed a bucket of cold water and poured it on Leia, causing her to immediately wake up.


Leia coughed with difficulty as a result of the water that had wet her nose and breathed heavily.


She raised her head and the moment her gaze fell on Logan, her eyes widened.


"Hello, my sweet little sister."

He smiled so wickedly at her, and Leia's body trembled furiously in anger.


"What is the meaning of this, Logan? You better let me go or else-"


"You will tell Valerio. Awww, such sibling bonds! You depend too much on him, you never thought a day like this would come, did you?" He chuckled softly and squatted down to her level.


He tilted his head to one side, the sneer on his face growing even wider.


"You see... that will not be possible, because you will be here for a while. Unless you cooperate, then I may consider letting you go."

"You have been a pain in the ass recently, so maybe you do deserve to be punished. Father approves." 


He cackled and harshly grabbed her by the jaw.


"I see you went to visit that blind, useless brother of yours. What did you tell him?" He questioned her, and Leia, who was disgusted to the core, spat on him, causing Logan to quickly draw his head back.


"I'd rather die than say a thing to you!! You are so eager to prove yourself to father, no? We will see about that, though."

"Don't forget that the person you just called blind and useless always beats you at everything. No matter how hard you try, you will always be below him. You can never surpass him, and believe me, Father will hand over that title to him-"


"LEIA!!!" Logan yelled in rage and slapped her hard across the face. "You better shut up if you want to keep your life!" He warned, and Leia burst into mocking laughter.


"So you do agree that he is better than you? That's why hearing that he consistently outperforms you hurts you so much. And believe me, this time will not be different." She laughed crazily, and Logan's chest rose and fell in anger.


He furiously nodded his head at her and stood up with a very dangerous glint flashing in his eyes.


"Put her on the chair." He ordered, and Theo and Leo harshly tore off the black shirt she wore, leaving her in only the inner singlet she wore, which exposed her arms.


They recklessly pulled her up from the floor and proceeded to sit her down on the silver chair in the room.


Leia's eyes immediately dilated, and she began to struggle to free herself, knowing how terribly she would burn once she is sat down on that chair.


"Let me go! Let me go!" She screamed and seeing the fear in her eyes, Logan's smile widened.


They strapped her ankles and wrists and sat her down on the chair.


Her body furiously began to tremble, and she found herself breathing heavily.


Smoke slowly began to exit from her body, indicating that her skin was already beginning to burn.


"Not so brave now, are you?" He inquired as he approached her slowly.


He stood before her and leaned down, grabbing her by the jaw the next moment.


"What did you tell him?" He questioned and Leia glared at him.


"Go to hell!" She screeched in pain, her body burning furiously.


Tears filled her eyes, and she cried at the top of her lungs, finding it hard to endure the pain.


She had never felt the agony of being burned by the sun because vampires with royal blood are immune to it, but they are not immune to silver.


It burns them to the point that it can kill them. It doesn't just weaken; it kills as well.


She inhaled and exhale heavily and shut her eyes, slowly feeling herself about to pass out.


"Once she passes out, bring her down. We will continue this with the king here tomorrow." Logan smiled as he said it, and together with Rose, he proceeded out of the basement and into the living room.


They took their seats on the sofa, and Rose, who felt that she should say something, bit her lower lip.


"Do you have something to say?" Logan inquired, and Rose exhaled softly.


"Logan, do you really have to torture her like that She's only twenty-one and your little sister at that."


"Well, I don't think a twenty-one year-old who can kill without even flinching or a bit of fear in her eyes should be considered one."


"You don't know what she really is, and let me tell you, she will be worse than Valerio. So she has to be lowered now before she evolves. She doesn't know it yet, but she is a hybrid like Valerio."


"And you know the worst part? She stands with Valerio, meaning that if she ever evolves, we will be done for. I hate to admit it, but Valerio alone is a threat that I want to get rid of. Now imagine if she evolves."


He scoffed in annoyance, and Rose, who found points in his words, slightly nodded her head.


"I guess you're right."


Next chapter