
A Song Of Chad And Thunder

Join our anti-hero, Chad 'Melvin' Thundercock, on an endless quest of poontang and pub-crawls through your favourite worlds, picking up broads and bros alike. There will be tears (from Chad's enemies), there will be laughter (from Chad at his weeping enemies), there might well be tears of laughter (from us, bladdered on ale and mead). Read on to see the legend of the Thundercock manifest! Seriously though, this is a passion project written by a bunch of mentally deranged individuals who got drunk on discord one night and decided to take the piss on Webnovel. This is a pure satirical comedy meant to poke holes in the cliché fan fiction format and just have fun with a ridiculous concept whilst telling an entertaining story. The authors are Dickheads, and their powers combined to make them Uber Dickheads. By extension Chad is also an Uber Dickhead so don't take the shite these idiots spew to heart. It's all for shits and/or giggles. It might work, it might not. Likewise, it might fail on the first day, or it might be what sparks internet-wide bans on the publication of fan fiction (here's hoping). Either way we're having fun, and we hope you will too. The first world he wrecks is DxD, not 'cause it was voted or 'cause it is a popular Webnovel setting, but 'cause we like big ol' tiddies - end of story - roll credits. ₽68.99 Entry Ticket Furthermore, it goes without saying that all the works referenced are the intellectual properties of their respective owners/publishers, not in any way connected to us, so please support the official release. We create transformative content under the concept of fair use (which we know doesn't exist in Europe T.T) and hope that we don't get the book thrown at us. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

adeadas · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

th Chapter

Chapter Title: [Chad's Problems Double! Show Me What You're Made Of!]

In the outer part of Kuoh town at midnight, near an abandoned warehouse stood six figures of various heights and builds.

The abandoned warehouse had been used by local yakuza groups as a storage unit for various nefarious items and contraband. This came to an end a few years ago when a turf war resulted in several dead including the heir of the 'Yamane' family, a yakuza family that held significant control of the area.

Now the building fell into disarray with windows shattered and bullet holes in the walls from the tragedy. This is where the Stray-devil made its hunting ground. Unfortunately, although completely in disuse, surveyors and local workmen still have to make trips to the building and surrounding areas for various projects which leads to several unexplainable disappearances.

Stray-Devils are the by-product of a servant devil rebelling against its master, which results in the disowning of the devil causing a glitch in the evil piece leading to the mutation of the rebellious devil, which would then be labelled as a 'Stray'.

The mutations and breakdown of the evil piece eventually has the symptoms of madness and the unlocking of primal instincts, resulting in strays being no more than mere animals - with one key exception, that is.

Whilst not necessarily their previous master's, it is still a devil's duty to vanquish a stray or apprehend it if possible. This has both moral and societal reasons; Morally it is to put the once precious servant of a high ranking devil out of its misery, but also to ensure the rule of law is upheld.

This is where young devils come in, in the context of the human world. While there are older devils with areas occupied under 'devil rule' there are several cases that have enclaves within other factions' territories such as Kuoh. The main purpose for these territories are for the younger generations to get used to dealing with territorial issues such as taxation (in the form of contracts while in the human world) as well as enforcing "justice" upon ne'er-do-wells.

Years prior, the Great King Faction - while supported by the Arch Duke Agares, was able to strike a deal with the Shinto faction allowing for young devils to manage the territory for the betterment of the devil race. Now it was Rias Gremory's turn to manage the territory alongside Sona Sitri.

The splitting of the territory means that if a stray appears in one of the heiresses' territories, it will be said heiress to deal with it - which brings us back to the Gremory peerage… with a plus one.

"Phwaaa, stinks in 'ere!" The obnoxious commentary from Chad echoed through the abandoned warehouse, "Smells like a tramp's arsehole!"

"It does have a pungent smell, doesn't it," Kiba followed.

"I would have tried finding a far more eloquent description myself but," Rias said with a wry smile, "I can't say you're wrong either."

"Ufufu, you do have a way with words, Sensei~" Akeno done her usual routine of freaking Chad - the fuck out.

