
The secret behind Avgi (2) - Origin Veins

Ceph's question was logical. The children of Avgi, at least all those who lived inside the glade, were all taught that the goddess of life, Asteria, blessed the spring and the forest. After which, she asked them to safeguard it from those who would wish to destroy the forest to sate their greed. 

This explanation was simple enough and explained the existence of the plethora of rare fauna and flora were within the forest. While most focus was on the Alicorns and their family, those who reside within the glade—the pegasii and unicorns, too—there was much more to the forest. 

These three races were certainly not the only magical creatures who lived within it. And the others were also contributing to the forest's defense. Though, at best, they were only as strong as a unicorn.