
A Mutant Collector Quest

Lucas Watson, once an ordinary soul from Earth, now finds himself reincarnated in a heavily AU (Alternate Universe) Marvel world as the elder brother of Mary Jane Watson. Armed with meta-knowledge and a stroke of divine luck, he has ascended to billionaire status. Lucas plans to leverage his wealth and technology to navigate this perilous world, but destiny has other plans. As his latent mutation awakens, a new chapter of his life begins, thrusting him into unforeseen challenges and adventures. *** This is an ongoing SI Quest of mine on Fiction live site. So if you want to join me in the quest or read ahead you can find me there. *** The story is quite slow paced as it is a Quest and not a regular webnovel. But there is tons of smut and Harem here. *** Warning: The Story contains Incest, Grooming, Netori, Harem and many more hard core themes. You have been warned from the start *** There are 10 advanced chaps on Patreon and all the chapters with NSFW images are also there! There are [EX] Extra/Exclusive chapters for my supporters on Discord and Pa-treon. *** Support me if you can!! The Ko-fi Link: https://ko-fi.com/avi2112 The Pa-treon Link: https://www.patreon.com/Avi2112 The Discord server Link: https://discord.gg/Rbja9sKV8Y *** A/N: I do not own Marvel or any of its characters other than my OC.

Avi2112 · ภาพยนตร์
104 Chs

Chapter 18: Testing Powers

You returned to Basement 2, where the three doctors were still studying Colleen's blood.

"Luke, did you show your sensei 'everything' properly?" Helen asked as soon as you entered.

"Almost," you responded with a smirk, causing Helen's face to open in shock.

Jemma blushed at your comment while Amara just raised her eyebrow.

"Alright, let's get back to the original purpose I called you all here. This time, the test subject will be me and my new powers. We will also be comparing the results to yesterday's data," you announce, speaking aloud, and all three doctors nod in understanding.

"First, let's do a blood test," you say, standing near the apparatus.

"You should take your shirt off," Helen speaks aloud in excitement.

You look at her puzzled.

"Yes, for science... I-I mean, it will make it easier for us to get your readings that way," Jemma stammers out, refusing to meet your eye.

"Well, I am also with them in this," Amara chimes in, looking at you with a hidden smile.

You complied with their request and took off your shirt.


Jemma audibly gulps, her face turning red as she looks at your six-pack abs. Helen is also staring brazenly, while Amara merely regards you with an intrigued expression.

After a rather long blood test, you proceed to check out some of your powers.

Invisibility, Force Field Manipulation, and Steel Constructs were the powers you activated.

The idea wasn't to practice these powers but to see what sort of energy signature you were emitting, how your body functioned while activating the power, etc.


As you turned on your power, Black Cat Physiology, you saw a flash of light and heard the sound of a camera shutter.

Looking towards Helen, you saw her taking photos of you nonchalantly. Jemma hurriedly brought out her phone and starts doing the same. You even hear Amara tell Helen to share the pics with her.

You shake your head at their antics and then switched to another power.

From the start, you knew this power was different from the others, it was definitely unique.

While you were trying to activate this power, you felt like you could use three different powers which were still somehow related or connected to each other.

The first was the black aura-like thing which you could wrap around your hands. You and all the others look towards the scans, but none of the present scanners could detect the energy generated by your hand.

You didn't have much hope anyways, as this was Anti-Magic Energy and your scanners hadn't been attuned to finding even magical energies, more so the anti-magic ones.

By concentrating hard on the said power, you were able to know some information about it, like how to use it and its name. That's how you found out about its name.

Next, you used the second version. This time, there was no visual effect on the outside.

This Power was called Anti-Power, so you could guess what it would do, but you still expected some kind of visual effect on the scanners.

The three doctors were still waiting for you to use your power, not knowing that you already had. So, you used the third version.

Instantly, you felt different, you felt lighter? Even the sensors were picking up a strange field around you.

The doctors were concentrating on the readings when you, who had an inkling about this power, decided to try something.

You pushed the ground lightly.

The next second, you found yourself in the air, your body rising from the ground. Before long, your head was stopped by the ceiling, but you remained stationary.

"Y-you are flying, Lucas," Jemma says aloud, amazed.

Helen had started filming a video from her phone, unaware that D.A.I.S.Y. would automatically delete any sensitive content about you.

"He is not flying, he is floating or hovering. The bubble around him acts as an antigravity field," Amara explains, looking at the data from the scans.

It was not just Anti-Gravity; it was Anti-Force, as that was its name, so it must negate any kind of force.

You cancel the power and fall gracefully to the floor on your two legs.

After satisfying the curiosity of the doctors with some more tests with this power, you move on to the last one.


The doctors look at you puzzled, as right now you had just used a simple punch which looked the same as Colleen's Punch from before.

"Not only Susan's, you also copied Colleen's powers?" Amara speaks in wonder.

