
A Story In Need Of A New Beginning


Rising_Tides · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

New Beginning

It has been a long time since I gave up writing this story.

The Godlike Servant (TGS), a short novel that got far more attention than I ever imagined, and one that still holds a special place in my heart.

If anyone is still around, and even sees this update, the novel may look very different to what it once was. Mainly because I have deleted all of the previous 32 chapters from publication. Something I told myself I would avoid doing due to previous regrets. However now I have, and there is a fairly decent reason behind this decision.

I wrote 32 chapter of TGS, all with varying degrees of success, and by the end I was disappointed in how things were left. My writing seemed to have plateaued and I was becoming increasingly unhappy with the quality of my releases. I felt that the story was disjointed and needly a great deal of work that I was unable to put in at the time.

Which is why, I now had the idea to restart the novel. Using the old chapters, editing parts that I enjoyed from the original, and possibly eliminating those parts that I was unhappy with.

I may not be a better writer than I was when I began this novel way back when, but one thing I can say for certain is that I do miss writing it.

I doubt anyone cares at this point, it has been a long time, but I have noticed that the novels views have grown to 69 thousand (nice), a number far exceeding any of my original expectations, which is why I felt the need to write this little update to explain the situation.

If I decide against the plan discussed above, I will restore the old chapters so that they can live on, a time capsule of sorts that I will be able to look back on later in life.

If you are reading this, look out for the updated releases in the near future. They won't be from this account, but from another, and the title may be different, though I haven't decided yet.

Best Regards,
