
A New Life In The Arrowverse

A man dies in our world and is reborn, with improvements, in the arrowverse. What will he do now? Mature content Mc will sleep around Harem? I do not own anything but my Mc and any OC's I created!!

Ezzy_E · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
27 Chs

Two Very Special Gifts

Author's notes- If you have any women from the DC/Arrowverse that you'd like to see the MC hook up with, comment them and I'll see what I can do :P

Also any constructive criticism is welcome, this is my first ever story and I'm not planning to drop it but if there are improvements to make I'd like to know. Thank you for reading, enjoy.


Isaac headed straight to his room when they got home but not before he got a big hug and kiss from a grateful Speedy, who then proceeded to run off. Isaac sighed in relief as he entered his room, he was beat and it was only 8:30pm, he laid his head down and was asleep before he knew it, his clothes still on. It was only a week later that his premonition about the party came true. It all started with a surprise visit from Laurel and Sara Lance, both of their families had grown close ever since Oliver started dating Laurel. Isaac had just left his room after finishing his morning workout and hygiene routine and headed downstairs without a shirt and his hair still wet. Isaac didn't hear a doorbell or anything, all he heard was a gasp and that was when he saw them, standing there in the lobby staring up at me. Now Isaac had only met the Lance sisters a few times so far but they were both even more stunning than they looked in the show. They both looked like a more filled out and perfected version of the actresses that played them (seriously if you thought they looked good before they were a 13 out of 10 now). This had been one of God's little surprises for him, he clearly made the women on this earth way more attractive. Seriously, every female Isaac had met so far looked like they could have been supermodels in his old world.

Isaac looked down at the two girls as they stared, their mouths open in shock, in their defense he did look much older than 14, plus he had a six-pack. Luckily, Oliver wasn't here to see this.

"Hello ladies, how have you both been? Keeping my brother out of trouble I hope." Roused suddenly by the question, both girls took a moment to answer.

"We're doing good Isaac and you know I try my best with Oli." Laurel teased; Sara just rolled her eyes at her sister's response.

"So, what are you guys doing here, you do know Oliver's not here right?" I questioned. They usually never came around unless they were with my brother.

"Damn! I was hoping I could surprise him." Laurel grumbled.

"Nope, it's just little old me here. Everyone left earlier, you're more than welcome to stay. I was just on my way to the pool." I retorted. That reply got a reaction from Sara, her eyes glanced back to my stomach.

"What are they feeding you kid?" She questioned; Laurel's eyes rolled this time.

"Steroids. You know it's supposed to be good for growing boys." Isaac retorted. Both girls chuckled at that, his sarcasm game was strong. He headed out to the back yard and sat on the lounge chairs by their massive pool, being rich was so much fun. Surprisingly the girls followed me out a few minutes later, Isaac turned to see what took them and stopped cold. Apparently they had wanted to have a pool day with Oliver, how did he know you ask, because when Isaac turned to see the girls they were no longer wearing the clothes they had on in the living area. No, they had both changed into their bikinis and damn they both looked good. Luckily, Isaac wasn't just some normal hormonal teenager, otherwise he would have never been able to take his eyes off of all those tantalizing curves. They all just laid down by the pool and soaked in the sun. Isaac did get the pleasure of rubbing sunblock on Sara's sinful body, he took his time as his hands ran over her soft curves. After a few minutes in the sun he jumped into the pool, the crystal blue water cooled him down almost instantly, it was so refreshing.

"Isaac, I didn't know you could sing!" Laurel yelled; her face buried in her phone.

"What are you talking about Laurel." Isaac wondered.

"You're all over the internet!" Sara came over, curious at the commotion, and looked at her sister's phone.

"Oh shit, Isaac she's right! Damn you're good." Isaac got out of the pool at that and went over to see what they were talking about. 'I swear if Thea posted a video of me singing for her she is gonna get it' he grumbled to himself. Laurel played me the clip and Isaac was shocked silent; it was a collection of clips of him singing from Ariana's party. The video was actually edited quite nicely, what really shook him though was the number of views it had; it already had 12 million views. Isaac didn't know what to say, he had never thought of doing music in this world, there were so many other things he had to do. Isaak decided to ignore that thought for now, he didn't have to figure it out now anyway. Laurel and Sara looked at him expectantly, they clearly wanted answers.

