
A Second Chance in Time

Hi, I’m Mark and while I’m not the strongest and neither do I have any unique ability, most of my opportunities being either wasted or given away one way or another, I’m the one that survived the most. Now that I think about it, this life is pretty miserable. I got my ups and downs, but because I rushed at the beginning, I ruined my entire future and the only thing keeping me alive is my ability to adapt and survive. That’s it. No magical abilities. No genius talent. The most unique ability I had was an ability the “survivor” title gave me called “The survivor”. Oh, look, I'm about to be killed aaaaand I'm dead. ... . . Die, they said, you will receive eternal rest they said, but where is the eternal rest?! “Hello and welcome to the Regression and Reincarnation agency. Due to your peculiar achievements, you have been fo- ahem, given the chance to go back in time, as well as three wishes.” –––––––––––––––––– Follow Mark on his journey to change his ending, see his rises and falls and journey with him together in this story through your imagination. ______________________ This is my first book and my native language isn't English, so expect grammar mistakes and so on. You will find no harem in here because webnovel is filled with harem stories and second, I'm absolutely tired and bored of reading harem stories, so I'm making a book myself. Same for swords, they are everywhere, so they got boeing quickly, so MC will NOT be wielding a sword. The closest thing to sword you'll get is a knife. Either way, enjoy my book and if you don't like it, just stop reading, no need to write comments or reviews about how, from your perspective, the story is. _______________

Blank_Joker · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs

In the womb 1

Ah, it's so boring.

It's been, what, like 3 months, I would've stopped if not for the fact that I got the 'discipline' skill and now it's F- -rank, all skills start out at G- -rank so you can see how hard for me it is to continue training the mana manipulation skill luckily it's in F+ rank now.

I want to stop.

No, get it together, you only got 15 hours of sleep in the past 1 day, that's plenty for you.

But I want to- shut up myself.

See what the author is doing to me, he forced an infant to train non-stop

A/N:I only gave you the quest, you chose to accept it.

But the rewards

A/N: ChatGPT generated them, now shut up and stop breaking the fourth wall.

Time to talk to myself more

After 1 month of 2 parts work and 3 parts rest I got so used to training mana manipulation that it became like second instinct for me. After 2 months I started talking to myself out of boredom, so I took the time to organize my memories and the like.

Now only the minor bits are left so let's review what I currently know.

When I'll be born it will be 1998 and I'll have till 2012 to prepare. My plans are to learn an instrument to get the 'dexterous fingers' passive skill, will go learn martial arts, kinda bothersome that I will have to rediscover where they are and with no google maps it should be hard.

Then learning multiple dancing styles will be next, I need those dancing skills, since if I can get my hands on the 'Linguistic Adaptation' I could transform all non-combat skills to combat skills, though they must hold the potential to be transformed to combat skills, but that can be bypassed at S+-rank.

Then I need 'Analyze', luckily that can be bought, though I need to get knowledge that I will remember for it to be actually useful since it only gives me a description based on what I remember and know about the plant, except the grade/rank and level is automatically given unless the rank is 2x higher than mine or grade is 2x higher than 'analyze' rank.

[Skill 'discipline' turned to F rank]

Oh, that's nice

[Skill 'multitasking' has been acquired]

Hey, system, has my luck increased.

[No, but due to you talking to yourself while training your 'mana manipulation' skill and also organizing your memories, you acquired the multitasking skill and are on the brink of acquiring the 'memory palace' skill]

That's nice, what else?

[You have less than 1.7 month left]

That's not that bad.

[I wouldn't say so, did you forgot about the difference between F+ and E-]


When you have to advance between _+ and _-, you will take longer than average regardless of your talent, preparations, items, titles..... due to the qualitive change the skill will experience it wasn't much between G+ and F-, only took 3 weeks, but this might be hard.

Guess I'll sacrifice sleep for training, sleep is overrated anyways, once you get to C+, or B- for the really untalented ones, you no longer need to sleep, or rather 1h of sleep per year is enough.

