
A Song Of Chad And Thunder

Join our anti-hero, Chad 'Melvin' Thundercock, on an endless quest of poontang and pub-crawls through your favourite worlds, picking up broads and bros alike. There will be tears (from Chad's enemies), there will be laughter (from Chad at his weeping enemies), there might well be tears of laughter (from us, bladdered on ale and mead). Read on to see the legend of the Thundercock manifest! Seriously though, this is a passion project written by a bunch of mentally deranged individuals who got drunk on discord one night and decided to take the piss on Webnovel. This is a pure satirical comedy meant to poke holes in the cliché fan fiction format and just have fun with a ridiculous concept whilst telling an entertaining story. The authors are Dickheads, and their powers combined to make them Uber Dickheads. By extension Chad is also an Uber Dickhead so don't take the shite these idiots spew to heart. It's all for shits and/or giggles. It might work, it might not. Likewise, it might fail on the first day, or it might be what sparks internet-wide bans on the publication of fan fiction (here's hoping). Either way we're having fun, and we hope you will too. The first world he wrecks is DxD, not 'cause it was voted or 'cause it is a popular Webnovel setting, but 'cause we like big ol' tiddies - end of story - roll credits. ₽68.99 Entry Ticket Furthermore, it goes without saying that all the works referenced are the intellectual properties of their respective owners/publishers, not in any way connected to us, so please support the official release. We create transformative content under the concept of fair use (which we know doesn't exist in Europe T.T) and hope that we don't get the book thrown at us. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

adeadas · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

th Chapter

Chapter Title: [Mutually Assured Destruction? My Favourite Policy! The Secrets of the ORC are unveiled]

"Well if it's boy trouble, don't ask me. I ain't your papa… I think."

"I wouldn't be joking if I were you." Rias retorted grimly.

Chad dismissed and sat down in his usual seat, "Damn fine, hope you packed your tampons, Jesus—"

"OW!" x5

All devillings present recoiled from pain at the utterance of The Holy Son.

"Whadefuck." Chad was amazed by the damage his cutting remarks managed to inflict. Yet another power he'd have to seal away.

"W-what the hell was that!" Issei blurted. He, who not even half an hour ago got involuntarily indoctrinated into a demonic cult, was having a hard time keeping up.

"S-sensei, please don't mutter 'His' name," Rias winced explaining what happened, "...Our kind doesn't take too well to the holy order."

"Who? Jes—"


"....Ya serious?"

"Deadly, sensei," Kiba chimed in with a half smile.

Chad was speechless at their display, with a rare pitiful expression filling his visage. He heard rumours of the noxious 8th grader syndrome, but never did he witness it.

"It's alright, teach understands. Battling mental illness is no joke, I shall endeavour to help yous through it." Chad winced.

"I-I see, very well then, Sensei," Rias gave a wry smile, confused by Chad's insinuation, "Anyway, I'd like to discuss something very important with you sensei."

"So," Chad went into serious mode, a mode that usually only occurs when in full concentration, e.g. when either taking a dump or beating someone to a pulp; "What's the situation?"

Being slightly taken aback by Chad's mood swing, the young devils present got straight into business… minus one harem protagonist that is.

"E-erm, I'm a little out of the loop," Issei scratched his cheek, "Can someone explain—"

"Later, Ise."

"Not now, boy."

Cut off by the clear two main characters in this discussion, Issei could only wind his neck in and only hope to have the situation explained to him later.

"Sigh, Okay, Sensei… What do you know of the supernatural?" Rias started off with the 133,245,000 Yen question.

"Er, naturally it's super… natural?" Chad would be shit at The Chase.

"Sensei, you can't be serious?" Slightly confused by the response, Rias attempted to clarify what Chad meant.

Issei however - "How did you become a teacher?" - Went for the jugular.

"... Dumbass." While Koneko went for the family jewels.

"Oi, wind thy neck in," Chad wouldn't allow such insults to his face, "Or I'll do it for you."

Under the tyrannous gaze of their Spartan teacher, a chorus of apologises resounded.

"Umu, better!" Chad was pleased with himself, not realising he'd picked up some local dialect… No doubt from Saki.

"Anyway…" Rias decided to get back to the root of the issue, "Casting aside your… Exemplary definition, what does Sensei think of the supernatural?"

"Garn then, what is the supernatural?" Chad inquired, "Yous are meant to be the Occult Research Club after all, show me what you're made of!"

