
Chapter 63 Interview (Part 1)

Two months have passed and my city is a 100% crime-free zone, criminals are afraid to even sneeze, now I am known in Japan as not only the youngest hero but also the most violent, dethroning Endeavor as the most brutal hero Of all, he only left them with third to fourth degree burns if they resist too much, for my part, they will not only suffer necrosis and gangrene from frostbite, but they can die directly or lose one or another limb. Therefore~

--The boos of the protesters are music to me~

I commented to my secretary with a smile, as a hero affiliated with the dark side of the government, our elderly but wise minister placed me with a babysitter disturbingly similar to a certain dog-loving Demon, named Namika, Quirk Whip, she can turn her hair into whips and attack with them.

--Ymir-sama, the popular acceptance is dropping a lot, the public fears you... as a hero affiliated with the ministry of superhuman affairs you must set a good example, no...


I interrupted the girl before she continued, placing my index finger in her mouth.

--The popular acceptance rate is down but the crime rate is at a nice and perfect "ZERO" percent~ not even All Might in his prime managed to keep crime down for more than two weeks, I'm going for it the fourth~ Where is the problem~?

I stroked Namika's hair with a relaxed smile on my face, being honest I'm starving, since I took over this agency I haven't been able to be with Fuyumi or Nemuri, they are both busy women, I myself spent the first few weeks cleaning up the garbage that was this city , after 327 hours of a non-stop slaughter of villains, I was able to stabilize the city but still could not reunite with my women. Hell I'm really thinking of pushing this cute secretary, I'm handsome, young, rich, powerful... Did I say rich yet? Well Rico again, but I'm still faithful to my girls, so let's just leave it to simple continued sexual harassment against the poor secretary.

Creating an ice comb as well as channeling energy from the Avalon I began to massage and comb Namika's hair making her moan and drool like an idiot out of a cheap H.

--Yyyy-Ymirhs-shama...no...No...we can't~ Ah~ lala-interview-today~

--The interview~? No problem...

I ignored the girl's cloudy and teary eyes and continued my unrestrained attack on her anatomy, while capturing in my perception the group of reporters who had just entered the building, my office is on the top floor, so it will take between 10 to 15 minutes. get to my office, more than enough time~

--We still have plenty of time to play~

--Ymirhs-shama...pohsr favhors...no~mhas~



An unnecessarily erotic massage and a lot of sexual harassment of secretary-chan afterwards.


--It's a pleasure to meet you Hero Ice Ruler Ymir-dono.

A beautiful woman led the group of reporters and greeted me with a slight smile on my part, I tried to maintain a neutral aspect even though I was internally laughing at how unusually small the world is. This oneesan-reporter is none other than the Onee-san I rescued when I started my days as a vigilante.

--Same ~ Shall we begin~?


The cameraman settled his camera on his shoulder and gave a thumbs up, signaling the start of the recording, after some inorganic and formal greetings, some innocuous questions about my relationship with Fuyumi, my personal life, my expectations as a professional hero among other things, We got to the real interview.

--Ymir-dono... What do you think of his detractors? Many people consider you unfit to be a professional hero. Do you have any words for them?

I smiled and exaggeratedly shrugged my arms giving a smirk.

--I can only thank you for your support~ whether you accept me or not~ it is irrelevant~ I will take care and ensure the safety of the region where I am, for the people who deny my methods and ways... I do A little question. Have you left Japan in the last 50 years~?

Stop smiling and create a little world map out of ice before continuing.

--Ladies and Gentlemen, citizens of Japan I will be honest with you, the world is not as peaceful as you think~ Japan is just the tip of the iceberg thanks to the existence of All Might, as his homeland many world class villains refrained from looking for trouble here but... How much longer will All Might's shadow protect them?

I hit right on the head of the public communication administration, although Endeavor's acceptance is on the rise after his battle in Hokkaido against High End Nomu but with an All Might in his dying state he still has a huge hold on the collective imagination .

--So Ymir-dono... what you're saying is... Villains worse than the Kamino and Deika incident can attack at any time?