System, show just my stats and titles

[Name: none

Titles: Regressor, the Sleepless, Training Freak, Baby Freak









Mgc: 5




How did I increase my defense, endurance, stamina and will?

[You channel mana using your body as a medium, that is how aura is channeled, not mana, though I recommend continuing, since then, if you train enough, at one point you will be able to use mana without a catalyst.]

Oh, I didn't knw that

[Your defense increased because you are continually channeling your mana through your body, which increased your defense, due to the strain your body receives because to this your endurance and stamina increased as well.]

[Your will increased since you resisted the temptation to sleep so many times same goes resisting to stop your training]

And what about the titles?

[As you are aware, in order to get a title, you must fulfil certain requirements first. In order to get 'the sleepless' title, you must not sleep 5/8 of your life within the first three years.]

Then what about the many people who got this title?

[Their title rank was lower. Since you fulfilled the most difficult acquirement conditions, you got mythical rank, which will evolve to divine once you transcend or become a god. This is the title description.]

[Title: The sleepless

Rank: Mythical (Divine)

Description: You slept far too little for what you should sleep as a baby, now go sleep, you deserve it, though it might be more difficult to fall asleep.

Benefits: +50% will, +25% stm, +25% end, skill 'short sleep', increased affinity for 'dream']

[The skill 'short sleep will only take affect once you become 4 years old, it decreases your need to sleep to 4-5 hours, after that you can sleep more, but it will have no additional benefits]

[The 'Training Freak' title is gained if you trained your anything for 5/8 of your life. Again, since you fulfilled the hardest condition possible (train for 5/8 of your life till 3 years old), the title is divine, but downgraded to mythical for the same reason.]

[Don't worry, all divine titles will give their full benefits once you become god or transcended]

[Here is the 'Training freak' title description.]

[Title: Training Freak

Rank: Mythical (Divine)

Description: You're so addicted to training that you started training since you're in the womb, about right? Either way, your will is truly incredible, may you become a mighty being, you freak.

Effect: +50% will, 2x stm, 2x end, skill 'strong mind']

[Skill: Strong Mind

Rank: Mythical (Divine)

Description: A strong mind is necessary for a strong body, be it to resist the wish to stop training or to endure the hardest of challenges. Here is a proof that you have a strong mind.

Effect: +40% will, +50% base stm, +50% base end, resistance to illusions, nightmares, heat, cold, illnesses, insanity increased to 68%]

Isn't that OP?

[These skills are mythical, what do you expect]

Well, looking at their rank, those bonuses are to be expected.

[Since you did something unexpected, I can give you a way to speed up your training.]


Ahem, please do tell me the method.

[Learn a spell]

You f- let's calm down, there is no need to rage, inside my mind is only peace and calmness, no rage. Breathe in, breathe out...… Ok, Now repeat it a hundred thousand time using the "Fèihuà fāngfǎ*" method, I'm joking.

A/N: I translated 'nonsense method' from english to chinese and got Fèihuà fāngfǎ

Sigh, what am I doing with life.

Though I only know fireball, is that enough?


Ok, can you give me at least something like the knowledge to learn it, I only learned it and never really used it after C- rank so I almost totally forgot how to cast it.

[Since you have no coins, I can make a compromise once and sell it for 10 'food pils']


[Ok, I'm transferring the knowledge right now]

Ugh, I can never get used to this feeling.

Hey system, can you do something about this?

[You can give me all of your inventory and you'll feel 20% of what you are feeling right now.]

Oh hell no.

[Then be a man and bear with it]


Oh, it's over



I was so stupid back then, this is so much easier to understand, why did I read a beginner mage's book on how to learn a fireball, comparing these two is like comparing a 2x2 rubic's cube and a 6x6 rubic's cube.

[You don't have to thank me]

Ok, I won't

Now let's learn fire ball.

<2 week time skip>

This is so much clearer now, I feel like I'm on the brink of finally learning, but what is it?

[Your body is underdeveloped, I'm surprised that you even managed to get this far, though if you were an adult you would learn this in 24 hours of practice time]

Really, that's surprising.

[Keep practicing, this is more beneficial to you than you think]


<3 week skip>