
A Thousand Words Left Unsaid

Have you ever got the feeling of familiarity when meeting someone new? A strange irony, isn’t it? Going through it immerses one in a feeling of deja vu. There’s this inexplicable sentiment wherein time stops and everything seems worthless; incomparable to the moment which is about to occur. But for the ones who posses the abilities of an oracle, these moments are merely foreshadowing- a portal, rather; a bridge connecting the gap between the present and the future.

amnesiac_ · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs


"It's definitely you!

Jet black eyes and hair, tall; but not too tall, eyes that's piercing but dull and big black bags under them! You're the one who keeps visiting me in my dreams!"


Khai was shocked, unable to keep up with Anna's pace.

"What are you saying?"

"Look, I'm as shocked as you, you know!" Anna closed in on him, inspecting him closely.

"Hey! People will see us!" Khai was speechless, was she this bold?

Although he was retreating back, Anna kept leaning closer to him.

"Fine, come with me!" Anna pulled him into his dorm.

"Sit!" She commanded as she guided him to his bed.

Not knowing what else to do, Khai obediently complied.

"Look!" Taking out her phone from her pockets, she showed him an image, a sketch of,,

"Me?" Khai thoroughly inspected the sketch and noticed his unique facial characteristics, such as a mole in between his eyes and a birthmark that's shaped like a fish on his left chin.

"Why do you have this?" He asked, confused.

"I drew it!" Anna shoved the phone into his hands, "Swipe left!"

Khai swiped the screen to the left and another sketch appeared.

"This!" Khai's eyes narrowed.

"My room?!"

"Your room?!" Anna was shocked.

"Hey! I'm the one who should be shocked here!" Khai stood up. His vigilance heightened to its peak.

"I told you! I'm as shocked as you!"

"How do you know the interior design of my room?!" Khai demanded for an answer.

It was too weird!

Everything sketched in Anna's phone was the exact replica of how he left his room when he moved out.

He never once let anyone aside from his family enter his room back in their house.

"!!?" Khai saw a luggage on the sketch, drawn neatly at the side of the room. "Don't tell me.."

He hurriedly went to the corner of his dorm, scurrying to find the bag he came to school with.

"Calm down!" Anna followed suit but stopped in shock when she saw what Khai pulled out.

"That's the same bag.." She gasped.

"I-" Khai felt the sensations he was feeling growing heavier by the second.

He was, undoubtedly, wary and terrified.

All the hair on his nape stood up. Something bad was about to happen! He could feel it!

"Who are you?"

"I don't know what's going on either!" Anna tried explained herself. "Look at the date! I drew that 6 months ago!"

"Dates in digital devices can be forged!" Khai didn't believe her one bit. "Who are you!? Is this some kind of sick joke!?"

To a rattled person, no words you say will get through to them.

Khai's voice inadvertently got louder, but it wasn't his intention to do so.

He didn't realize the terror he was emitting; but Anna felt it all. She was scared.

"No! No it's not! Why won't you listen to me?" By now, the girl was feeling threatened.

Fear was brutally strong as it overwhelmed her.

"Why would I listen to you?! Answer my questions first!" Khai didn't want to hear her out.

"Who am I doesn't matter!"

Anna was spooked by Khai's manner of speaking. She didn't realize it but her voice got louder, unknowingly contesting for who can shout louder.

It was the crude belief of 'who's louder will be heard; who's louder is right'.

"How doesn't it matter? It's what matters most right now!"

Against the battle of emotions, Khai, who was still adapting to the outside world, was too frightened- and Anna, who was seeing all her premonitions come true, was thunderstruck.

"No! You're not listening! I'm a victim too!"

"Victim!? I'm just asking why the hell you have these!"

Tears started to come out from Anna's eyes like a waterfall, "I don't know, okay? I was terrified, too. 5 years a-ago, I s-suddenly was dreaming of a strange person.. and then just yesterday, you materialized in front of me!"

Anna's last sentence almost caused her lungs to rupture. She poured all her might into harnessing too much air to blow out those words.

"H-hey.." It was the first time for Khai to encounter a crying girl.

The screech like scream from Anna got penetrated his defences and he managed to get himself together.

Her efforts weren't for naught; it allowed Khai to recognize that his fear of the unknown was making him defensive.

With deep breaths, he forcefully calmed himself.

His blood that was boiling like molten lava started to cool down.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry-" Meanwhile, Anna was letting her tears out freely, unable to speak coherently.

Her last shout was her last ditch efforts of starting a proper conversation.

"It's okay, calm down, I won't yell anymore.."

Khai approached the girl and carefully coaxed her.

"You really mean it?" However, Anna was still hesitant.

"Mhm, let's talk this out. I'm sorry for losing myself like that."

"Okay," Anna, who was similarly overwhelmed, didn't want to continue the mindless back and forth contest of volume and allowed Khai to guide her to his bed.

"Are there more of these?" Khai asked, looking at the photos in Anna's phone.

"Y-yeah, it's all compiled in that album,," Anna stuttered.

"Then I'll look through them."

Khai viewed them one by one, allowing Anna to compose herself.

The first was a sketch of his portrait. Although it didn't look exactly like him, all his distinctive features were there.

Second was his room, which Khai was still shocked to see as she draw every detail perfectly.

Third was,


This time, it wasn't a portrait- instead, it was an old man proudly standing in front of a giant crowd of people.

"He's wearing a uniform?" Khai noticed that he was wearing some sort of formal attire.

He could recognize that it was his grandfather as his stature and facial features were drawn cleanly.

Although it came to him as a shock, he didn't let it control him. Instead, he went along with it.

"Next is," Khai's brow furrowed.

"Little bun and mother… and Drake?" His fist was clenched.

Reason being was that they wearing their outfits when Drake and Lily got married.

Her mother dawned a magnificent white gown that accentuated her beauty and his father wore an extremely dark tuxedo; they contrasted each other but complimented each other at the same time.

Khai wanted answers, but when he glanced at Anna, she was still trying to catch her breath.

"This can't be some sort of joke anymore.."

If it was, it was too much!

Readying himself once more, he swiped to see the next sketch.

"This!" Khai's entire body stiffened.

"This was yesterday!" His voice visibly trembled.

What was before him was a sketch of two people facing each other, separated by a table.

One of the people was offering his hand to the other, seemingly introducing himself.

Although the faces weren't filled in with distinctive features, their build and clothes were enough for Khai to recognize himself and Link.

'Name's Link.' Khai got a strange deja vu, almost as if replaying the exact moment where Link introduced himself.

"When was this!?" He hurriedly checked and was shocked.

"2 months ago?"

At that moment, Anna spoke up, "That's my brother, isn't it?"

"It is, we were in the library then.." Khai forced himself to reply.

He let out a mouthful of air and swiped to the next picture.

"This is?" Even after staring at it for awhile, Khai was unable to understand anything.

It was a person's back and it was facing some sort of art on the wall.

He looked at Anna but as he thought, she couldn't provide any clarifications of what the sketch was depicting.

However, what he saw next terrified him further.

Looking around his dorm and then back at the phone, he couldn't help but to swallow a mouthful of saliva.

"Y-you drew my dorm.."

An exact replica!

He just finished fixing his dorm yesterday! It was unbelievable how the sketch drawn was impeccable.