--Exactly~ for better or for worse, All Might is no longer in a position to continue fighting and we can only thank and honor his effort and legacy, Endeavor may be the new No. 1 depending on Ranking but his popularity or rather... his infamy in villain circles is not as widespread and the fear he can instill in them is less .

I took a drink of the tea on the table and smiled at the camera.

--The United States, France, Germany, Egypt and England... use a system of heroes systematized and divided into two main parts, Combat and Support... where the Combatant class deals only with the subjugation and elimination of the villains, While the Supporters are just as they sound, it may sound cruel to most Japanese but in those countries though their heroes are less notorious than All Migh or the local top 10 and their crime rate is several times higher than ours~ the general standard of living is much higher.

Onee-san gets the point of my words and asks a question.

--What it means is that... Is your management more effective? Are combat and support heroes still different from ours?

--Not necessarily effective but in fact its division of roles is more effective. Putting it in simple terms, the combat or assault heroes are just as cruel as me or more cruel than me~ while the support heroes are in charge of tracking and cleaning everything else, putting the entire weight of national security on the shoulders of a single person is a "GREAT STUPIDITY" unfortunately the current system is handled that way. Many people have gotten used to this and are really unable to do anything on their own, foolishly believing that a hero will show up and take care of everything.

I laughed and quietly offended the general population, spitting in the face of 98% of the population of a country is a refreshing feeling~

--Ymir-dono really doesn't hold back~ hahaha~ but as a reporter I've seen the inaction of the general public...it's kind of...outrageous.

I gave a round of applause and pulled a couple of photos off my desk and started showing them to the camera.

--Exactly~ Society is too biased, apparently harmful or strange Quirks are banned and extigmatized, many talents were harassed and cornered into criminality by society itself...

Show the photo of Himiko Toga.

--Now some examples... Himiko Toga, a member of the League of Villains, her Quirk allowed her to change her appearance whenever she consumed the blood of her target, perfect for infiltration and assassination, with good training she would be a great support heroine or the perfect spy, unfortunately her ability had a side effect which made her mentally unstable and sexually attracted to blood, for which she was rejected by her parents, classmates and teachers, she never received specialized guidance or psychological help or even support from her peers. Relatives, alone, and unstable, she ended up murdering her high school crush and began her bloody criminal career, one that might have been preventable.

Change and show the photo of Spinner.

--Villain Spinner, a type of Anthropomorph, a hikikomori, a neet and a simple normal boy who by bad luck his Quirk gave him the appearance and abilities of a Geeko, just because of his appearance he was the victim of bullying and social rejection, after Knowing the story of the Heroes Steins Killer, in less than three months, this boy who was nothing more than a Hiki-Neet, became a competent soldier. Do you see the talent this boy possessed? In three months, three months I went from being a useless asocial to a competent warrior. If I had been supported and guided correctly? Couldn't he have been a great hero?

I changed the photo again and showed Steins.

--Everyone knows his story, rejected by the system since his Quirk was not compatible with the social image and publicly associated with heroes even so, his passion for justice led him to the dark side of the spectrum, although he killed more than forty heroes, the count of villains and criminals eliminated by the sum more than three hundred, in Latin American and African countries the criminal known as Steins would be praised as a Hero and man of the moment, with training and psychological help, his passion for justice is not would have distorted so badly.

--Wait... Are you trying to say that these villains weren't villains, Ymir-dono?

Onee-san asked with a pale face.

--No~ they are villains~ they committed too many crimes and broke the law without proper authorization, so although some are dead and others behind bars it is only the result... what I'm trying to say is... were they born villains or did they become villains? Society is corrupt, even more so a superhuman society, psychological quality and mental health should be the government's priority, in a world where a 5-year-old child can awaken an ability that can potentially destroy the world. Why not provide him with the required guidance? , without trying to see if it has scales or not, if it is handsome or ugly? Does the government really expect a 5-year-old to have the mental maturity not to blow up the planet, even when he can do it with the snap of his fingers?

I laughed and pointed at the camera.

--Think about it~? Give a kid a nuke~ What do you think is the first thing he'll do with all that power? I bet you 10 thousand yen it won't be good~