Chad pulled out his speciality: Defence by Bullshit —「The Uno-Reverse Card」

"Well as I see it, the supernatural is what humans would perceive as unexplainable or that of what they do not know," Rias explained, "That could range from cryptids, spirits, psychics, or even beings not from our world entirely."

"Ufufu, and that doesn't even scratch the surface," Akeno cut in, much to Chad's chagrin, "Races such as devils, angels, and even gods would fall under this category."

"Fascinating…" Chad nodded after not really listening to the monologues, "And you kids claim to be…?"

"Devils." Unfurling her wings for the second time of the day, Rias smirked believing herself to have finally stumped the charismatic enigma that was their P.E. teacher.

"Allow me to reintroduce myself, Sensei," With the elegance of an angel but the wings of a devil, Rias looked into Chads eyes, "I am Rias Gremory, Heiress to the noble House of Gremory."

Silence washed over the room, everyone had their eyes on the seemingly frozen teacher believing he'd passed out from shock.



"Never heard of them grimoires or whatnot."

"I-I think you're missing the point sensei. Can you not see my wings!" Rias waved her hand in front of Chad's Aviators.

"Big whoop, you got some scraggly driftwood branches growing out your bum. Can you even fly with 'em, thought s—"

Rias performed as requested, lifting off a foot of the ground and hovered silently in front of a stunned Chad.

He opened and closed his mouth like a dying fish unable to form words, much to Rias' delight. She had finally cornered Chad.

"Now that's cheating! According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that you should be able to fly!" Chad was enraged by the blatant display of injustice.

A smirk crawled upon her face as he was finally acting within her expectations.

"This is a special quality all devil kind posses, the ability to imbue one's wings with demonic power and imply an omnidirectional vector to one's velocity in space." Rias explained matter-of-factly.

"I'll omni-discriminate your vectors with my boot up your arse in a minute." Chad was having none of this.

Unbeknownst to the young devils, aerodynamics and Chad have been one unsightly pair since recorded history, oil and water would be an understatement. His outburst was nothing more than indignation at the years of struggle against the forces of gravity, the one struggle Chad had not managed to overcome.

"Excuse me?" His blatant threat managed to irk Rias.

"S-sensei!" Issei couldn't believe the amount of disrespect shown to his new master.

"What, want me to treat her like one of 'em princess types now?" Chad peered over his extremely expensive Ray-Bans, "You want a round of applause or sommet?"

Chad mocked with a slow clap. "Good on ya! You pulled the SSR in the birth lottery there!"

Rias' mood was becoming increasingly more aggravated with each sentence coming out of Chad's mouth.

He could mock her all he wanted, but she would not take any besmirching of the Gremory name.

"That is quite enough sensei, I believe I have shown you the utmost courtesy so far, and I expect to receive the same in return." Rias said with a grim tone, a magic circle forming on both of her hands.

"Hoho! Dewa juubun chikazukanai youi" Chad smirked at her adorable display of might.


A sliver of the Thundercock manifested in his palm, condensed and out of sight. A quick burst of golden energy ripped forth in a wave like motion with a strenuous noise.

Rias' wings forced her back to the ground as she lost control of the magic circles she cast for show, and for the second time today, all the kids in the room were gripping their heads from the sudden pressure exerted upon them.

"Ye play with feathers, ye get'er arse tickled." Chad put his feet up on the table.

"Who wants to fly anyway," Chad dismissed the heavily breathing younguns and looked away, "I can kick just as much ass from down here." He whispered with a tinge of annoyance in his voice.

On the devils' side, things began to calm down. That pressure was extremely quick, so no lasting damage would be left behind. Their mental states however took a bit longer to stabilise, as the shock was too sudden, an intended effect of the ability.

"Hah, hah, what a monstrous spell." Akeno was the first to speak up.

"...It stinks." Koneko chimed in as well.

"Hahaha, Koneko-chan is right, it does have a nauseous quality to it." Kiba joked as his hand, which instinctively reached for his sword, was trembling on its handle.

"I think I'm—hurk—I think I'm gonna puke!" Issei reliably missed the point.

"Hehe, gotcha!" Rias on the other hand was ecstatic.

"I knew it, you are a wizard!" She stood up steadfast and pointed at a confused Chad.

"I'm a what?"

"A wizard!"

"A wizard?"

"Yes sensei, you ARE a wizard!"

"Listen here Reece, do I look like a 30-year-old virgin to you?"

"A what!?"

"Thought so, ye fire crotch ankle biter."

"T-there's no point acting dumb now sensei, you revealed your powers already." Rias had enough of the comedy routine.

