

A young adult goes to sleep one day, he did not expect that the next time he opened his eyes he would do so as a baby, even less he expected it to be like the son of a female character from a series that he only saw in passing. This is a translation of my fanfic in Spanish, it is not my first language, so I will appreciate the corrections.

redely · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
10 Chs

The silence of the lambs

Chap, chap chap

As was already routine, Gloria was cutting her hair, today the hairdresser was saturated with clients, after all, the next day was the feast of San Francisco de Asís and the streets would be filled with people.

- So, I told Inés that Manolito was taking drugs behind the school, it's a shame because I've known him a lot since he was in diapers- said a lady over 50 who wore a large pink dress with blue patterns that reminded to huge waves, this woman's name is Mara and she was treated by the hairdresser along with Gloria.

- But what can one do, the culicagados now do what they want, they don't care about the well-being of their family- said a young black woman who wore a yellow blouse above her navel and a green overall on top, her name is Soraya - if one can go out to buy bread because these Chinese are getting their crap.

This was an everyday story for Gloria, the weeks went by and even so there was a new story about how someone she knows from the neighborhood turns out to be a consumer, often it is young people, sometimes, although to a lesser extent she gets to hear about someone he met in school (secondary) had already died, often they were teenagers who were already on the wrong path by then.

As a young mother with a second child on the way, she began to pay more attention to these stories, with each story it became easier for her to imagine Alexandro or his unborn baby as the protagonists of the stories, this only increased her desire to leave the neighborhood, perhaps leave the country to look for better opportunities for their children.

Before he could plunge deeper into his musings, he heard screams from outside, probably another thief they managed to catch, before all the people inside the hairdresser resumed what they were doing; A teenager with leather sandals and a football shirt that was too big for him entered like possessed. Pepe was the son of the apartment under theirs.

- Glory! Glory! - His eyes moved like tennis balls around the small place, while his wrists moved restlessly "Javier's baby was stolen! We're all in the park, come on!" - scream and then disappear

She remained numb for a few seconds, if it hadn't been for Soraya who was rushing her to the exit, she wouldn't have been able to react, she was walking unsteadily leaning on the hairdresser in overalls- uh, you look pale, you should sit down for a while- I try to calm her down, just to be pushed away a bit roughly.

- I'm not going to sit down until I see my son! - He left as quickly as he could in his condition. Outside she could see how there was a crowd of people and Javier was in the center with a sweaty appearance, approaching him, she grabbed him by the arms, ignoring the murmur of the crowd.

- Is it true?! Is it true?! - he shouted frantically, shaking Javier's arms, who could only nod- How did it happen?! Where were you?!

- I was talking with Antonio, the one who studied with me, while we were talking I neglected for a second and the stroller and the baby were not there, then Antonio was the one who disappeared- all this was said while looking at the floor, when suddenly he received a punch in the nose.

-Then why do you smell of alcohol?!- Gloria was held back by Soraya and Mara so she wouldn't continue attacking Javier-NO! WHAT HAPPENED IS THAT YOU GOT DRUNK AND LET THEM TAKE OUR SON AWAY! - letting go he arrived up to him and scratched his face- THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED!

Before the terrified mother continued to attack the irresponsible father, the sound of sirens was heard, it was 2 patrol cars and 2 police officers got out of them, one from each car that approached the crowd.

Could you tell me what is happening here? What is this crowd? - Inquired the shorter policeman, placing his hands on his waist, further highlighting his round belly, which with the green uniform and his hat did not look very good.

Gloria quickly approached him upset- My son! my son! They stole it from me! - The second policeman grabbed her and gently pushed her away- It's okay, I understood something of what she said, let's try to help her, tell us step by step what happened, at this the desperate mother just made a disdainful face and He made a sharp gesture towards Javier- Ask that bastard! HE LET THEM TAKE HIM AWAY!

Looking from one side to the other, the policeman decided to approach the man with the scratches on his face- Good afternoon, I'm officer Martínez, sir…?


-Names and surnames sir

-What? Am I being accused of something?

-I just want to know your name sir.

-No no no, tell me if I'm being accused of something

-Well, that's the situation, here is an obviously upset woman who points to you as responsible, it would not be the first time that a family acquaintance is involved in the disappearance of a child.

