
A Thousand Words Left Unsaid

Have you ever got the feeling of familiarity when meeting someone new? A strange irony, isn’t it? Going through it immerses one in a feeling of deja vu. There’s this inexplicable sentiment wherein time stops and everything seems worthless; incomparable to the moment which is about to occur. But for the ones who posses the abilities of an oracle, these moments are merely foreshadowing- a portal, rather; a bridge connecting the gap between the present and the future.

amnesiac_ · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs



'A sleep with no nightmares?'

Khai blinked in surprise.

For the first time in a long while, he woke up without getting interrupted by a dream?

'Mm. My head feels nice..'

His mind was clear like glass, he felt like he slept for an entire year!

For the first time in his life, he felt as if he finally understood what a restorative sleep was.

"Where am I though.." Khai realized that he was in an unfamiliar environment.

"That's right," Suddenly recalling the events before he passed out, he got a bit embarrassed.

It looked like he needed to have his medicine on a better place where it would easily be accessible.

He didn't want to keep passing out and become a problem.

While dazed from waking up, he looked around him.

The space was familiar, its size and the color of its walls were similar to his dorm.

"Did he bring me back to his dorm?" Khai muttered under his breath.

Due to his head having more clarity than usual, he was able to vividly recall being carried.

"Should I- AH!" As Khai was about to get up from wherever he was laying down on, he felt a weird sensation on his hands and freaked out.

The shock was so great that his torso shot up instantly.

When he looked down, he noticed that his hand was covered by a person's head.

"Ah? Hello?"

No response.

'Is he.. asleep?'

After a few moments of moving his fingers around, testing the waters, he concluded that the person in front of him was asleep.

He wanted to carefully extract his hand from the said head but he was afraid that too much movement would wake it up.

"Ah, What kind of situation have I gotten myself into?" Khai lamented.

Truly, weird situations find themselves entering his life.

"Hm?" After wriggling his hands around, he seemed to have reach the person's forehead.

"Hot." Khai's brow furrowed.

Actually, too hot!

He used his other hand to push the person's hair away and felt their forehead carefully.

"Abnormally hot.. This isn't normal."

Like having water splashed on his face, his focus was regained and he was no longer absent minded.

From that moment of clarity, his mind finally processed the person's long hair.

'It's a she?' He thought.

For some reason, he was curious about the girl.

Pushing her head to the side, he controlled it so that her head would face him.


Her eyes were closed, making her long eyelashes stand out. Her skin looked flawless! It didn't have any wrinkles or the sort.

A beauty! An extremely exquisite beauty!

If not for her deathly pale complexion, she would be a stunning model!

It was his first time to be stunned in such an odd manner.

However, that was the least of his concerns.

No matter how confused and how many questions he had in mind, he knew that he had to prioritize the person in front of him.

'With a fever this high, no wonder she's asleep..'

Khai started to dismount the bed he slept in while carefully watching his movements as to not disturb the person.

Although it was quite a struggle; having his hands locked in position, he managed to pull it off.

"Now, how should I deal with you.."

Having more vision from his position, Khai was able to confirm his guess that the person was female.

Her uniform said it all. She was wearing the standard gala dress that the institution required its students to wear.

"Let's remove my hand first.."

It took a while but he succeeded. During that time, he also confirmed that the person was having an abnormally high fever, even her neck was steaming hot.

Her pale complexion was probably a result of the fever.

He needed to do something, and quick!

"I should get her to a more comfortable position.." He muttered.

At the moment, the person had her back hunched. The chair she was sitting on was too tall.

Just from a third person's view, Khai was already uncomfortable seeing it.

"Tsk. Why does it have to be a female.." Khai was exasperated.

It would've been easier if it were a male. He would not be hesitating and would definitely just place them on the bed outright.

Unfortunately, even if he were uneasy in touching women, the situation that he was facing didn't give a shit.

He couldn't just leave her and choose to forget about it. This person may very well be his savior.

"I'm sorry." Sincerely apologizing, Khai picked her up.

He had a sensible reason. He just had to explain it to her when the time came.


"Hey, sis, is that guy doing better?"


Turning around, he was shocked to see a person entering the door.


'Link?' It was none other than the person who he was talking to before he passed out!

"HEY!" Link snapped. "What the fuck do you think you're doing, huh?"

'Hm?' Khai blinked blankly.

It didn't take long for him to realize it and only one word came out of his mouth; "Shit."

"Let me explain!" To not let matters get out of hand, he wanted to secure a chance for explanations first.

The situation was really f*cked up.

From what he heard, he was currently carrying Link's sister, unconscious! That could easily be discerned from the way her hands drooped down like a lifeless body.

What's worse was that his hands weren't positioned appropriately. He never carried anyone aside from his brother before as his body was extremely weak.

He intended to quickly get it over with, not bothering about how he held her, excluding the fact that he avoided touching certain parts of her body.

"Put her down right now."

It was obvious that every second that passed was intensifying the burning rage in Link's eyes.

"Yes, right away!" Khai switly but gently placed her down on the bed.


Link couldn't take it anymore.

To think that Khai had the gal to infuriate him further!

Rushing towards the duo with a speed faster than Khai's eyes could register, Khai suddenly felt a chill on his neck.

"Hey, do you think I'm a joke?" Link growled at point blank range.

They were directly facing each other, face to face.

'This man is dangerous.' Only one thought crossed Khai's mind.

Link's imposing hand was already at his throat, threatening to choke him if he were to say anything wrong.