
Chapter 64 Interview (Part 2)

Place the three photos on the table and take out the last three photos.

-- Will some remember or know this couple?

I showed the photos of Gentle Criminal and La Braba, an old photo and a current one in Korea.

--This pair of lovers were originally a criminal couple, troublemakers and Vtuber, after being defeated by a vigilante, they migrated to South Korea and have done really well, Gentle Criminal was a man of low means and low academic ability with a Quirk useful but difficult to control and develop, after years of instinctive training he achieved a remarkable level of competitiveness and added to the support of his little lover they created a perfect synergy, this pair is now slowly climbing in the South Korean ranking, they are currently in the top 50 in that peninsular region.

--From criminals to heroes, just changing the nation is incredible?

--This is how the world is. .. Good and evil are subjective when we come to the level of nations... but I still have one last photo.

Place the photo of a little boy and on its back that of Tomura Shigaraki.

--"Tomura Shigaraki" former leader of the League of Villains and a product of the inaction of hero-saturated society...

--Inaction? Doesn't that mean that that villain could also be saved?

Onee-san asked while looking at the pictures.

--Investigate his story and it's quite interesting, I won't say his real name out of respect for his family... so we'll call his past self "Child A"... imagine it's any street kid he is.

Gesture and create a small ice sculpture, representing the child.

--Let's start at the beginning, the father of Child A was the son of a heroine who had a certain dispute with a great villain with many contacts and friends all over the world, for fear of seeing her son dragged into that war, the mother " Without explaining anything" to the child, he leaves him to his fate in an orphanage, this child seeing himself abandoned by his mother developed a hatred and adberction for heroes to the level of mental illness; By the way, many heroes have this type of debate today, mostly the heroes who are reluctant to kill or the heroes in nations that sanction such action.

Control various ice figures to act out the scene and continue to narrate the story.

--Anyway, the boy grew up with a great reluctance towards heroes due to his mother's abandonment, as time went by, he established his own family, where by bad luck all mention of the superhuman was removed...Now imagine being a 5 or 6 year old boy with a Quirk beyond your control, without receiving attention or care from your family due to the father's visceral hatred for heroes, even so the boy like many others had the dream of being a hero ~ So far everything is fine right?

I point to the dolls and wink at the reporter Onee-san.

-- Children are children... Ymir-dono?

--In fact~ children even if they live in the deepest darkness will still have a little light inside, unfortunately this light is as easy to put out as a candle flame...

Continue the action of the dolls.

--Now let's say that one day, someone in the family tells Child A that his grandmother, a taboo character in the family, was a heroine and makes the child delude himself more with the idea of being a hero but the father finds out ... Being a normal person without a Quirk, with a strong hatred towards his own mother for abandoning him, it is quite obvious that this small revelation ended in a severe beating for the Child, who in the midst of pain and doubt, accidentally activated his Quirk. "Decomposition"... you can imagine what follows.

The ice figures began to explode and crumble while the figure of the boy screamed and cried sitting in a puddle.

--The child in the middle of the cofucion murdered his entire family by accident, obviously living under the censorship and violence of his father, the child would have had more than one screw loose before or after killing his family... the lazy child through the city hungry, tired, barefoot and bloody, many people could have seen him but no one took the child. Now they will wonder why nobody helped him? The answer is simple...

I looked at the reporter and she couldn't help covering her hands with her mouth and muttering.

--Why would a hero take over?

--Exactly... but the young man's family lived in a remote area, no one would report said event since there were no witnesses, so the boy wandered through the city until he ended up taking refuge under a bridge, being alone and in the middle After a great emotional trauma, a man approaches the young man... What do you think, has a hero or a villain arrived? Don't bother to think, he is the villain known as All For One, ignoring the boy's status or appearance, he took him under his wing, sneaking him out of the attention he didn't get from his family, taking him from his anarchic ideology, molding him to his own . combination and creating the villain "Tomura Shigaraki". In short, this is something that would have been avoided, if any person had lent a hand. Is it necessary to wait for a hero to come down a cat from the tree, or help a granny to cross the street?

I undid all the ice figures and looked at the camera.

--Society must change, heroes must change, people must change, that is my answer to your question. It may not be what you expected but it's something I had to say, and before you start on social media, let me tell you a few things... about twelve years ago my parents died in front of my eyes, dynamited by a villain during a fight against a hero, at that moment, like "Child A", my quirk was released and attacked the villain, I cut off his right arm, left leg, ear and nose, not counting that I took out both eyes, he is currently in the medical wing of the Tartarus prison. Come, I could have become a villain after the death of my parents, many know this story and they will know that I was sponsored by Endeavor shortly after, what they do not know is that the psychiatric help I received from a volunteer in the 5 days that I was in the pediatric wing of the hospital, they were the ones who made me maintain my ideal as a hero.

I spoke with a serious and disinterested tone, seeking to appeal to the masses, although Onee-san couldn't help but do a Tsukkomi.

--Even though you became the most brutal hero in all of Japan?

--True~ but in this way, there will be no villain who dares to attack my family anymore, since he knows that if they touch them, not even God will be able to save them.

The interview ended shortly after after some follow-up questions and other non-important things.

Half an hour later I was bombarded by the Minister's angry call.

Do you have any idea what you did? Damn brat!

--Your fucking job~?

--Don't be pretentious with me Ymir, your little interview has raised a lot of waves... How do you plan to take responsibility for it?

--Responsibility~? I just pointed out some existing flaws in your shitty management system~ Steins showed some of the loose seams, I just took out the whole clothes~ at some point they would have to move to fix it~

--But do we have enough pressure from the other nations? Do you want a war?

--Foreign pressure~? Let me guess... Do you want All For One released?

--You! Did you see the future again?

--I don't need to use my eyes to see something obio~ that's why I told you to kill him~ shit~ now they're in trouble~

I scoffed before leaning back on the sofa and rubbing my brow, it's really a problem.

--Explain... Ymir...

--It's simple, All For One has too many friends around the world and at all levels of society, I'll give you a suggestion, kill the doctor or better yet blow up or vaporize the entire hospital, like some villain doing for him done and you have a witch hunt, which is a miserable 200 to 300 lives for the safety of the entire nation~ without the doctor no more open Nomus, without Nomus All For One will not have exchange tokens to bribe the great nations like Esrados United or Russia... See, I told you to kill him when you can, now you're drowning in your own shit~

--You are a despicable brat you knew it Ymir!

--It's a pleasure to be of use to the nation~ kill and destroy the Doctor's lab, don't stop him, kill him, don't take samples, burn everything~ unless of course you want to see how a new All For One is born every fifteen minutes~

--I understand! Damn... those idiots in parliament... I'll see what I can do...

--I won't take responsibility~ if the All For One is released~ you won't lose a single city, prepare for a real war~ and the possible prelude to something much bigger~

I commented on the phone with a certain tinge of expectation, while my pupils turned red and various images flashed through my mind, before hanging up.

--Hell, Cannon-chan really is a vengeful bitch... Are you going to use me as cannon fodder and kindling for Seaweed Hair~?

I murmured tiredly while contemplating the sunset.