
A Rising Hero - Fanmade MHA

In a world where superheroes, known as Pro Heroes, are revered, aspiring young individuals with extraordinary abilities train at prestigious institutions like UA High School to become the next generation of heroes. Among them is Koike, a shy and introspective girl who possesses the unique quirks of rapid healing and precognition. As Koike enters UA High School, she replaces Sato in Class 1-A and embarks on a journey filled with trials and challenges. Despite her insecurities and self-doubt, Koike strives to prove herself as a hero, drawing strength from her determination and unwavering resolve. Throughout the story, Koike navigates the complexities of high school life, forming bonds with her classmates while grappling with her own inner demons. From training exercises and exams to facing off against villains, Koike and her classmates endure numerous tests of strength, courage, and teamwork.

Invisible_Ghost · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs

Chapter 13 - Midoriya vs Bakugo

Ayoma told us to look back. They were on the move again. We all quickly looked back at the big screen. There Bakugo went for another attack on Midoriya.

Midoriya then yelled something to I believe Uraraka. She then turned around and ran.

While Uraraka ran Bakugo landed his attack. He used his quirk to fly in the air using his leg to land a powerful attack on Midoriya. While he had his leg on Midoriya's shoulder to his neck, Midoriya then used his capture tape. The capture tape went around Bakugo's ankle.

Bakugo became impatient and tried landing another punch on Midoriya. The attack didn't land though. Midoriya seemed like he knew this and dived out of the way!

Once he dived out of the way everyone in the room was surprised. They even began to cheer for Midoriya a bit. All Might looked to be thinking about something. Perhaps about Midoriya.

Bakugo then pulled his hand back, he was going to use his quirk and charge his way to Midoriya.

Before he could, Midoriya noticed this and quickly ran away. It seemed to have caught him off guard. 

The floor that they were on was a kind of maze. Midoriya could run away and probably not be found for a while. Bakugo quickly chased after him but was lost, fast. Bakugo turned the wrong way instantly. Midoriya made the right choice.

Kaminari then commented on his behavior, "That guy has some real anger issues. Kinda scary!" Watching as Bakugo was crouched down with his quirk activated. Midoriya and Uraraka were running, I didn't know where. 

Bakugo looked anxious, maybe he felt less than. But this was different. I don't know how to even explain how he looked. He was angry, and when he got his hands on Midoriya he would not hold back. He was busting down every door he saw. 

His movements were becoming stiff and he was getting angrier by the second. Midoriya's friend, more bully than friend, was like a monster under that skin.

It didn't help that Bakugo went rogue and abandoned Tenya to do his own business. Tenya looked annoyed but was waiting patiently enough. He was standing next to the missile with his arms crossed. He was tapping a finger on his upper arm.

Bakugo and Tenya were never good for one another. Bakugo wouldn't be good with anyone. He's too prideful thinking he's above everyone. Watching him as he ran through the building blowing down every door he could.

Midoriya was leaning against a wall. I may not know much about him, but he was thinking of a plan. He knew Bakugo completely forgot about Uraraka. 

As Bakugo walked his face looked like one of a villain, I flinched slightly looking at that. He most likely grew up with all the attention he wanted. Everyone must've praised everything he's ever done. He probably won't like a lot of the people here.

As I turned my focus away from Bakugo, Uraraka made it to the room with Tenya and the missile. She was hiding behind one of the many pillars. While Tenya looked lost in thought, he turned a bit into the room. He was doing something, not sure what exactly, but he got Uraraka to laugh, revealing her hiding place.

Tenya seemed to be getting into character by acting like a villain. Honestly, it made me chuckle. But looking at the clock. They only had 6 minutes left. Everyone would begin with 15 minutes and they've already gone through 9 minutes.

I looked back to the other screens, and Midoriya stood, holding some of the capture tape. He must've heard a sound because he turned around. There standing behind him, was Bakugo.

Bakugo laughed. Midoriya was shaking and he said something. If I had to guess it was "I'm not scared," or something like that. He said something to Midoriya as he moved his left leg behind his right. He grabbed his gauntlet holding it like a gun. He placed his fingers around a pin. It looked exactly like a grenade. Was he about to blast Midoriya?

"YOUNG BAKUGO!" Yelled All Might, he got everyone's attention. I was now wondering what Bakugo was about to do. Whatever he was planning on, it wasn't good. "DON'T DO IT! YOU'LL KILL HIM!"

Bakugo responded to his comment. It seemed to be something cocky based off of All Might's face. 

Bakugo then pulled the pin. His gauntlet then let out an eruption of firepower. As it blew, it was destroying the walls, crushing the floor, and messing up the ceiling. Uraraka and Tenya who were on the floor above them, the 5th, felt the impact or at least the shock. The amount of power Bakugo used was abnormal.

No one used that amount of firepower on a classmate, not even on rivals when All Might or a teacher told them to stop. As I wasn't expecting anything, the shock from the explosion reached the monitoring room. The entire room shook.

I fell to the floor landing on my knees. I stood up quickly so no one noticed my fall. By the looks, no one saw.

Bakugo then walked out of the smoke, Midoriya was lying on the ground. Bakugo was laughing, looked to be about the power that came from his gauntlet. 

When I checked on Uraraka and Tenya, Tenya was covering his ear. He seemed to be trying to get a hold of Bakugo asking what was happening. Uraraka then ran towards the weapon. She was using this distraction as her opening. 

While she ran towards the weapon Tenya noticed her. He seemed to be staying in character and was running up to her. Uraraka then used her quirk and made herself float, flying above Tenya and heading straight for the missile. When she released her quirk she was falling towards the missile. When she was a few inches away from touching it Tenya released his quirk.

