
A perfect world: BREAK

A teenager who just turned 18 and just days ago got his diploma is signing up for the hero program known as Hero Society. The Hero Society is the most famous hero institution in the world, having thousands of people try to sign up and join. This teenager (named Daniel) passes all exams with flying colors and manages to join as one of the most skilled in his class. Daniel trains with his class and the teachers for weeks. After these weeks of training, Daniel finally gets to go out on the field. While scouting, Daniel notices someone getting robbed. Daniel hurried to help make it just in time. He fights the villain, but having a lack of control over his abilities kills the man. Daniel goes to court. He gets released after many eyewitnesses and cameras back him up. about three weeks after court, Daniel gets captured by a villain who claims to be the brother of the person he killed. After Weeks of the worst torturing known to man whipping, cutting, beating, tearing out finger and toe nails, pouring exetremly hot water on him, taking a spoon to his eye and pulling it out, and much more, finally someone finds him and helps him escape. while in the hospital, Daniel gets a vision about a world without heroes or villains. This world was so perfect, but the one thing that he noticed the most about the vision was that he was the one leading this perfect world. Daniel made up his mind that day since heroes couldn't save anyone, and villains kept hurting people he decided. "it's time for a change." ******************************************** I will be uploading a chapter 6 times a week. Also, the book cover is not of my making. If you are the maker and do not want it on there, do tell. ******************************************** Sorry for the lack of updates. Recently, I have lacked the interest to update the book. It's not because of people reading. Actually, this book has grown so much that it's incredible. I just have lost interest in making the book because it takes up two-three hours of my day. Currently, I'm a sophomore in high school, and I just lack time to make the book. I will continue to make the book, but it won't be as much as before.

FG_Frost · แอคชั่น
25 Chs

Anti Disrupt

Putting back on the mask that had been previously ripped from my face. I walk towards a wall, placing all five fingers on it.


I break a perfect exit. It's in the form of a circle leading its way all the way up to the surface. The intense sunshine makes me cover up my eye.

"Will you be okay?" Reckoning ask.

"For now. go ahead and walk through, I'm going to destroy this whole place." I demand.


"To destroy the evidence that would determine my identity."

Reckoning walks into the tunnel, making her way halfway up, then deciding she should wait for me. I walk into the crevice, dropping to my knees. Reaching out with my hands, I touch the floor.

"Thank you for the realization. BREAK!"

letting all my power out, the room begins to crumble, crack, and break. I hear a big rumbling sound, and BOOM!

I quickly pull my hands back, watching the roof collapse onto the concrete basement floor.

Reckoning says, "Impressive."

"Let's go."

We escape through the tunnel, making our way outside.

Man, I didn't realize how nice it was to be outside until right now.

"So why didn't we just walk out of the basement and go to the heroes?" Reckoning asks

"Can you take me to the hospital? I will answer your question afterward."

"They will ask questions."

"Just tell them that I managed to escape during the ruckus, and you found me walking down the street."

"What about the tunnel?"

"That's how I escaped. They know my ability. You followed the tunnel and found me."

"Okay, understood."

I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Thank you."

Almost right after I said this, I passed out.

I'm on my hands and knees, stairing into the cracking ground. instinctively, I pull my hands up.

"it's time."

I recognize that voice. It's that deep, incredibly terrifying, robotic voice. I'm here in the dream world.

"Time for what?" I ask.

"Time for you to wake up."

"Wake up from what?"

"Your whole life, you knew that the system was messed up, that's why you wanted to become a hero, to show everyone what an actual hero is, but you know as well as I that it doesn't work like that. People have different opinions, and those people are the people with real power. The president and other people who are a part of the government, people like that, are the people who are destroying your dreams, of a perfect world."

"Yes, you don't have to tell me what I already know. But how do I complete my dreams? Then, if someone so high in power is stopping them."

"You become the greater power."


"You conquer the power they control. If you control the government, then you control everything."

"What about other places, like Mexico or Canada?"

"Simple. The same thing. you conquer them, show them that you're in power. Then they have no other choice than to follow you."

"I don't wish to rule over people."

"That's not the idea. You just control the things that do rule the people, make sure they don't step out of line, and then you will have the perfect world."

"Before you called me Michael, you know my dreams, and you're giving me advice. Who or what are you?"

"Oh, Micheal, you know exactly who I am."

"What do you mean, I've met you before?"

"No, Michael. Think harder. Who are the only people in the world who know your real name?"

"My mother, but you're not my mom."

"Correct. who else?"

"The only other person is... Myself."

Immediately, that thing disappears.

"Ding. Ding. Correct." The voice comes from behind.

