
A Necromancers evolution

“well…i died.” A man named Isla gets revived through a system given by ———. As he starts his journey he levels up and unlocks a ability called necromancy? Watch him embark on his journey to uncover the truth of his world and get stronger to enter the domain of the Gods. {book cover is a visual representation of the mc} Volume 1: War of Odin (uncompleted) Volume 2: Volume 3:

Xen_1 · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

The start of a revenge story

" Mrs.Aine, i found the info you wanted on the leader of the Emerald serpents." " Thank you john you may leave." Said a woman who's beauty is that comparable to a elf. Brown hair, and eyes so yellow it looks like a furnished yellow jewel.

Looking at the report it says " Josh Hunter occupation: bandit leader." " For the death of my son, and destruction of my city…i'll have your blood."

"Mrs.Aine please, please don't go off on you own let me help!" " John, i appreciate the help you've given me over the years but i have to do this my self. If i die, i want you to take over the Mercenary squad for me"

" But Mrs.Aine your a S-rank mercenary and i'm only A-rank, how could i take your position?" " Because you're my most entrusted friend and member. Promise me ok?" " Ok, i promise."

Walking on a path dimly lit by fireflies, Aine finds the Serpent's hideout. "Looks like they hang out here."

Walking inside of the bar there was people of all ages from young men to old woman. " Hey waiter give me a shot of whiskey." " right up ma'am."

After getting her drink a man comes up to her." Hello, what's a fine woman like you doing here?" Finishing her drink she grabs the knife hidden away in his jacket, and puts it to his neck.

"where's your boss?"

"he's out back."

Walking out back she see's a man, black hair, black eyes, with a rough patchy beard. "Are you

Josh Hunter?" " Well if it isn't Aine von cartier, first daughter of Roman von cartier. What brings you here?"

" You killed my son, remember Poinau?" "Wait, i remember those eyes, your boy he had the power of Aradu. I remember you having the same."

" Yes, i do." Electric blue sparks start flying around out as she grips her sword. " Shut up and get your axe out. I'll kill you my self."

" As you wish."

After the two start fighting civilians, thugs, and bandits alike start to run. " Run away there to strong, we'll get caught up in the fight!"

The two start fighting for what seems like hours. Trading blows left and right. " You're as good as they say Aine."

" Stop talking and fight more seriously."

Then the unexpected happens.

A black red mana orbs starts gathering on Josh's sword. " I-is that demonic mana?" " Indeed it is."

" Halt!!"

Said a Knight in golden armor. "What is a knight in the Table of round doing here?" Josh said inwardly. " Josh Hunter you have been served the maximum treason of death, for handling demonic mana. Please get ready to die where you stand."

" Do you think i'm dy-!" A cut so fast it couldn't be seen even with the naked eye. It distorted the space around it, to the point of cutting off Josh's head so cleanly there wasn't even blood splatter.

" Princess Aine, i've been ordered by your father to keep and eye on you." " Thank you Balrix, but i had to kill him why did you take that away from me?"

" I'm sorry, Your father ordered me to take action if you were in trouble. Please forgive me your highness." " It's alright, nothing we can do about it now, but i want you to help me kill the Chimera that killed my husband."

" Whatever you want my princess i'll help you."

" i need a drink go fix me some more whiskey."

After that they go off to see the Chimera.