
A Thousand Words Left Unsaid

Have you ever got the feeling of familiarity when meeting someone new? A strange irony, isn’t it? Going through it immerses one in a feeling of deja vu. There’s this inexplicable sentiment wherein time stops and everything seems worthless; incomparable to the moment which is about to occur. But for the ones who posses the abilities of an oracle, these moments are merely foreshadowing- a portal, rather; a bridge connecting the gap between the present and the future.

amnesiac_ · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

Flying Cup

"Your sister's temperature is abnormally high. I was trying to do something about it."

Straight to the point. No extra details.

What happens next depended on how much Link can rationally think in a state of wrath.

But even if Link didn't trust him, he would still understand why.

He must be fuming, thinking that his sister is being harassed.

"Hot?" Link glanced at his sister. She did seem uncomfortable for some reason even though she had her eyes closed.

"Don't move." He said before placing his attention towards his sister.

He placed his hand on her forehead, then her neck.

As how Khai's eyebrow furrowed, Link's were burrowing themselves together.

"When did this start?"

He looked at Khai in panick.

"I don't know. She was like that the moment I woke up." Khai heaved a heavy sigh of relief.

It seemed that he was able to avoid a misunderstanding.

However, knowing that a more concerning matter was still around, the relief immediately vanished.

"Does your sister normally have fevers this hot?" He asked curiously.

"No. She doesn't normally get sick." Link looked very worried.

It didn't seem like he was accustomed to the situation.

'Then she might not have any medications for it..'

However, it was still good to ask.

"Does she drink some kind of medication? Some sort of maintenance?"

"No. As I've said, she's completely healthy. She rarely contracts any disease or virus." Link immediately dampened his hopes.

"Let's get her to the clinic." This was probably their best hope.

"It's closed right now." Link clenched his teeth. It was evident that his irritation at not being able to do anything was getting to his head.

Khai had the urge to tell Link to calm down but he might worsen his mood instead.

But he couldn't quite fault Link for it.

Glancing at the girl on the bed, she was evidently suffering. Even though she was unconsious, her body and facial features would twitch every now and then.

"Is there a pharmacy nearby?" Khai knew that Link was in disarray; he needed to take matter on his own hands.

"No. From what I know, you can only get medicine from the clinic itself."


"Are there no staff delegated to substitute them?"

"Not that I know of. For some goddamn reason, they thought of opening this institution without a working healthcare center!"

"That's-" Khai found it hard to believe him.

"I'll go look for something." He could only leave a few words and left the room.

Link's answers were so full of confidence that he had no choice but to automatically believe them. However, he still found it hard to believe that such a large institution would take the risk of not having proper measures against health emergencies.


What he was about to do went against the very reason he entered the institution.

Unfortunately, he had no choice as he was still lacking in terms of intelligence concerning the in-and-outs of the school system.

"Grandfather, I know that this call is a bit sudden, but may I ask a few questions?"

"Sure, anytime."

Extracting every relevant detail he could learn, Khai was able to confirm that Xiala University's clinic was indeed out of service at the moment.

Reason was simply because the institution was preparing its clinic to open. It was only for a day and it just so happened that the preparations were today!

At the mention of the clinic, his grandfather asked why he brought it up, seemingly worried that his grandson got himself sick.

To which Khai simply narrated what happened the past hour, excluding the part where he passed out.

"Yes, that is a major problem.." The old man was put into deep thought. "You can try to find emergency services at the clinic, but there might only be nurses there."

"It's better than nothing." Khai pointed out the obvious.

"It's highly unlikely that those nurses have the capability to take care of her high body temperature." The old man knew the personality of his grandson.

He knew that Khai woulnd't blindly say anything. He wouldn't exaggerate either.

So, the girl's situation must be dire and the longer they take, the less likely they can do anything to alleviate her pain.

'I can't have him encounter such a situation on his first day!' The old man thought.

It was the very first time that Khai took the initiative to do something outside of their house, it was attending school at that!

'If it's her, maybe she can do something about it.' The old man thought.

Sending in a rescue vehicle himself did cross his mind. However, he didn't want to get in his grandson's way.

He wanted him to deal with his own problems if he has the ability to.

"Grandfather, we'll just go to the clinic." Khai said as he couldn't wait any longer. He didn't want to wait until his grandfather could formulate an action plan for him.

Since he, himself was present, he was the only one who had the capacity to do something.

"No, I know someone that can help you." The old man finally said.

"Really? Who?"

"There's a teacher there that I know. She's the head of the nursing department."


Of course! There were still those who are adept in medicine aside from those who are inside a medical facility!

"Alright, I'll take it from here, thanks grandfather!"

Not giving him time to speak, Khai cut the call immediately.

"This,," The old man looked at the beeping phone in dismay.

Truthfully, he didn't want Khai to meet that person.

"He mustn't meet her." He muttered.

He called another person right away.

He didn't waste his time on greetings and went straight to the point.

"Is Hera inside the campus?"

"No, she'll be arriving tomorrow." The other end replied.

'That's good..' The old man was relieved.

'Her colleagues are good enough.'


Khai bursted into the room, highly expecting that Link would be in utter distress.

But to his shock, what awaited inside made him choke on his words.

"You- What-?"

On the bed was a girl drinking a glass of water, perfectly fine.

The originally pale complexion-about-to-die girl was now as healthy as a baby!

'Did I miss a page?'


Sitting at her bed, the girl was shocked at the intrusion.

"You!" She shouted.

How dare someone have the audacity to break in her dorm?

Out of impulse, her hands moved on its own and threw the cup she was holding.

"Hey! Calm down!" Link appeared at the side and caught her hand mid-air.

"Ah!" The girl didn't expect to be stopped and her grip loosened, sending the cup flying towards Khai.

"Watch out!" She cried.



The cup hit the floor, but not without hitting Khai.


Due to the sudden pain, Khai's knees fell to the ground.

"Cmon!" Link was exasperated.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hit you! It was just supposed to be a warning!" The girl almost started to cry.

"Are you okay?" Link rushed towards Khai, fearing that he might need to nurse someone once more.

"I'm fine.." Khai grunted.

It hurt!

It was painful!

The pain etched itself to his skull!

The girl on the bed was almost in tears, guilt driven. "I'm really sorry!"

"You idiot! Why'd you just barge in like that!?" Link frustratedly helped Khai sat up.


At this point, Khai was speechless.

"Sorry, I didn't expect your sister to be awake. I was too excited when I heard that there was a doctor we can call."

"Well, as you can see, that's unnecessary now." Link picked up the cup that was on the ground.

Luckily, it landed on a mat placed on the floor so it didn't crack. Else, they would have had to clean up.