
Setting up the game Check out The Auxiliary Chapters

Ring Ring….. Ring Ring

"Uh what time is it?" Elijah says as he mentally turns off his contacts alarm. "This has to be one of the worst inventions to date" Elijah murmurs to himself. The invention he is talking about is the new contacts that were released a few months ago and have all of the functions of a phone but connected to your nervous system through the eyes. It allows it to be controlled through the mind but somehow it also allows for you to hear everything in your head which is usually fine like an iner voice but the alarm funcion gives more of a headache.

"Elijah are you awake!" Elijah heard come through the rooms coms from his sister Evelyn. Elijah tiredly gets up to wash himself in the bathroom then changes to jeans and a black t-shirt. He proceeds to go down the stairs where he can hear his sister eating cereal with her nasty habit of chewing with her mouth open which he can't seem to get her to stop doing. "Chew with your mouth closed it's annoying and gross to look at." He scolds her without paying much attention to her.

Elijah's point of View

We have been living on our own for a few years now I am 21 while my sister turned 18 a month ago. Our birthdays are on the same day which while our parents were alive claimed they timed it themselves to do it. I doubt it but it was cool for a while but then it was something we just got used too. Our parents passed away a month after my sister and I had our birthday when taking a flight across the ocean to visit France for work. And by work I mean a diplomatic mission. My father was a soldier when he was younger then went on to become a diplomat and a few years later went on to become the president. He was the youngest to do so at the age of 37 which was quite a bit more for my father to brag about. It isn't the snarky type of brag but more of the jovial type. My mother while beautiful didn't really ever have much of a job, she did do some acting and modeling but mostly stayed at home with me and Evelyn.

Their death hit Evelyn a lot harder then it hit me but my emotions have always been a bit weird. I deal with death as if it's an everyday thing same as my father and from what he told me his brother and father were the same. So I think it may run in the men in our family or something about how we were raised. As I was 18 and my father left everything to me as our family has done sense it's foundation I was able to keep custody of Evelyn as I had the means to support her and was legally an adult. It was pretty ruff getting used to it but after a while I got used to it.

"So are you ready for later?" My sister asked me happily which is a lot diffrent then last year last year after we went to our parent grave like the previous year she was very mournful for a few days. "What are you so excited about?" I asked her while looking at her weirdly. She like me had blond hair and blue eyes but where as I was tallish at 6'2 she was pretty short at 5'4 another family trait from what the family histories show. "The mandatory MMORPG game is today" she said excitedly. The MMORPG game she is speaking of is based on the ASOIAF world with some diffrences but they weren't talked about. "I thought it was supposed to come out on the 20th?" I asked her confused. "It is the 20th" she said while sticking her tongue out at me. It was another habit of hers that I couldn't get her to stop but that's mainly because I still find it cute she may be 18 but she is still my little sister. "Well when I get back from the University we will get ready ok?" I ask her. "Ok" she says happily before putting her bowl in the dishwasher and happily running off to her room.

..... Later that day

"I'm back!" I yell when I come into the house. I can hear her running down the stairs seconds after twords me like a mini missle. "Easy there." I laugh while catching her and swinging her around before releasing her twords the couch where she flies at laughing. "Man you put on a lot of weight you know any more and you jumping at me will put a hole in the floor" I say while pretending my back is in pain, in reality she is pretty light and from my military training at the military college I'm going too and from my dads training when I was younger it wasn't straining at all.

"Take that back." She pouts at me. My one major weakness is cuteness and she sure knows how to use it against me. "Ok, ok I take it back you ready for the game?" I ask while pretending to be remorseful. "Yep, I already have everything set up it starts in an hour. Imagine it, the whole world connected to one game at the same time." She says with stars in her eyes. "Ya, ya whatever let's get in and set up our characters" I tell her before heading to my room.

...…. 45 minutes later

I just took a shower and am now getting into my bed while the new machine hooked up to it turns on and a blue energy fills the immediate area on the bed. It relaxes the body and turns off most functions except the brain and puts your body in a criostasis type state. Then my contacts light up and the world goes black.

1,000 words for my first chapter I know this chapter is boring but wanted to introduce the family (will be important) and a bit of background, more may come in the future.

GodOfLightningcreators' thoughts