"Eh? So?"

"A human with such prowess and vigour, not associated with any mythological faction, is without a doubt part of the magicians' faction." Akeno flanked Rias, aiding in her plan.

"As she said, the facts are laid bare. Everything makes so much sense now."

Chad felt a nostalgic sense of déjà vu from the girls' barrage of words that made no sense to him. Reminded him of getting bollocked by his wives.

"Alright, cool your jets, I don't care how dazzled you are by my awesomeness, I'm not signing no autographs." Chad was feeling jovial at the sudden attention.

"That is the least of your worries."

Chad, in his infinite wisdom, did not realise the younglings were now surrounding him. Furthermore, a large magic circle encompassed the area he was sat in.

Issei was lagging behind as usual.

"So, do you mind telling us what we want to know now?" Rias said with an evil smirk.

"You didn't ask yet." Chad was not worried in the slightest.

"Then let's begin with why you're here. What is your purpose and who do you work for." Rias did not mind Chad's airs, as she was fully planning on breaking him down bit by bit.

The stranger danger alarms were rung early in the meeting between Chad and the Gremory group, and Rias was not the type of person that would ignore such outliers like him. Since their first meeting, they spent weeks of careful study into Chad, his comings and goings, the extent of his powers, reactions and resistances. All their work led to this moment.

After the Fallen Angel stunt, Rias was positively alarmed and decided on an early rescheduling of springing the trap on their so-called sensei. Her servants were informed ahead of course, each with their respective jobs in the investigation process. Although she didn't manage to gather all the information she would've liked, time was not on her side, and she would lie if she said it wasn't personal at this point.

"What a dumb question to ask a teacher. I'm here to beat snotty sods into functioning members of society, my purpose is to make dosh, and I work for the school… ya runt."

"Uh-huh." Rias mocked as she looked at Akeno.

Akeno on the other hand showed a sinister grin as she primed the supercharged magic circle under Chad, making it give off a yellowish light.

"You know what will happen next, don't you sensei? I suggest you become a little more honest with your students." Rias pressed on.

"Are them big ears of yours just for show or do they serve a function? And the fuck you mean 'what will happen next'?" Chad said lazily.

"Humph, very well." At Rias' words, Akeno activated the magic circle.

Suddenly, a raging storm of lightning bolts ripped through the confines of the circle and arched towards Chad.


The light generated blocked their sight, but amongst the chirping of lightning they could hear a beastly bellow.

"That's enough Akeno." Rias commanded after a couple of seconds and her Queen complied.

What greeted them inside was a Chad in dishevelled clothing, his surroundings charred black, yet his appearance wasn't any worse for ware.

What shocked them more was the massive grin plastered on his face.

"NOW THAT'S MORE LIKE IT!" Chad announced with a satisfied belch. Waves of power slithering under his skin made the kids' blood run cold.

"You had such good scran and kept it away from sensei? Chad's hurt!" Chad joked as he played with a lingering bolt snaking across his arm.

"What in the—!" Rias was in denial of what just transpired.

From what they observed, Chad was completely open to magic attacks. They put him to sleep more times than she cares to count. But the current Chad was anything but susceptible.

It made no sense to her, no madman would go snooping around others' territory without some sort of insurance, let alone no protection. Yet this person played the fool and let them do as they pleased to get their guards down, it was pure insanity.

"What even are you?"

"A teacher that beats snotty sod—"


"Tsk, you're impossible to reason with, I pray for the poor fucker that has to marry you." Chad said with indignation as he sat back down in his charred recliner, "Look what you did, me clothes are all shaggered now, I'll be billing you just so you know."

"Leave my love prospects out of this!" Rias was about to blow her fuse.

"Buchou, I think it's best to—"

"I know, Yuuto, I know."

Offsetting Chad's chaotic mood shifts were the sombre ORC that were slowly learning that fighting Chad was an 89° degree uphill battle.

As if sensing his victory Chad decided to put the final nail in the coffin.

Overall he really couldn't give a shit if they were devils, demons or whatever they want. So long as they follow Chad's lessons, he simply had complete indifference to their outside school activities - hence why he's so adamant on putting them in their place now to establish the hierarchy: Chad… then the rest of the miserable fuckers.

Grinning at the red head, Chad wanted to pull their legs more, "You're a buncho' second rate devils with third rate magic."

"Well that's the issue, Sensei," Kiba spoke up, "Not everyone has magic."