"So this is where the 'Stray' is right?" Issei inquisited.

"Indeed," Rias smiled at her new servant, "and this will be where you'll have your first 'experience'"

"O-OOOOh? W-w–what???"

"Ha! Not like that, boy," Chad laughed. "She means fisticuffs"

Cracking his knuckles ready to let off some steam, Chad was ready to kick some Stray-Devil ass.

"Okay, everyone into positions! Ise!" Rias glanced over to her newest recruit, "Stay close to me, I want you to learn from everyone else."

Giving a nod of agreement, Issei placed himself at the back of the group alongside Rias.

Kiba in the meantime had taken the left wing; Koneko the right; with Akeno, the Queen, in the centre.

Chad however…

"Come out then, manky tits!"

… Had other plans.

"Sensei, are you sure you won't get a noise complaint?" Issei asked, worried for his future peace with the neighbour from hell… though, suppose he'd be the one from hell now.

"Don't ruin my mojo, kiddo," Chad glanced at Issei, "I've been slaying pussies since before you were but a glint in the milkman's eye!"

"Wait, how old even are you, Sensei?" Issei asked, surely this man shouldn't be anything past thirty - the peak physical condition of a man.

"Fuck if I care, stopped counting after the birthday parties got dull."

"R-right," Issei had no further queries.

"Huh?" Chad stopped, "Anyone else smell really out of date Old Spice, or am I having another stroke?"

"Old Spice?" Rias pondered, "No, I don't smell— Wait, what do you mean 'another' stroke?"


*CRASH* x101

A loud screech reverberated through the warehouse, and after what seemed like hundreds of old boxes had finished crashing to the ground the Stray Devil revealed its hideous self - The prey had been spotted.

The Stray had taken the form of an owl, though not just a regular owl but a 5' 7'' Owl with its height being made up of 60% legs that ended with large talons. It's big beady eyes stared daggers at the young devils, although losing its self in the transformation into this abomination, it seemed as though its intelligence had not been hindered.

The short beak of the Owl-like creature was propped open by its rows of razor sharp teeth, that allowed its serpent-like tongue to be on display.

All in all the creature was truly a sight for sore eyes.

"That's one ugly fucker!" Chad pointed, "Okay, Kids, have fun!"

Giving them the green light and pulling out a camping stool to watch the fight as if he were a Sengoku Period General waiting for his opponent - Chad took the literal backseat in this exchange.

"Ahem, Right okay listen closely, Ise…" Rias had begun her monologue on how the peerage operates and where he fit into the ragtag team of deviants and paupers.

Meanwhile, Chad was busy mulling over what his beloved wives had told him. After weeks of no contact, Ulyssa was finally able to form a connection, which was definitely not disrupted by the brief time reversal.

According to Ulyssa, the old enemy of Chad was behind the dimensional shift and subsequent collapse of Chadhalla - that Chad was currently on a mission to fix. The Chief God Phanes, or the 'Dungeon Master' as He's known by Chad, is an entity that created the world Chad was first summoned to and met his wonderful wives.

After a hard fought battle, the creator God of said world was pushed out of the 'mortal' realm as well as 'Valhalla' - an unabashedly copied version from mythos. Once the 'DM' had retreated to the heavenly plane, all out war was declared which resulted in a stalemate and the current Cold War between those left behind in the newly established "Chadhalla" and those who followed the DM to ensue.

The destabilisation from the war, which was also encouraged by the DM, caused the current predicament that Chadhalla faced. As the creator of said Universe the DM was able to syphon off the 'laws' that made up the universe for that current world into the new safe haven for the Gods, hence the world slowly falling apart - if not for the Thundercock's interference.

With this, all Chad needs to do is connect Chadhalla with existing planes and ensure a permanent link so that Chadhalla can "acquire" their laws.

The only issue currently as explained by Ulyssa was the DM is now aware of this mission that Chad was on and has used his own influence to hinder Chad or potentially stop him.

