
A swordsman's promise

A soul who escaped the reincarnation process only for him to wander and endure the boundless darkness that many called Void for countless amount of time and meeting an absolute being who can erase his entire existence just buy stating it's name. Given with a chance to be reborn to a world of his liking and wishes that will help his journey . What would the soul wish and how would he live his new life? ------------ *This is my first time writing a fanfic so I'm still a newbie, I'm only writing for fun and had nothing to do. *English is not my first language and I'm not really good at it so there will be a lot of wrong grammar but you can inform me so I can correct my mistakes! *This is alternative universe. *I upload everytime I finish a chapter and may take days so uploading schedule is totally non existent. *Apart from the mc, the rest are all made by the hand of it's rightful owner.

Nekomancer_ · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

Chapter 5: Training.

Itsuki's imagination wildly soared as he continued reading. He was daydreaming when would he be able to cut enormous objects such as mountains, a giant or a very large sea kings and do flying slash attack just like Zoro and Mihawk. After which, he shook his head.

" I should stop daydreaming and start training more seriously from now onward. After all, even if I win against Kuina earlier it's because of transparent world making the world around me seems in slow motion and easily predict the direction of her sword. if not I don't think that I would be able to end the match that fast. "

Itsuki stand up while closing the book on his hand then suddenly look at the window and noticed that the sun was already setting, only now did he realized that he forgot about the passage of time. He then arranged the books and placed it in the shelves of his room and decided to set out.

Getting out of his room and walking toward the training area. Arriving at his destination he soon noticed that the students already went in their own home and he didn't see Kuina either. She must be doing chores in the dojo and helping his father.

Itsuki was currently standing in front of where the bamboo sword are stored thinking if bamboo sword would really suit his training. After making the right decision, he took a knife and a long durable stick.

He carved the stick with his knife to make a wooden sword. A wooden sword is shaped similarly to a katana is more better than a bamboo sword right?

He then started his training with a warm up by swinging his sword a thousand of times. After all, in a world that have many various of species and a human who can destroy and flatten mountain with their physical strength alone lived, if he did not work harder than anyone else can he even dream achieving that?

A world where you can be a great person only with sufficient will to continue going even if the world goes againts you!

A never felt kind of determination bloomed in his heart, different from what he felt before that is solely driven by hatred and revenge for those who sinned him but this kind of determination is completely different, he wanted the strength to protect those who are close to him, he wanted power to stand above all and surpass those who stand at the very peak of this wonderful world unlike on earth or his past world and now that he was given another chance to be reincarnated he would like to live his new life to the fullest to not only live for revenge but for himself.

In Itsuki's last life he lived his life aimlessly, he didn't have any ambition like any other people as he always questioned himself what is the purpose of life? Is it to study for over twenty year, find a good job and die contented with it? or is it to be a great and famous person?Isn't this world so boring? You can die just by being hit by a bullet, an unexpected incident where you wouldn't even know how did you die, an illness that will have your hard work and money in life only for the hospital bills or die just because of old age. It didn't take long for Itsuki to notice that something was not entirely right with him but he didn't choose to change it.

Finally he found his world in playing various games and reading a lot of fantasy books but what really piqued his interest is anime and manga. The unique excitement it gave in his life was completely new feeling unlike the boring reality. It features amazing perspective and nothing is off limit. Having no care of what the world thinks of you and pursuing their own dreams with their own strength, Itsuki wanted to be like them! Be on the same shoes as them and see the world in their views and experienced the feeling of being free!

He became a detached person and thought nothing of society. His former family were worried about his life and confronted him telling him be a successful person however deep in his mind he asked 'What for? For what purpose? What's the meaning of being successful? Is it to have everything in your palm? then what after you achieved that? can you still have and bring them after your death? ' so instead of changing himself and turning a new leaf he continued what he was doing and died not being able to accomplish anything.

He died with regrets as he couldn't even watch and know the end of his favorite anime, One piece. But a moment after he died he felt relieved and freed! Relieved and freed as he don't have to live in such a boring world and now that he was reborn he didn't want to make the same mistakes happens again! He didn't want to live a life being a man in the weakest sea in one piece! he didn't want to be a cannon fodder ready to trown his life away!