"You high or sommet? Everyone and their mothers has some kind of magic!" Now Chad was confused, were these kids in special ed?

"Like who, Sensei?" Rias wanted to probe into Chad's knowledge.

"Adventurers or course!"

"...Who else?"

"Adventurer's mothers…"

Ignoring the blatant plagiarism from Chad, the ORC could only sigh. It seemed as though their mentor's common sense wasn't so… common.

"No, Sensei," Rias felt like she was getting to the bottom of this, "Magic and the rest of the supernatural world are kept hidden away from the public."

"On most occasions we even have to wipe their memories," Akeno supported her King, "Which can be quite the task ufufu."

'That fucking laugh…' Chad really hated that laugh, 'but seriously, no magic?'

"If the public knew about magic and supernatural creatures there'd be pandemonium." Rias stated matter-of-factly.

"Bullshit! Back home everyone knew about magic, it was something to strive for… well that and debauchery," Chad started ranting about the previous Chadhalla before it changed management.

"And back home would be where, Sensei?" As if taking the form of a viper that had lured its prey into a trap, Rias finally felt like she'd won one over Chad.

"Ever heard of a place called Sugma?"

"No, I can't say I have—"

"Rias-Senpai wait!" Issei finally spoke up realising that his new idol almost fell into a trap, "don't answer— ahk!"

"Who's side you on, boy?" Chad splattered whilst throttling Issei, picking him up by the scruff of his neck.

"I-I-I-I'M SORRY SENSEI," knowing that if he didn't apologise to Chad he would certainly die this time, third times the charm as they say.

"Little spakka, I swore your ass would be grass," Chad was ready for the killing blow.

"Sensei, please put Hyoudou-kun down," Kiba tried to reason.

"... Or we'll tell your wife." Koneko went nuclear.

"You wouldn't dare…" Chad glared, "Aight, you know what, you tell my wives and I'll announce that you're all devils."

A childish attempt at Mutually Assured Destruction, but an effective one.

"Hold on a minute, what's this about wives!" The terrified Issei immediately changed his tune.

"Be quiet Ise." Rias stopped that train of thought as quickly as it reared its head.

"Y-yes ma'am…"

"Sensei," A serious tone came from Rias, "Are you a threat?"

"... What kind of dumbass question is that?" Chad replied, "Does this tactic work? You just ask, 'oi oi mate, are you the baddies' and just flash your tits or sommet?"

Gawking at Chad's mockery, Rias had no time to counter before Chad carried on.

"All I've seen here so far is a bunch o' kids playing grown-ups, now you're telling me you're here asking if I'm gonna 'arm ya?" Chad raised his eyebrow, "Look, you're my students whether you like it or not, and it doesn't matter if you're man, woman, mineral or even a devil! You're under Chad's wing now."

With a shit eating grin, Chad posed in front of the young devils pointing to himself with his thumb.

"-pfft" Losing composure, Rias couldn't handle it any more; What was this shit comedy?

"Okay Sensei, we'll be in your care then," Standing up and bowing towards Chad, Rias gave in — perhaps they could learn a thing or two from him; not to mention… that aura they felt before was awfully familiar.


Meanwhile, after the comedy routine seemed to be wrapping up, a magic circle used for communication appeared next to Akeno's head.

"Akeno, what's the issue?" Rias asked her Vice-president.

"Orders from the Arch Duke." Akeno replied with a grim look on her face.

"Heir to the throne of Austria?"

"No, Arch Duke Agares," Rias brushed off the quip - clearly getting too used to Chad's antics, "We often times receive orders from the higher ups such as Arch Duke Agares to exterminate strays."

"Wait so you guys are going?" Issei asked.

"No, silly," Rias chuckled, "We're all going."

Unbeknownst to her, Rias had opened the flood gates for a certain teacher to tag along.


Bonus Chapter Title: [Welcome to the New World Order, Son!]

"Prime Minister!" A deep masculine voice boomed through the meeting room, "Please reconsider, these developments will give Japan - No, the world what it truly needs!"

"And what might that be, Councillor Tabata?" The Prime Minister, a tall man in his late 50s replied, "Losing our humanity to these… Machines? I cannot, in good faith, sign off on this Bill until further research has occurred."

"We can invest in the testing!" Speaking passionately, Councillor Tabata almost lost his composure, coughing slightly to reign himself in, "Ahem, my apologies, as I was saying… The Nanotech may be in the early stage of development but think about it! This can help the many here, the new stage of human evolution!"