So now Chad not only has to find ways to permanently connect his Realm with this one, but also be on the lookout for "Dodgey Geezers".


"HHOOOOOOOO" A loud cry from the stray resounded bringing Chad back to the current situation, "UPSTART LOLI BITCH!"

"... Be quiet."


From the looks of things the majority of the brats had it sorted, Koneko was busy throwing the owl-abomination around like a rag doll while Kiba occasionally sliced and diced the feathery fucker.

Akeno, however seemed to be charging an attack of some kind- "Ohhh, is that lightning? Didn't know one of youse specialised in the Chad element!"

"Ufufu, I am indeed, Sensei," Akeno said with a dark smile on her face, "However, I prefer to call it 'Thunder' rather than lightning…"

"Atta girl!" Chad grinned, "Maybe youse aren't lost causes after all!"

"Ara, you're making me blush, Sensei," a mischievous glint flashed through Akeno's eyes.

"Aaaaand the moment's ruined," Chad noped-the-fuck-out of the situation and turned towards the only two twiddling their thumbs in his eyes.

"... and that brings us to Akeno's position, she's the 'Queen'," Rias was in the middle of her lecture to the dimwitted disciple of Chad, "an all-rounder if you will."

"Whoa, that's amazing Buchou," Issei said with stars in his eyes, "So where do I fall in all this?"

"Fufu, well you see," Rias gave a sweet smile, "You're a 'Pawn' piece."

"A-a Pawn?" Issei was downcast from the revelation, he never expected his position to be so… dull.

"BAHAHAHA, wahey little pawn boy," whereas Chad was laughing his ass off.

"Sensei, you shouldn't laugh at poor Ise," Rias admonished Chad, "Ise, the pawn is far more versatile than you think- KYA."

"Versatile this!" Chad, in his ever knowing wisdom, threw the young heiress into the fold. He had noted that she wasn't acting very 'Kingly' in his opinion - A King should be at the front fighting, not at the back watching like a pansy!

"B-B-BUCHOU!" Issei just couldn't believe it, one of the two 'Great Onee-samas' of the school just got thrown as if she were a javelin. Quickly thinking on his toes he ran after the projectile Gremory, hoping to break her fall at least -


He didn't make it.

"Ow ow ow," holding her head after impacting the ground all she could do was glare back at the piece of — great teacher that they had, "What was that about?!?"


"Silence," Blasting a volleyball sized hole through the the stray, deciding that she hadn't the patience to deal with both Chad and the stray, she quickly finished off the poor unsuspecting devil.

"See!" Chad wasn't able to read the room, "If you just pulled your head out your arse you'd get this shit done ten times quicker!"

"Sensei," Rias seemed to be glowing, and not in a 'Oh she has great skin' way, but a 'the beacons of a pissed off broad are lit' way, "What, with all due respect, the fuck?"

"What? You were doing fuck all," Chad said while crossing his arms, "Plus if I threw him you wouldn't move, whereas if I threw you…"

Looking past the small congregation of pissed off devils he saw movement from the stray. With a bright light emanating from its once hollow eyes, the talons that were as sharp as a hacksaw aimed directly for Rias' back.

"Not on my watch!" Summoning his Sacred Gear, Issei backhanded the talon away from his new master.

"... He'll make it in time," giving a shit eating grin to the teens, Chad strutted over to the Fallen Stray, "Now watch, this is how you finish the job."

Raising his fist, Chad began congregating energy causing his arm to begin shining - blazing even, like the sun.

"Rejoice brats, and bear witness to the fist that has decked the gods!"

Runes began circling his being and eventually gathering towards his fist. Once all seemingly in place, Chad brought down the punch with the momentum of an F-15E Strike Eagle.


Nothing. Absolute nothingness. As a wielder of the Power of Destruction, Rias was not foreign to this concept. Hell, she was the sister to the Maou - who is by definition the embodiment of destruction. Yet, this was like nothing she had ever seen, nor could she replicate such destruction caused.