He ran and grabbed the missile and ran to the other side of the room before Uraraka could notice anything. She looked surprised and Tenya seemed to be laughing. It's hard to see what he looks like when he's wearing a mask. 

"Sir, isn't this getting out of hand? That Bakugo is acting real crazy! He's gonna kill 'im!" Kirishima looked seriously worried. I turned to face the fight happening between Bakugo and Midoriya. I could see this battle getting more tricky. 

All Might replied to Kirishima's comment, "Not so." I couldn't understand what he was trying to say. Bakugo used so much firepower it shook the whole building and the surrounding buildings. He was going to kill Midoriya if something didn't happen soon. "Bakugo. Use that stored-up power again and I'll stop this fight." He was trying to prevent a conflict.

"Your team will lose." Bakugo turned to face nowhere, he began yelling something all over again. "To employ such a strong attack indoors is inviting the destruction of a stronghold you should be protecting. That's a poor strategy, whether you're a hero or a villain." Watching all the screens, glancing over everything. I had a feeling the villains might win. They are overpowering the heroes.

But Midoriya and Uraraka didn't seem like the few to give up so easily. "The penalty would be a massive loss of points." All Might finished, those words were getting to Bakugo. He was staring at the ground with his body shaking. This wasn't from fear, this was from the amount of anger Bakugo had built up. His body was a gauntlet, but instead of explosives, it was anger. 

Bakugo looked up and Midoriya was standing. Bakugo charged towards Midoriya and Midoriya knew he couldn't dodge. Midoriya did a small punch but when it would've hit, Bakugo dodged. He blasted away and with Midoriya still facing forward, Bakugo was behind him. He aimed his hand at his back. Firing an explosive. 

Midoriya had his eyes closed and with the explosion to his back, he fell forward. Everyone in the room was surprised, mainly Mina and Kirishima. 

While I was paying attention to the screen the guy next to me, half and half spoke. "He doesn't come off as a guy with a strategy. But he's actually quite intelligent" He was right. I faced the screen again, Bakugo was too prideful and impatient to devise a plan. 

Kirishima asked, "What're you talking about?"

"He changed his trajectory while in midair using a blast that doubled as a smokescreen. Very clever." I stared at the screen watching as Midoriya caught his footing.

I turned my attention when Momo spoke, "A feint attack like that requires an extreme amount of precision. He had to calculate the physics and demonstrate control over his quirk." I hate to be rude Momo, but I think you're giving him too much respect.

Everyone continued talking. I looked back at the screen, I hate rooting for a villain. So even if it's wrong, I hope Midoriya came up with a good plan while talking with Uraraka. 

The moment Midoriya stood straighter Bakugo lunged an attack. The attack was identical to the first attack he used which Midoriya easily countered. It was a right hook. 

Bakugo was yelling something at Midoriya and made contact with Midoriya's arm. He hit it with such force I wouldn't be surprised if it broke. Bakugo then quickly grabbed the arm he just rammed his hand into. He swung Midoriya around firing his quirk. It made him spin much quicker.

He then threw Midoriya over his shoulder. It was a sense of payback. Midoriya landed on the ground and it looked like he let out a scream. Bakugo wasn't holding back, he was more monster-like than I realized.

Kaminari then went on about how he was rooting for Midoriya but that changed. Bakugo was ahead of Midoriya in anything. Though I'd guess Midoriya was good at coming up with strategies. But Bakugo wasn't giving him any time to think.

All Might seemed to be caught between ending the match and some other thing. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. He acted a lot like Midoriya's father. It was honestly strange.

Midoriya then got up and began to run- crawl away. It was a sight to see.

"He's running away!" Mina called out.

"Not very manly, but he doesn't have a choice," Kirishima added to Mina's reply. "He's outgunned. Unless he's got some kinda plan. It's possible..."

Midoriya ran to the wall. That's where he stood, he stood tall and proud, but also nervous. Bakugo was still walking towards him. He seemed out of it. Bakugo seemed to be asking Midoriya why he wasn't using his quirk. But that was a stupid question, it broke him.

Then they both lunged, they were heading right for one another. Bakugo was about to fire, while Midoriya looked like he was about to punch. My eyes widened, and I stared at the screen dumbfounded.

"No way..." I murmured. Half and half heard me and looked at me. That was the first time I spoke at school. But Midoriya was about to use his quirk.

"They're gonna kill each other! SIR!" Kirishima yelled at All Might. Midoriya and Bakugo were closing in, they both had their quirks activated. They were about to make contact.

"Both of you, stop-!" All Might was too late.

Midoriya yelled something looking at Uraraka she nodded and grabbed the pillar. Bakugo blasted Midoriya, but he guided his punch upwards. It shot through the roof! It created a hole on the 5th floor. Uraraka was prepared. Tenya wasn't. Uraraka grabbed the pillar that got loose.

Aiming it like a baseball bat, she swung! The rocks from the debris flew straight towards Tenya. With this distraction, Uraraka ran and jumped the gap with her quirk. She deactivated her quirk and Tenya realized too late. Uraraka was on the missile.

Midoriya was standing with his arm in front of his face. He looked out of it. His arm was broken and the other was burned.

He said things to Bakugo that made him look shocked. Once All Might announced that the hero team won. The heroes were lying on the ground.

Midoriya from the strain of Bakugo's quirk and his quirk.

Uraraka from using her quirk too much. Tenya was aiding Uraraka while med robots got Midoriya. Looking at the screen, the aftermath. This wasn't a normal battle, this was a war...

Final Notes-

Wasn't expecting that! Just kidding. Anyhow, next episode I'll be going over Koike's fight, it'll be boring. 100% worse than this fight.

So make sure to have a good day! I have a long road ahead of me. 😗