
A Cop that Removes Tampons

There is a news story out there alleging that a Florida police officer "forcibly" removed a tampon from a woman's 'gina during a traffic stop. Naturally I feel compelled to write an entry diving deep into this. First I'll explain the story and then I'll move on into my own thoughts.

Alright, a woman is claiming that she was strip-searched in public and had her tampon "forcibly" removed by a female officer during a 2011 traffic stop with her children in the car. The Plaintiff is accusing the officer of pulling her over, pointing a gun at her, yanking her out of her vehicle, handcuffing her behind her back , then throwing her in the back of his squad car. She is claiming she waited in the police cruiser for two hours and when other officers arrived, she was frisked and strip-searched at the side of a busy road while her children were still sitting in the car watching.

Ok, where to begin. First of all, this went down in Beverly Hills. Second, it's not common practice to handcuff someone and just put them in the back of your police cruiser without frisking them. Thirdly, officers usually don't come up to a car for a minor traffic violation with guns drawn. How this "case" is even going to litigation blows my mind.

I don't care if you're a male or female cop, if the cop is looking for drugs and tugs on the little tiny string rope hanging from your nasty bleeding vajayjay then there are multiple problems that need to be discussed.

Period blood is the most intense smelling fluid the human body can produce. That's nasty! Even if I had gloves on, the tampon is going to fall due to gravity and I'm hanging onto the retriever string, it's gonna hit me at some point in time. I would turn in my badge and gun immediately.

How is someone going to make this claim and there is NO footage anywhere. If this really happened on the side of a busy highway in Beverly Hills, some moron with a camera phone is going to be rolling by and capture either still frames or a movie documenting this disgusting violation.

In my mind, pulling out a tampon while standing up is like pulling the plug out of a full bath tub. That shit is going to drain out so much that eventually the female would have died, right? Period blood flows smoother than water and contain small bits of egg shells as it pushes out the unused material. I can't handle that.

Cops don't pull out tampons…ever.