
A Saiyan in the Multiverse

Dead tired. Literally. Our protagonist finds himself talking to God and ready to go into a different world of his choosing with some perks. Into the Naruto-verse as a Saiyan.

Kintaro1210 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
203 Chs

Chapter 28: The start of the exams

Since my position as a watcher for the exam was secure I hid my presence and followed Naruto from the air. I saw that Kakashi's team 7 met before entering the building for the exams. Kakashi gave his team the run down of how the exams change every year and that it is not always hosted in the same village. The team was warned that there is a heavy penalty for cheating and that they should look out for one another. As the team made their way to the building, they met other Genin from other villages. Like in the original they met with Gaara, Temari and Kankuro, Genin from Sunagakure, sand village. Kankuro teases them like before but Naruto didn't give him the attention to be annoyed, instead he kept staring at the hidden Gaara, looked on for a moment then turned and left. Kankuro still tried to rile up Naruto but annoyed Sasuke instead.

Naruto: Sasuke let's get to the exam site. The only ones we might have to look out for is the girl and no brows hanging upside down over there.

Sasuke didn't notice Gaara until Naruto pointed it out. The moment Naruto said that Kankuro looked at him in anger.

Kankuro: So you think you pampered leaf babies are better than us? What makes you so high and mighty?

Naruto: If it's not obvious to you then I will tell you. The ones that always talk shit are always the first and easiest to put down. So if you want to be disqualified from the exams before it starts, then by all means, continue barking and I will put you to sleep.

Fuming and about to unwrap his puppets from his back, Naruto flickered for a moment behind Kankuro then both Kankuro and Naruto stopped at the sound of Gaara. Naruto flickered back to his original position without being noticed.

Gaara: Kankuro, stop. What's the point of revealing anything before the exams?

Temari: Kankuro listen to Gaara. Let's go.

Kankuro: (As they were walking away) You better watch your back when the exam starts!

Naruto: Next time I won't stop at just a neck wound.

Blood slowly trickled down Kankuro's neck surprise and widened eyes spread throughout the Sunagakure group. They continued to walk away trying not to show their surprise. Sasuke and Sakura didn't notice Naruto's moves either but kept their surprise to themselves and made their way to the exam building. From the looks of Sasuke, he must' be thinking "how the hell did Naruto get so strong? When the real exam starts I will show them", but that's just my guess from looking from above. A few minutes later Naruto and his team entered the building. I didn't follow them in as I already knew that first exam was literally a written exam. An hour later the ones that passed went to the forest of death. 6 Konohagakure teams passed including Kabuto's team, which posed as Konoha ninja at the time. The sand, sound and waterfall have one team that passed and the rain has 2. Mitarashi Anko was the second proctor for the second round of the exams. This time around there were no interruptions and Anko went on with her explanation of what the second round consists of. Each team will be given a scroll labeled heaven or earth. In order to move on the teams must have both scrolls. Meaning that they would have to take the scroll they need from another team by any means. The moment all teams disappeared into the forest I flashed behind Anko.

Sage: (Whispering in her left ear) Mitarashi-senpai, what teams look like they can hold their own this year?

While swinging a kunai at me and completely missing she yelled.

Anko: Sage-kun, you are supposed to monitor the teams taking the exam not bothering me.

Sage: Hey I can do both you and watch over the exam. Hahaha. I will get going before you turn completely red.

I disappeared and continued to follow Naruto and his team. They were already targeted like in the original story but made quick work of the enemy team, unfortunately the scroll they had was the same and needed to find another team. Naruto and company didn't meet up with Kabuto and his team so they kept looking for other teams. Coincidentally they didn't want nor look like they were going to interfere with the other Konoha teams. I did notice that Sakura wasn't such a burden this time around. She found a team that had the scroll they needed. The team they ran into, unfortunately, was Orochimaru in disguise. Orochimaru swallowed the scroll like a good whore and told Naruto and Sasuke to come get it. Orochimaru used his blood lust to stun Naruto Sasuke but only Sasuke was affected. Naruto shook it off and attacked with shuriken and kunai infused with wind nature chakra. Orochimaru couldn't block but dodged the attack. Like In the original story, Orochimaru summoned giant snakes to attack Naruto. Overwhelmed by their size, Naruto used the kyubi's, nine-tails, chakra. Naruto can use up to 3 tails before losing consciousness so he only used 1, which was enough to deal with the snakes. Similar to the original, Naruto stopped a snake from approaching Sasuke.

Naruto: If you are such a pussy in front of some gay guy with snakes glaring at you then you should just forfeit Sasuke! Sakura get this pussy to safety!

Sakura: I'm coming!

Sakura got to Sasuke and took him away but not fast enough because Orochimaru took the chance to bite Sasuke on his left shoulder, leaving the curse mark. Seeing this, Naruto tore apart the snake with brute strength then flickered to attack Orochimaru with an Odama Rasengan. Orochimaru was surprised seeing this technique from Naruto and quickly dodged it. Orochimaru attacked Naruto and left him open for a few seconds and within that time span, Orochimaru used an Elephant seal on Naruto's abdomen where his Kyubi seal is located, disrupting the chakra flow coming from Kurama. Naruto's 1 tail disappeared and so did Orochimaru. Naruto gathered his strength and met up with Sakura and Sasuke. At this time the group made a small camp to recuperate. Kabuto approached the group. Naruto and Sakura took a fighting stance to ward off the new enemy. Since Naruto took a big hit he wasn't focused on his surroundings as he usually is.

Kabuto: It seems you guys had it rough.

Sakura: You were the one that told us that information about the other teams before the start of the first exam, Kabuto right?

Kabuto: Yeah that's me, how's it going?

Naruto: A little worse for wear but all in all in one piece.

Kabuto: Were you guys able to get the scrolls you needed?

Sakura: Not yet. What about you guys?

Kabuto: We managed to get 2 scrolls but they are the both heaven scrolls.

Naruto: Why are you telling us this? We offered no information or anything you just tell us what you have. What do you want?

Sakura: Why are you being an ass Naruto? They have 2 of the same scroll and we need one. So we can trade the spare earth scroll and we both pass.

Kabuto: Exactly, we are from the same village, why don't we help each other out?

Naruto: If a stranger offers you candy on the street do you take it without asking anything?

Kabuto: I came in all sincerity, we both benefit from this trade, no down side.

Naruto: Hmph, whatever. A trade it is then.

The teams traded the scrolls and went their separate ways. After waking up and recuperating Naruto's team went towards the tower knowing they cleared the second part.