
A Road of Runes

David IronHeart is a kind-hearted 80 year old man that will travel worlds of magic and mystery seeking adventures to his hearts content . First World : harry potter . not alot of dialogue Second World : witcher . getting better Third World : undecided . ********************** I dont know how this book will go so stick around to see and plz tell me any plot holes or dumb stuf that makes no sense thx

The_Weird_Magician · ภาพยนตร์
26 Chs


After receiving that letter I felt joy, I may have seen most of this world and have taken all it has to offer, but this letter made me feel nostalgia.

after reading the entire letter it took me no time to reply :

"dear professor,

it is of upmost joy that I write you this letter, and it would be my honour to attend Hogwarts, one of the most prestigious schools in the world thank you

yours truly David IronHeart. "

I give the letter to the owl and start thinking as it flies away, it is currently july 1 and I still have 2 more month until September 1 starts and the doors of Hogwarts are open.

I have decided to first buy all the stuff necessary for school, so our fist stop is Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions were I got assaulted by a mirage of question, finaly coming out I looked bewildered at how much money she was able to take from me, a GODLY businesswoman.

I bought everything on the list but a wand because , over my years of travel I now have an extensive wand collection some made by myself and some bought. I also got a nimbus 2000 because who cares about the rules.

time skip 2month

in the past 2 months I have done nothing but play with my animals and practice a feild I have neglected, potions and it is safe to say that I am a beginner potioneer.

currently it is the morning of september 1 and I am on my way to kings cross with me i have take the library witch houses all of my books and living supplies, the dictionary and last but not least the sanctuary that houses thousands of animal families.

as i step onto the train station i go to platform 9 and ten and pass through that magical wall only to see a wonderful view of vibrant colours and a red train that looks glorious. I step into the train and find an empty compartment to sit in, as time slowly passes the train start to take off and I am just looking at the view of scotland outside my window.

suddenly my door is literally ripped open and there was a girl with orange fluffy hair who said " have yo seen a toad, a bow named Neville has lost one" i replied saying "are you not supposed to knock nowadays and no I have not seen a toad but eh" I proceeded to pull out my wand and say accio Neville's toad and a second later came a flying toad towards us as I held out my hand and grabbed it.

Hermione shocked by what she just saw and she sat down and started rapid firing me with questions to the point that I could not understand anything so i stop her and point to the toad in my hands, she looked confused for a second then realized what had happened so she took the toad said thank you and left with a slight blush on he face.

The rest of the train ride was peaceful with no interruptions and before the ride ended a voice was heard informing us that we were near the school and to change into our uniforms. After changing my clothes and packing my things , the train finally came to a stop and it was night outside.

then I hear yelling " right the first years , this way please , come on now first years dont be shy, hurry up"

as I exited the train first thing I saw was a 9foot tall half giant hagrid. after afew minutes he says "alright then this way to the boat follow me, only 4 per boat" after riding on the boats it came to view a castle fit for a king.

moments later we entered the castle and started going up the stairs and at the top of them stood a wich that said " welcome to Hogwarts, now in afew moments you will pass through these doors and join your classmates , but before you can take your seats you must be sorted into your houses. they are gryffindor, huffelpuff , ravenclaw and slytherin"she proceeded to explain about house points and cup after that she went into the doors and the scene af draco talking to harry happened aswel.

a few moments later professor mcgonagall came back and informed us that we can enter. we all wak into the main hall were everybody was looking at the seeling with a night sky and candles floating around, as we reached the end of the hall, were the headmaster talks about the forbidden forest and and the coridore at the 3rd floor and its dangers.

people start getting named and I get called after harry potters name, I go up and sit on the stool and the hat is placed onto my head and it says

"peculiar, I canot see your mind" I replied "well ofcourse they are my secrets just put me in ravenclaw the get their on rooms" the hat proceeds to yell ravenclaw as I go to a table full of cheering people.

after the sorting is done, the headmaster says afew words and calls the house elves for food. after we finish the house perfect take us to our

common room and gave us tour around the place he the showed us the seperate rooms for male and females.

after entering my room I unpacked my cloth and laid in bed to rest waiting for the next day so that I can do everything I want to and see everything this castle of mystery has to offer from good to bad


thx for reading pls comment if there is anything confusing or any plot holes that need to be fixed thx btw this story will not be uploaded fast because it takes me like 3h to write a chapter and ooof and sorry if this chapter is boring but it had to be this way next chapter will be exploring so stay tuned for that