
A new god

A guy makes a deal with a ROB and gets reborn as hades in the riordanverse

T_J_E · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

During the Fall


[ A.N I'll be editing the first few chapters soon

A.N For my FF Kronos is doing nothing to stop them from using their divinities

Chapters will get longer after MC lands they will also only be posted once a day or every other day]


While still doing a free fall I try to feel the divinities within me and I have to say it was a lot harder than I thought. At first I thought about asking Oracle, but I decided that it would probably be better if I wasn't too dependent on her, at least for now.

So for what felt like days I focused on trying to feel the different divinities inside me. The first one I was one I felt was actually my devourer divinity, I was surprised because I was mainly feeling for my comfort divinity and I figured my born with divinities would be the easiest to feel for. When I asked Oracle she explained that it was simply because I have already used this divinity with her assistance. So I continued on with my endeavor.

So for the next few days I worked on feeling my divinities. I was able to get a feeling for all of them except Comfort and ease. Which annoyed me to no end but I pushed on. After another week I was finally able to feel and summon my comfort divinity. The problem was I couldn't even cover my entire arm with it. But I followed Oracles instructions and kept my right hand and forearm covered but I could only do it for a few hours I think, my sense of time is so fucked already, I'm unsure if I've been here for weeks how I originally thought because the first time of me getting pelted with meat and soaked nectar was just now. I haven't felt hungry and even if I did I doubt I could bring myself to eat anything that I could find in here.

After some time free falling I can feel my divine energy slowly start to come back. That's when I realize just how long this is going to take. It felt like it took hours for my divine energy to fill but it matters not. I have plenty of time I think. Not sure how he's doing it yet but Kronos has somehow sped up the time of everything inside himself while slowing down his own body's time, I only noticed after I felt my body and realized that instead of an infant I already feel like I've grown into a toddler size, soon after I made another discovery. Instead of falling fast I'm falling at a fairly slow pace. This is something that must take excellent control but it will also be his undoing. By speeding up the time of my body he has unknowingly helped my divinities get acclimated into my body faster as I mature. And because he is slowing down his body's time I'll have plenty of time to train before my siblings get here.

'Hey Oracle, can you keep track of how much time passes?'

'Yes Hades, I will start the clock now'

'Thanks Oracle.' Now back to it.

[5 years later]

It's been a tough 5 years but I've made great progress. We'll sort of, I've spent most of this time training my Comfort divinity. After the first 3 years it was all pretty normal just circulating my divinity through my body but then I got the idea. What if I could use it like an aura, it should definitely be possible so I started trying to channel my divinity out, through every pore of my body at a slow rate. That's what the next year of my time was spent perfecting. I got it to the point where I can now, without much focus, will my comfort divinity into a thick aura that covers me in a comforting white light. The amount of leakage compared to the amount of divinity I possess is negotiable. After I got to this point I wanted to train my other divinities but my choices were limited. When I asked Oracle she said 'Hades, of the divinities you possess you can train all of them the same way you did comfort but it will be limited in your understanding and uses. For example as you have no wealth and riches(earth minerals) summon, copy and you even if you trained it you cannot summon anything within your father. I would recommend you work on circulating, controlling and generating your devourer divinity, mainly work on getting an aura as it would help with the rate you can consume and would be the best to work on due to your plans of consuming your father's divinity.' So I did just that over the next year. I can now use 2 different auras one white and the other an ash grey. I still can't use my devourer aura as well as my other one but I'll get plenty of practice when I start to consume Kronos' divinity. Time to look at my progress.

'Oracle, please show me my status.'

'Yes Hades'


Name: Hades

Power lvl: God

Divinities: death(B), wealth and riches(B), comfort(B), ease(D), Devourer(B)


I'll probably break through to A lvl with my comfort divinity once I get practice in giving and taking away the comfort of others and while for now I won't work on it I think if I started working on the more abstract forms of comfort will boost it to the Primordial lvl.

'Oracle, will I be considered a godking if I get a divinity to A lvl?'

'No Hades, when you get all your divinities to B lvl you will be a '(peak) god' then, when you get one divinity to A lvl you could be considered a low godking. 2 or more A lvl divinities for godking and all divinities at A lvl to be a peak godking. For becoming a primordial things are a bit different so I recommend we wait on that explanation for now. You should also remember this when consuming divinities as it may hinder your overall growth.'

'Thanks Oracle, I'll listen to you so I have a question and if you have the answer I'll be forever grateful! How much longer will I be falling?!?'

'Well, you are in luck Hades you are approaching the bottom now, you cleared your fathers throat 2.5 years ago. Another week of falling and you should hit stomach acid, I believe your training has been sufficient and you'll have no problems if you use your aura.'

'Hahahahaha, your the best Oracle thanks.'

'It's no problem at all Hades.'

A week was nothing compared to the previous 5 years so I willing my comfort aura to come around me, I wait. While waiting I just think about how I can't wait to start consuming Kronos' divinity and honestly I'm also happy to be able to walk again'

After waiting for the whole week practicing summoning a dark purple flame with my death divinity, Oracle says, 'Good luck Hades, please be ready to swim out immediately should anything unexpected happen. Impact in 3…2…1'