-I am family! I am the child's father! -Javier exclaimed frustrated while he raised his arms in exasperation.


-ORDER! Okay, so you are the father, well I need you to tell me exactly how things happened, don't omit details- the officer said calmly; then he calmly listened to the story of the beaten man, at the end of the story he himself wanted to hit the man, which is why this time he did not stop Gloria from kicking him in the testicles followed by another punch.

-Captain another missing child! - Martinez yelled using his hands as a horn, and then approached the child's parents- Okay, I need a description of the child...

- He's white, with brown hair, pretty brown like mine, the most beautiful eyes of a color between yellow and green…! - Gloria said, barely taking a breath.

- Look lady, I know that for mothers all their children are the most beautiful, but we need a realistic description. Or do you see a lot of white Colombians with green eyes? even more so here, in this neighborhood.

- I do not lie! Look here there is a photo of him, his eyes cannot be seen because the photo is in black and white, but you can see that they are beautiful- The photo was taken of his neckline next to a purse.

-Anyway, that's not what I was referring to, ma'am, you must come to the station with us to give the description of the child and you, sir, to give us everything you know about the suspects in more detail- And so the parents got into a of the patrols accompanied by Soraya as moral support for Gloria and also to prevent her from killing Javier.


For a 2-year-old baby it is rare to see the amount of affection that first-time parents give you, that can be good or bad, in this case bad, after all, half an hour ago I just saw how his father fell unconscious on the dirty table of that workshop that seemed abandoned.

"The worst was when that idiot dropped me while he was trying to gag me, congratulations stupid there is a place in hell for those who gag babies, on the other hand; COULD YOU STOP SHOOTING ME!? THAT'S HOW MURDERERS ARE BORN!"- I thought Alexandro intently from the pet cage where they put him, to cover him with a blanket- "I COULD SUFFOCATE TO DIE!"

His musings stopped, when he felt the cage move, heard how the car door opened, and then felt how his cage rose and traveled a turbulent path.

-Hey Anthony! What are you bringing there? - That voice had a Cuban or maybe Puerto Rican accent, he was never that good at telling them apart.

-The boy who looks like a gringo, we can get a good price for this one, you know what foreigners pay for whites.

- Hahaha yes, it seems that they find it hard to believe that white Latinos exist, so how will it be; we will sell it in parts or complete.

- In one piece, right? I say this time they are not organs that we stole, it will give them the opportunity to do whatever they want, slave, sex toy, food or they could do everything, now uncover it I want to see what we have.

When the blanket was removed, 2 were surprised, the first was the person who was talking to Antonio who was a black man with gloves, a leather apron and various instruments scattered on the metal table that was placed in front of Alexandro, including a mallet to tenderize meat.

-But if this child only lacks blond hair and would be like those gringos who want to eat him hahahaha- Apparently this man found the situation very funny, as if the cannibal act was more significant when devouring someone you resemble and even despite his fun he continued with his work.

The second person to be surprised was the child, since; on the table in front of him was a corpse that still looked colored, it was only open from the bottom of the neck to the top of the crotch, just at that moment the man finished cutting off the head and a stream of blood fell directly on Alexandro, nearly bathing her little body in blood.

-Sorry little hahahahaha, but you know, it's not like you're going to remember this or rather I don't think you'll grow up to remember this- The man was leaning and leaning on his knees due to the grace that everything produced in him.

"You're sick Enrique, why do you always have to talk to the product?" I rolled my eyes to then pick up the cage and take it down a narrow corridor. On the way, Alexandro saw things that he wants not to remember, like what they did with the captured girls and women, of which he only saw slight glimpses, what marked him was the place of waste, where they threw away everything useless from the bodies, it was like a relief painting made of heads, hands, legs and sexual organs stacked on black plastic in a kind of amorphous mass out of hell, the most disturbing thing is that he saw a group of 5 ocular eyes together on the left side of the mass, the who seemed to be looking at him.

- "Hello Dexter Morgan, that… that's my name now"- Alexandro thought before his journey further into the sinister corridor continued to disturb him deeply and irreparably.