In one mere movement, the stray devil and everything behind said target vanished. Luckily nothing was behind the abandoned warehouse other than fields and trees - or, were trees.

Chad, chuffed with his performance, waltzed back to the stunned Gremory group.

"And that's how it's done!" Giving a charismatic thumbs up, Chad was ready for the adoring praise and ready to take on new disciples.

Yet no one could say a word. Frozen in place staring at Chad with sauce pans for eyes, Chad began feeling somewhat off-put.

"Erm, alright," Chad began his lecture, "Just… don't fanny about the fight and go for the most effective strike."

By demonstrating the necessity to over exert your power and wave it around, Chad would ensure that these younguns wouldn't fall down the cliché of being overconfident and slowly work up during a fight - that's for morons! Like Chad!

Putting on this display, Chad didn't even need to give them a long lecture, that scene would be burnt into their minds for a while.

Was it overkill? Yes; Was it badass? No; Was it Chad approved? Absolutely.

"Okay, we'll wrap this up," Chad started stretching his arm while yawning, "It's well past beer o'clock and last calls' probably been taken so I'll be off."

"... Err, okay Sensei," Still shell shocked, Rias could only reply thus, "Good night, we'll… we'll see you tomorrow."

Bowing ever so slightly Rias disbanded the ORC for the night, all of them had a lot to mull over tonight - it seemed the world was far bigger than they first thought.

"'Aight, safe trips kids don't be going back with no strange men!" Chad waved the original members off, "Okay, come on boy I wanna pop my head in and see Miki and Gorou."

Without fanfare or ceremony, Chad dragged Issei back home to get pissed with his parents.


"... and then he punched the stray?" a confused tone masked the voice of the Student Council President.

"He didn't JUST punch the stray," Rias said in an aggravated voice, "He decimated it!"

"That and the surrounding area too," Akeno followed up, losing all of her standard mannerisms whilst discussing the issue at hand.

After witnessing the threshold their teacher had shown them, the majority of the Gremory Peerage went into deep thought over this. Whilst knowing they were nowhere near the 'Top 10' like Sirzechs Lucifer, they thought that anything they'd encounter in their day-to-day lives they'd be able to deal with - until they met Chad.

Hence, Rias immediately summoned Sona, her best friend; rival; and co-ruler of this area, to discuss this matter.

"I see, so he's a bigger threat than we initially thought?" Sona asked back, ready to draw up counter measures for this behemoth that had recently joined their school.

Perhaps she'd need to contact her sister, though she'd rather not have to deal with her sister's antics…

"No, he's not a threat," Rias said as a matter of fact, "Well, to us - his students."

"Even though he can be a bit rough, Ufufu," giggling to herself remembering her King being thrown into the fight with the stray.

"Y-yes, he can be eccentric…" sighing to herself, Rias turned her head to hide the rose tint that had painted her cheeks.

"Perhaps I should meet him one-to-one myself," Sona said with a small smile that certainly didn't extend to her eyes, "I've certainly not forgotten his… slip up, regarding my name."

"Haha, I think you should, Sona," Rias chuckled nervously, "out of both of us, you'll be able to read him far better than I ever could."

"In that case I'll visit him tomorrow," Sona stated, "I'll be leaving first, Rias."

"Good night, Sona."

"Good night, Sona-sama."

Both seeing Sona out of the Occult Research Club, Akeno was packing away the tea set they had left behind.

"Rias-buchou, do you think Sensei will be able to…"

"I don't know, Akeno," Giving a melancholic look to her best friend Rias could only sigh, "Though from what I hear from home, I hope Sensei can deliver his promise of training."


Φ: Took a wee break, haven’t we Alice

Ψ: …

Φ: Alice?

Ψ: You talkin’ to me? Who the fuck’s Alice?

Φ: Been on holiday innit, I, for one, didn’t write at all.

Ψ: No but who the fuck is Alice.

Φ: But now we’re back and have another chapter in the oven to be released soon.

Ψ: Oi!

Φ: See you next chapter.

Ψ: Mong.

adeadascreators' thoughts