
A Summoner in Marvel Universe

A young man in his late teen was killed by a bizarre occurrence while playing the computer game, League of Legends. What will he do when he is reborn into a world where gods and mortals fight, where world-ending, reality-warping, and universe-conquering beings are roaming around? ==================================== Hello!! The Author here, this is my first story so please go easy on me ok? I'll try to update frequently but no promises. So yeah, expect an erratic update schedule. Happy Reading(or not) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer: I don't own anything in this novel except the Original Characters, the imaginative additions, and the artistic ideas added to the story. I REPEAT, I don't own ANYTHING except those three things Cover by: Akatsuki_God

AarconReix · ภาพยนตร์
27 Chs

Chapter 24

As I am ruminating on what course of action should I act on someone nudged me.

I looked beside me and saw my sister looking at me while pointing at our 'guests'

"Hey brother, they are talking about you." She said.

I looked at the x-men,

"Can you repeat it again? I was caught on my thoughts." I said with a smile.

I know some of them will see me as an arrogant young man, my family would probably be confused and some of them will be annoyed that I'm acting like this.

"We're talking about you and how are we supposed to train you with your newfound abilities." Hot Wheels said.

This guy is seriously annoying, he keeps on brushing in my head and trying to read my thoughts, luckily Mom put up mental barriers for our whole family.

"Why? Do I look like I need someone to train me to use my new abilities? Do I look like someone who needs help from a guy who's trying to read my mind?" I said with a mocking smirk

When I said that, Mom, Dad and Grandma frowned and the X-men team looked shocked except Magneto and Cyclops. Magneto looked like he is disappointed and angry at Charles, while Cyclops on the other looked at me with anger. Why is he even angry at me? Is he already controlled by him?

"Young man, I'm only doing this for the safety of all of us. Because if you ever became mind controlled, with the level of danger that your abilities possess, it will be a disastrous thing if it ever happened." Said this Dark Lord Dumbledore follower mind fucker.

I looked at him straight into his eyes with a mischevous smirk.

"Mind controlled huh? Just like what you did to miss red-head over there?" I said, pointing at the supposedly Jean Grey of this version of X-men.

Everyone's eyes got wide for different reason.

My mother and my grandma has that curious look in their eyes. My father, sister and Magneto got their eyes wide because of shock. While the rest of them is horrified when I said that.

"What do you mean? You're lying, The Professor will never do that to me. Right Professor? He's lying right?!" Jean said in a relatively calm manner, but I can feel it, she's slowly getting consumed by her anger.

"You asshole! Stop slandering The Professor and planting this false claims into our head!" Scott shouted, his visor glowing red and ready to attack.

"Oh? Am I slandering him?" I chuckled and turned to Grandma.

"Grandma, you can detect lies and project it for us to see, right?" I said in a playful tone.

As I said that, Baldwheels widen his eyes.

I don't really want to do this, but based on what he looks like, he has yet fought Apocalypse, and with Marvel Girl not yet manifesting her phoenix powers, it will doom us all if they did not resolve this matter.

Fortunately, my 3rd summon will help with this psychic shenanigans.

"Charles, is he telling the truth?" Magneto asked him, with furrowed brows

"Eric! Don't tell me you believe what this guy is telling you? For all we know, he's just saying that to destroy us from the inside!" Cyclops shouted with anger and disbelief at Magneto.

"Young man, saying that my grandson is lying just to destroy your so called team when he doesn't even know about you before you barged at our home is a bit presumptious, isn't it?" Grandma said, then looked at hot-wheels

"And you, Charles, I will reluctantly forget about you trying to read my grandson's mind, even if that is just to know his surface thoughts. But tell me the truth, did you really do something in this young lady's mind? and your reason. And if I find your reason inadequate, I will see to it that you shall be punished. And I think you know what that punishment is." Grandma said, now her eyes and glinting with dangerous light.

Bald-wheels removed his dope helmet and brushed his hair


"I, I had to" he started, "If I didn't, she will endanger a lot of people, not just normal ones, but mutants too." He said with looking at the floor.

"And how is that even gonna happen? I can sense her psychic powers, it's not even that strong to be qualified as an Alpha Post-human. And yeah, my son coined that term, post-human, because we still are humans, but just ahead of the evolutionary curve than the rest." My mom said, as she apparently scanned Jean Grey's power level.

At the mention of the term, Magneto went into thinking, about what? I don't know.

While Charles looked like he is resisting the urge to go to the bathroom.

"Because when she awakened, she lifted everything that is detached from the ground in a 3 blocks radius. That's why I deemed her dangerous, and did what I did to prevent further damage to anyone."

As he said that, Grand Mother creased her brows with concern. Who would not be concerned if they heard that information, right?

As I was about to say something that will push him to give us more information about what happen, even tho I do know what really happened that time, my mother, grandma, those two helmet bros and me felt something approaching, and whatever it is, it is dangerous.


lots of errors, please bear with it for a while.

Ok, I've been gome for more or less a year now, without any updates or anything. I will not say that I've got no time, because I certainly have the time to write, its just that a couple of things happened. My phone was stolen, so my note drafts are gone because as advanced as Samsung is in their phone, they can't do anything about their Samsung account if the sim card is lost, so now I can't open my samsung cloud. Next, I lost my drive to write, like, my mind just suddenly stopped being imaginative and focused to write anything decent to my liking. I'm sorry for that.

But for now, I hope to comtinue this story and finish it, hopefully.

Thank You For Reading This.

Happy Reading(or not)