
Making the memorial device (4) - A dot

Eldrian's condition had not really changed much, but he could tell that he was getting better. However, he was clear that the implications of these past events would not disappear anytime soon. And at this point, he was not sure if he should be happy as it was 'just' punishment, or be angry as it was slowing the design. Currently, he was split in the middle on this. 

"So we've successfully managed to record audio and even play it back. But we keep overwriting the data when we try to record new audios." Eldrian mumbled after another failed test. 

"And we can't even verify if we are saving the picture until we can make that water screen of yours a reality." 

"Maybe it's time we abandon trying to rely on existing runes?" Eldrian suggested, no matter the combination they have only made failures. Luckily, thanks to Eldrian's ability to virtually add runes to materials they were not wasting much.