I immediately turn around.

"That's not possible."

"Oh, but it is. Wait, if you don't know who I am, then you don't even know what this is. Do you?"

He spins around, with his arms outstretched.

"It's a dream." I say.

"NO! It's a vision, Michael. You are destined to create a world with peace, stability, and, most of all, freedom. A world only people and country's can dream of."

"A world without heroes or villains."

"Correct! You are getting it. This world doesn't need heroes, and it sure as hell don't need villains. It just needs a fair and just leader."

"I'm that leader, I'm the only one who can lead the perfect world."


Suddenly, the ground beneath me starts to shake, and cracks appear on the ground.

"Remember, Michael. This world needs a wake-up call, a restart button if I dare say. Finish your destiny with any means necessary."

Buildings around me start to break, then cars, and finally both me and the masked me.

I dart up, breathing heavily. Sweat rains down my forehead.

"Bad dream?"

I look over to the left, seeing Reckoning leaning on the wall, with her hands crossed.

"You know I've done a lot for you, risking my own career. There better be something I get out of this." Reckoning says, slightly angry.

"Reckoning. Why do you want to be a hero?" I ask.

"Why are you asking me that?"

"Answer it, please."

She stairs at me with her very deep blue eyes, trying to calculate my motives, but my dark eye doesn't give away anything.

"I wish to make people safe, and I want to gain access to laboratories. Now answer my question." Reckoning demands

"I want you to join a group I'm creating."

"What kind of group?"

She looks at me intensely, trying her best to figure out my motives.

"You don't have to do that, I'll just tell you. I wish to make a perfect world, a world without heroes or villains, where everyone in the world is happy and free. This group I'm creating will help me accomplish my goals, I think you would make a perfect asset." I say.

"I like the idea, but there's only one thing that would completely have me convinced on joining."

Reckoning says.

"What's that?"

"If you take control over the SP laboratory in Missouri, and of course give it to me."


I raise my hand towards her, offering a shake on it.

"That's not necessary. I believe you'll come through with your promise."

"What about yours?"

"You can trust me. I promise."

After an hour of sitting here on the hospital bed. a nurse finally comes in.

"Oh, you're awake. How are you feeling?" The nurse asks.

"Fine. like I'm a new person."

"I'm deeply sorry about the eye, I used all my power, but I couldn't get it to come back."

My hand reaches for my empty left eye socket.

"It's okay. I'm sorry to ask such a question, but has any other doctors or nurses seen my face?"

"No, sir. your girlfriend over there specifically asked."

I look at her with a questioning look. She stares back with an amusing look.

"When may I leave?" I ask

"Whenever you're ready. I have completely healed you to the best of my ability, and your healing factor will manage to get what parts I left out. Besides, of course, the eye."

"Well, thank you for all your hard work."

"Of course. sir."

She turns around, walking herself out of the room.

"My girlfriend, huh." I say.

"Family members can visit only. I'm not old enough to be anything else." Reckoning answers back.

"What about a cousin?"

"Girlfriend was the first that came to mind without them checking my background."

"Got something to hide?"

"No. It would just take forever."

Reckoning grabs her purse from a chair and makes her way outside the door. before she could walk out, I ask.

"Can you look for someone who is an exetremly strong fighter, someone who has an S talent level. They will be joining the group, so try to pick someone who will be interested."

"Consider it done." She answers back.

After she walks out, I rip off the I.V. That's poked into my hand. When I stand up, is when I realize I'm in a gown without any clothes on inside.

I look around to see my normal mask, laying on a chair. walking over to grab it, I see pants and something underneath them. Grabbing the pants and holding them out, I see that they are pitch black sweatpants, with small leather knee guards attached to the knees.

I look to see what was beneath the pants. Instantly, I drop the pants, looking in complete disbelief at the cloak on the floor. This cloak is the exact same cloak that I was wearing from the visions.

I put everything on, looking at myself in the bathroom mirror. I look creepy, but not as creepy as myself in the visions, I need that mask, but I have no clue where to find it. For the time being, I shove that thought into the back of my brain.

On my way towards the door, I take a close look out the window.


Minutes later, I'm walking down the street, with my hood over my head, rain bucketing down.

Perfect world will be the group name, and I'll be Akuji.

hello, everyone. I just wanted to ask a small favor. if you guys could leave a comment telling me what I need to work on or if I'm doing just fine, that would be absolutely amazing. I take everything very seriously, so I will take your comment into major consideration. I just want this series to be something because I love the story, and I think a lot of other people would to, but if I write something bad or there's something about how I write that you don't like tell me pls so I can fix it.

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