The Prime Minister, Miyake Hitoshi, was a serious politician and always put the needs of the many before the few. To him, the new technology proposed and backed by Councillor Tabata would no doubt bring a new age to Japan or even the whole world… however:

"This is too risky… Ryota-san, you and I have been good friends for years," Prime Minister Miyake looked at his old friend, "I know you've had it rough, but we can take these things one step at a time."

"Hitoshi-san… I know the risks, but—"

"To get the article to pass through both chambers will be difficult enough without any evidence," giving a sympathetic look to the downtrodden councillor, Miyake put his foot down, "I won't back it."


"Sigh, I guess that's it then," Tabata had left almost immediately after the Prime Minister had said his final words; kicking up a fuss wouldn't change his old friend's mind, "Guess I'm back to square one…"

After months of torment from his divorce and finding out about his wife's lover 'Ernesto', Tabata met a hooded figure that appeared to be a "God-Botherer", proclaiming that his master had chosen Tabata to lead the world in the development of 'Nanotech'.

Having nothing to lose, Tabata chose to take up the offer when his mind was suddenly flooded with countless amounts of information ranging from the production to the application of Nanotech.

Being close friends with the current Prime Minister as well as a member of the House of Councillors, Tabata believed it would be a piece of piss to gain support for this revolutionary concept - though his dreams would come crashing down.

"No…" Tabata said, lighting up a cigar, "I can't let this stop me; if Hitoshi won't support me, I'll find someone who will."

"Oya Oya, what do we have here?" a sickening voice appeared behind Tabata; looking around him, everyone on the street had disappeared, "Tabata Ryota, correct?"

Turning around to face the person addressing him, Tabata was stunned by what he saw. In front of him was a short, bespectacled elderly man with grey hair, a moustache, black eyes and wearing a priest's outfit. He approached with a small smile plastered on his face.

"Speaking, who might you be?" Tabata replied standoffishly.

"Ara? Oh yes, forgive me for my late introduction… My name is Bishop Galilei," Performing an overly dramatic bow, the Bishop continued, "Though I suppose I'd just be Valper Galilei now, and I'm willing to be your backer."

"What?" Tabata was taken back, "Are you serious, Galilei-dono?"

"Certainly, your technology and mission are to benefit my master after all," Valper said with the same small smile, "Though our little group of ruffians would benefit too, I suppose."

"This master and group you speak of, they would be?"

"Oh, that's none of your concern for now… though, in future, I imagine they would wish to meet you personally," Chuckling to himself, Valper stretched out his hand, "Though the group you will be joining is known by many things, I believe 'Khaos Brigade' is the name they've settled on."

"... I see, though I must warn you this technology is to stop a specific person," Tabata mentioned grimly.

"Oh, I'm well aware! But by extension, I imagine it can have the same effect on… larger targets, no?"


"Valper, your dog is still in that shithole, right?" A deep voice sounded over the communication device Valper had next to his ear, "He'll do well not to touch that nun my subordinates are grooming."

"Yes, the mad-dog is having his fun," Valper sneered, "and I'm sure Raynare will reign him in before he does something stupid."

"Yes, it would be a shame to lose such a chaotic pawn," the voice chuckled, "he still has his uses."

"Correct, Kokabiel-sama," Valper replied, "He does have the blood of Seigfried after all."

"'-Sama', huh," Kokabiel laughed, "Seem's you're getting too used to the language over there."

"Well, I must admit it's become somewhat of a tick…" Valper sighed, "Being in exile sure has its downsides."

"I'm sure," Kobabiel changing his tone, asked, "And what of that Tabata, do you think his machines will be useful?"

"Indeed I do; if we combine them with… hohoho, I may be getting ahead of myself again."

"Indeed, you need him to become Prime Minister first and foremost," Kokabiel was beginning to get excited, "I'd prefer a coup d'état personally; elections are for the weak."

"That may be true, but it's far less trouble."

"I'll leave you to support him then; unfortunately, that spineless Governor gave me new orders," Kobabiel sneered, "...Though I can't complain too much, that energy could certainly give me a challenge kukuku."

Ending the communications, Valper was left alone with his thoughts.

"I suppose I should get to work," he chuckled, "it's been a while since I've participated in indoctrination…"


Ψ: I’ve noticed the text has some new supporters.

Φ: Buncho’ idiots.

Ψ: It takes an idiot to spot another.

Φ: Guilty as charged.

Ψ: Anyways, ‘sup virgins. Velkommen to the fold.

Φ: Chad bless.

adeadascreators' thoughts