"Thea roped me into singing for her friend's birthday party, I completely forgot people were recording me and I definitely didn't expect it to go viral." Isaac rubbed his face, frustrated, and jumped right back into the pool. The cool water almost immediately calmed his mind down, he could practically feel the frustration and uncertainty leave his body. Isaac may not have known where music would fit in his new life but he'd figure it out just like everything else. Later that day, long after the Lances had left, Thea had run into his room gushing about how everyone was talking about how cool her brother was. Needless to say, she loved the attention, after giving him a big hug and kiss, she ran out of the room just as quickly as she had entered it.

Things didn't get any more peaceful from there, more videos of him from that night were being posted, each one getting massive amounts of views. Isaac had decided to just keep his head down and let the noise die down. Isaac had plenty of other things he needed to focus on, like studying the magical knowledge he'd gained from Constantine. So far he wasn't even halfway through it, Constantine had a truly encyclopedic knowledge of magic, and soon all of it would be Isaac's. Things had progressed like this for months, Isaac would wake up and do his morning routine, and then would spend hours in his room practicing his magical knowledge. Several times Thea had tried to drag him out to play with her, and of course he would, but that was the only distraction he allowed himself. Whenever his parents asked he just told them he was working on a project and they usually left him alone, but today was different. It was his birthday and his mother had told him, in no uncertain terms, that he would have a party and he was expected to participate in the festivities. Isaac would admit, if only to himself, that he had been looking forward to this day. It wasn't because of the party they were throwing for him, but because of the gift he'd be getting from God.

That's right, this was the day Isaac got the customized Super Soldier Serum he'd wished for, and he couldn't wait. He had already told his family that he was expecting a very delicate package and that no one was supposed to touch it but him. He had even told Thea that if she touched it, it could make her sick, her face when she heard that still made him laugh. It was obvious from her reaction that she had planned to grab the package when it came. As it got closer to 1pm, guests started to arrive, many of them showed up simply because of the status his family held. However, there were a few people that came that Isaac considered his friends. The Lance sisters came, obviously, Laurel because of her relationship with Oliver and Sara, Isaac didn't actually know why Sara came, he wondered if she actually came for him. Ariana Grande also came, which was a pleasant surprise, and so did some of his classmates from his time at M.I.T. Overall the party was not that bad, Isaac got to catch up with some of his classmates, many of whom commented about a video they had seen of him. Apparently, his singing debut had not blown over as much as Isaac had thought. Isaac had also gotten to talk with Ariana a bit, she had just started her journey in the acting business and was really excited about it.

As more people arrived, we moved the party to the backyard. It was a gorgeous day, food and drinks were spread out on several tables and people seemed to be enjoying themselves. After Isaac got free of the many well-wishers he checked, for what must have been the 5th time, if his package had arrived; he grumbled to himself when he realized it had not. Unfortunately he did not get free from his guest for long as someone, probably Thea, had decided it would be a good idea for him to perform at his own party. He tried to fight it, he really did, but when his mother came and insisted, she had never heard him sing before, he knew he had no real choice. Once he agreed Isaac's dad appeared out of nowhere with a piano and a microphone ready for his son to use. As Isaac warmed up on the piano a crowd started to form and in the front row was his family, Oliver and Thea included, the Lance sisters, and Ariana. After he warmed up, Isaac started to perform 'Sitting on the Dock of the Bay" by Otis Redding, people started to sway after a minute, feeling the music. Once that song ended Isaac immediately began playing 'My Love' by Justin Timberlake, everyone got silent when he started to sing. Before the birthday boy knew it he had played 3 more songs and the crowd was cheering for him as he stood up. After a quick bow Isaac left for some food, performing had left him famished. The rest of the party passed by rather quickly, Isaac received quite a few praises for his performance and many more well wishes.

In no time at all the house was empty of guests and Isaac had many presents to open. He got 4 top of the line laptops, some stock options, over 10 thousand dollars in birthday money, that one was surprising, a beautiful guitar, from the Lance sisters, and a few other toys. As Isaac opened what he thought to be his last gift, he noticed an unwrapped box under the living room table. Isaac put away the newly opened basketball and immediately grabbed the box, 'This could be it!' Isaac thought excitedly. At some point during the party, after around the seventh time, Isaac stopped looking for his gift from God and just tried to have a good time. He took the box and ran upstairs, he didn't want any interruptions, he locked his bedroom door and carefully opened the box. Inside was a small metal canister surrounded in bubble wrap, he unwrapped the canister and carefully took it out of the box. Afterwards, Isaac noticed a note inside, it read 'Happy Birthday Isaac, enjoy" it was signed with a capital G. Isaac's heart raced, this was a moment he had waited for since he first made his wishes a lifetime ago, he quickly undid the top and chugged the contents down. Almost immediately Isaac felt quite warm and a bit dizzy, he laid in bed and waited. The moment Isaac's head hit the pillow his eyes started to feel heavy, five minutes later Isaac had passed out in his bed. He finally woke up early the next morning and ran to a mirror, Isaac had gained what looked like 4 inches overnight and put some muscle weight on as well, hell even his dick got bigger.