Itsuki was currently practicing his sword skills relentlessly as he knew that swordsmanship is immeasurably deep and he also knew that if wanted to master the path of sword he would definitely need to put tremendous amount of effort and time. In any case, Itsuki was not worried as he have a lot of time as he is only 5 years old right now.

He also planned that he would only train his strength intensely once he turned 7 as that was the right age to train in last world though different world and different laws and the world he was in is entirely different from the former and his body doesn't have limit he still choose to be carefull as he don't want to strain the muscle of his body and affect his growth! He didn't want to become small in the world where there are countless of giants!

As Itsuki was so focus in his training he didn't noticed Koushiro and Kuina were watching him, Kuina did not know why his big brother is working so hard but Koushirou knew the reason why.

Kuina did not know what past does Itsuki have but his father does, Koushiro thought to himself ' So you started your path of revenge at early age huh? I only hope that you don't get consumed by hatred! If not for father stoping me from that time to revenge for my brother as he said that it was not the right time I wouldn't even know if I would be alive right now'.

Koushiro look at Itsuki as Itsuki bath in the moonlight like he was loved by the moon. "Itsuki nii-chan is also working hard! I cant slack off if I want to catch up to him! " Kuina who was watching Itsuki shook her fist and was determined to put more effort in her training.

At this moment Koushiro that had been watching him for a while interrupted his training and said "It's good that you are training hard but training hard and training smartly is completely different things and it's already dinner"

Itsuki got embarrassed that he didn't even noticed the he was being watched and can only nod his head as he was also starving for hours of training.

They entered the dojo and ate. Itsuki was not a big eater even in his last life but he ate a lot this time as he knew that his body needs a lot of nutrients so he can grow quickly.

After eating they clean up first before going back to their particular rooms and slept.


In the blink of an eye, two years had passed

Nothing especial happen those two years and Itsuki spend his time and effort in training his swordsmanship and also doing some moderate physical training.

Itsuki was now 7 years old and was currently running lifting a heavy boulder that is two times of his weight, he started doing this routine when he turned 7. He wanted a suitable weight equipment for his training but unfortunately for him, there is nothing like that in the dojo and Itsuki still didn't have any materials to create something like that.

Itsuki also tried creating his own breathing style but he can only create basic breathing technique that doesn't have any special abilities and can only increase his air capacity, stamina and slightly increase his strength.

Even with the transparent world helping him in that regard as he would observed his body and blood flow but he couldn't make anything out of scratches as he still couldn't make a proper breathing technique. After all, there is no proper answer or reason of how the demon slayer created their breathing and only stated that it originated from Yoriichi Tsugikuni but Itsuki didn't feel defeated as what he have the most is time so he instead he focused more in his swordsmanship and only continued researching how to make it when he have time and maybe he only needs some enlightenment.

As for his swordsmanship, Of course it was his swordsmanship that improved a lot as he spends most of his efforts and time in it, though he only practiced the basic forms such as; Laido, Pointing, Parrying, Piercing, Slicing, and Hacking. He have been doing those form for countless times even if his whole body gave in and his arm felt like it was going to break he still persists and continued!

Itsuki focused on basics and foundations and haven't created any swordstyle. After all, Form is secondary and intent is primary, swordstyle that looks beautiful and dazzling looks good, but it's nothing compared to true power. He thought that as long as he achieve sufficient speed and swiftness he would be able to defeat everything in this world. After all, if you couldn't even react at your foe's speed and your brain couldn't even register it as your head flew in the air or your heart was pierced by your opponent's weapon, can you even fight back? well this was just a theory but he really hope so.

He also spar with Kuina and thought her what his mistakes and the right thing to do in their fight during those years. The kid disciples in the dojo also began calling him big bro or boss even when some of them is older than him though he rarely goes to the training area as he always train in the jungle as that was the place he can train at peace.


Author's note - It took me some time before I finished this chapter as my mind always go blank and I couldn't put in words the ideas in my mind.

And also I was wasting my time playing some games waiting for some enlightenment to happen so I can write in my fanfic hehe!