
A new god

A guy makes a deal with a ROB and gets reborn as hades in the riordanverse

T_J_E · Fantasy
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19 Chs



[A.N In the Roidanverse Kronos is the Titan god of Eras, Evil, and Harvest. But for my FF he is also god of space/time he mainly focuses on the destructive nature of time though.

Power levels:

Minor god (low, normal, peak)

God(low, normal, peak)

God king(low, normal, peak)

Primordial(low, normal, peak)


Divinities: D-S ranking

D- demigod lvl (the amount of divinity a demigod or a demigods descendent might have)

C- minor god level (a demigod could fight back for a while but will probably end up dead)

B- God lvl ( instant death for a Demigod, can severely injure a minor god, but to a god king it's like a minor god to a demigod)


S- primordial level of power and precision (Only a primordial can reach this level and only a primordial can combat it)]


So at soon as Kronos shut his mouth I got right to work.

'System, can you please explain to me all your functions.'

'Yes Host-'

'Please call me Hades, as that is who I am now. Do you have a name system?'

'Yes Hades, I do not have a name but you can give me one.'

'From now on I'll call you Oracle, please continue.'

For some reason when Oracle spoke it sounded more feminine and even had feelings in her words but I decided the functions are more important than to question something so minor.

'Yes Hades, thank you for the name and as for the system functions there are status- only shows name, power level and current divinities. A 50x50x50 meter inventory. There are also 2 hidden functions that you will have to do certain actions to unlock.'

'Sigh… I guess he thought doing it this way would be more entertaining. Is there any other information that you are unable to tell me?'


'Ok then, can you tell me how to consume divinities?'

'Yes Hades, when you wish to consume a divinity,as you are now you need to be in constant contact with your target and focus on drawing your devour divinity to whatever part of your body will make contact with the target. The more your use and practice controlling this divinity the faster you can consume and eventually when you get better control over it you can consume without contact at all.'

'Thanks for the explanation Oracle, please show me my status.'

'Yes Hades'

Then a dark holographic screen appeared in front of me.


Name: Hades

Power lvl: low God

Divinities: death(B), wealth and riches(B), comfort(D), ease(D), Devourer(C)


So I'm only a low god, not that bad and I'll be here for a while with plenty of time to train.

'Oracle, please explain the the power lvl and the letters near each divinity.'

'The different Power levels are:

Minor god (low, normal, peak)

God(low, normal, peak)

God king(low, normal, peak)

Primordial(low, normal, peak)


Divinities can be ranked anywhere from D-S ranking.

D- demigod lvl (the amount of divinity a demigod or a demigods descendent might have)

C- minor god level (a demigod could fight back for a while but will probably end up dead)

B- God lvl ( instant death for a Demigod, can severely injure a minor god, but to a god king it's like a minor god to a demigod)


S- primordial level of power and precision (Only a primordial can reach this level and only a primordial can combat it)'

'Thanks Oracle'

I wanted to copy my the comfort and ease from my Rhea because all the myths and stories basically described this as second only to Tartarus and I thought this might be able to help. While I don't know how I'll treat my new siblings yet I'll at least look after them till we get out of here.

I don't know how long it's been but I'm still fucking falling. I can't even start to devour the assholes divinity because I'm free falling in the pitch black darkness. I decide I should train up my comfort divinity for when I land into the stomach acid of Kronos, at least that's where most stories say it went. So I'm hoping that if I can get comfort to maybe (B lvl) it can stop me from that suffering.

A problem though, a have no idea how to train divinities.

'Uhmm… Oracle, do you know how to train divinities? And if so please enlighten me.'

'Of course Hades, while it may vary for different divinities, to train comfort, all you need to do is try to feel it within you then circulate it through your body until you feel comfort. Do this as much as you can until you feel like you are running out of energy. Keep doing this and you will get a better feel and control over Comfort, it will also increase the divine energy of Comfort.'

'Thanks Oracle, your the best and I don't know what I'd do emeithout you.'

'Hades, please this is what I a meant to do and I do it happily.'

This makes me think back to how she suddenly became more sentient, so I finally ask, 'Hey Oracle, when I named you, what changes did you go through exactly?'

'Well l, Hades I was made to be anything you needed. Based on the name you chose and your thoughts at the time, I went the female route the had a preset personality instead of the male preset. But you should know I was also created to learn about, help and be fully loyal to you.'

Well this is ok for now I geuss I should start my training.