Luckily Isaac had planned for precisely this situation, his parents were going on a cruise today for a week, his gift to them. At first they tried to refuse, saying how it was his birthday and that they should spend time together, but Isaac had promised that when they got back he'd arrange a trip for the whole family. What really settled their reservations was when he said that the trip was already paid for and that if they didn't go it would be a complete waste of his gift. Besides getting rid of the parents for a while, Isaac had also gone to the trouble of buying a few new outfits, he suspected there would be some growth due to the serum. He put on a new pair of jeans and an oversized hoody and headed downstairs to say goodbye to his parents. Time passed quickly after that day, Isaac had to spend over a month getting used to his increased abilities, including his electricity generation and his camouflage. He spent even more time afterwards perfecting his control over his abilities and trying to keep up with his magical and martial training. Before Isaac knew it there was only a week left before the Gambit would go down and kick off the events of canon.

Some other things that happened over that time was Thea's and Oliver's birthdays, both of whom Isaac got fantastic gifts for, (a top-of-the-line bow and lessons from a pro for Thea and a brand new red and black Ducati Monster S4R for Oliver, he almost cried at that). Isaac also spent a lot of time with Robert over those last few months, Isaac knew, in his heart, that it was likely he would not be able to save Robert from his fate. If that was the case then Isaac at least wanted his father to know that he loved him.

Another big thing Isaac made sure to do over this time was reach out to his hidden half-sister, Emiko Adachi. That was a tough meeting, she had so much anger and resentment towards Robert for abandoning her, lucky for Isaac, she hadn't yet directed it towards her siblings. Isaac hadn't done anything other than meet her for the occasional coffee or lunch and just listen to her. He made sure to tell Emiko that Oliver and Thea didn't know about her yet but that he was sure they would love her. After their 5th or 6th meeting Isaac broached the idea of giving her and her mom some support. At first she was vehemently against it and even got angry at the insinuation that they were a charity case, Isaac thought for sure she was going to take a swing at him. It was only after he pointed out that she was a Queen too and that family looked out for each other that she relented. That was the first time Isaac had seen Emiko cry. As she sat in the café crying, Isaac went to his sister and gave her a hug, he whispered in her ear that he loved her and that she was a part of his family. He also made sure that if she was ever in any trouble that she knew all she had to do was call and he'd be there for her, no matter what.

The next step in Isaac's plan took a few more meetings, and some guilt tripping to make happen. However, Isaac eventually managed to convince Emiko and her mother to move out of the glades and into a condo he had gotten for them in the city. He hoped that this would get them away from the Ninth Circle's influence, that and the armed security he hired under the table. When Emiko asked how he was able to afford to give them all that he had without Moira finding out, he simply told her to google him. Suffice to say she was quite shocked at all Isaac had accomplished at such a young age, and quite proud of him as well, and she told him as much. Getting Emiko out of the Glades marked Isaac's first big move against canon, and he did not plan on stopping there. Out of everything that happened, the one thing that was the most pivotal to him was losing his virginity in this new life. Isaac had to give Oli credit for that one, he wouldn't have met Brooklyn Decker otherwise. See, Oliver threw himself a party for his birthday and their parents left town so that he could enjoy himself without them being in the way. In typical Oliver behavior he had decided to invite some models and Brooklyn happened to be one of them.

She was breathtaking, she was wearing this blue dress that made her eyes pop and looked painted on, hugging her curves perfectly. When Isaac saw her he didn't hesitate for even a second before he introduced himself. They both exchanged pleasantries, Isaac asked about her modeling career and if she saw herself making the jump to the big screen. She asked if Isaac planned on pursuing a music career, apparently she had seen the video from Ariana's party and was a fan. After a few more minutes of harmless flirting, Isaac asked her to dance, she said yes and not long after they were sharing drinks and making out in a corner. Isaac woke up the next morning with some incredible memories, and a very naked Brooklyn Decker in his bed. He still kept in contact with her, though she was truly mortified when she found out he had only been 15 that night, Isaac agreed to keep what happened just between them, at least until he turned 18.