"Did you do some kind of ritual when you went away with her, to copy her powers?" Helen asks skeptically. Jemma also looks at you, waiting for an answer.

"Something like that," you reply vaguely, avoiding the topic.

After they were done with the tests, they started focusing on their work of analysing the data. When you thought about starting your own work in Basement 3, your watch buzzs, and you check to see that it is MJ.

You pick up her call, "Luke, I am at your penthouse. Where are you?" MJ speaks from the other side.

"Okay, I am just coming up," you reply swiftly, ending the call.

After informing them that you will be back in a while, you head towards the elevator, somehow feeling that your whole day will be spent going up and down the Tower today.

You exit the elevator and see two girls standing in front of you.

"Luke," the redhead instantly latches onto you with her assets squeezing at your front. It was MJ, your sister.

"Did you find out who kidnapped her?" she asks you in worry.

"Yes, don't worry Red, there is a plan in motion already. It may take some time, but we will bring Toni back safely for sure," you reply while caressing her back.

"That is good, I was just so worried when I heard about it," MJ sighs in relief.

"Ahm Ahm," the girl in the back clears her throat.

"Yes, sorry, this is my friend, Elizabeth," MJ gets out of the hug and introduces the girl, who is wearing a very short and hot cheerleading costume.

"You can call me Liz," she says and proceeds to hug you tight, making you feel all the young girl's curves intimately. "I am your sister's best friend!"

"Nice to finally meet you, Liz," you greet with a polite smile, although your little brother is almost about to wake up with these constant attacks.

"So MJ did mention me atleast!" she exclaims with a smile and then stands close to you, giving a signal to MJ with her eyes, which you pretend not to notice.

MJ rolls her eyes at her. "Luke, I will go and meet Skye. It has been a long time since I have visited her," she addresses you, her expression softening in a smile.

"Alright, and tell her to get some sleep. She must have not slept since late last night," you instruct with a sigh.

"Okay." she responds and proceeds to the elevator, before giving a warning look to Liz.

"So, Liz, why the cheerleading outfit?" you inquire observing her with curiosity now that you're both alone.

"Oh, nothing special. I had cheerleading practice for the last class," Liz explains, her demeanour becoming a bit shy. "I'm the head cheerleader of Midtown High, and MJ was in a hurry to meet you, so I came directly with her here and didn't have time to change my clothes."

"Head cheerleader? Impressive," you respond with a small smile.

"I hope you don't mind it, and that I made a good first impression on you," she says, inadvertently emphasizing her assets as she stretches her arms above her head.

"Not at all. You look amazing," you assure her, appreciating the view. "And my first impression of you has been very 'impactful.'"

"Hehe," she giggles bashfully at your compliment.

"Let me give you a tour of the floor," you offer, extending your hand, which she takes happily.

"Wow, you have an indoor swimming pool, a game room, a gym, a spa, and even a movie cinema all in your floor!" Liz exclaims excitedly. "It's unbelievable that you're just two years older than me, and you've achieved this much already in your life," she adds with a smile.

You simply accompany her, enjoying her lively spirit.

"For me, I don't even know what I'll do after school," Liz confesses, her smile turning bitter. "After my Mom died, my father remarried. My stepmother Dorris who took my mothers place is nice and all, but most of her attention is on my stepbrother. So even when I went to her for advice, she did give me some, but I don't know if it's the right one," she reveals, gazing at the water in the swimming pool absentmindedly.

You hold her hand, listening attentively to her story.

"Sorry, I don't know why I started babbling to you about my life story," Liz says, snapping out of her thoughts and giving you an awkward look.

"It's fine. I like hearing you talk," you reassure her with a small smile.

"Thank you, Luke. It's just that everyone around me—Mary, Gwen, and even Penny—have all their lives planned out, and I feel like I'm just wasting my time," Liz expresses with frustration. "Dorris told me that I should first get a boyfriend in school and then go to college, or I should get married to him after school and get settled," she explains, tightening her grip on your hand.

"And I would have done that too, but from the moment I heard about you, I feel like I've been obsessed with you," she admits shyly, looking away from you. "Knowing that such a perfect guy existed, and that too, he was my best friend's brother, made me feel like I had a chance. So here I am, wearing my best clothes, and hoping that even though there's such a humongous gap between us, by some fluke, that the guy I like would also be interested in me," she confesses quietly, observing your reaction from the corner of her eye.

You listen intently, offering her a supportive smile.

Liz takes a deep breath, intertwining both of your hands with hers. "Luke, I'm not here to be your friend or to have a tour of the Tower. I'm just here to ask: will you date me?" she says boldly, closing her eyes in apprehension.

An involuntary chuckle escapes your lips.

She opens her eyes and looks at you with a pale face.

"I just couldn't help it, you looked adorable," you speak with a small laugh, watching Liz's face turn from pale to crimson.

Closing the distance between you, you murmur, "You asked if I would date you?" Your face inches closer to hers, "Then this is my answer."

You tenderly capture her pink lips, as she stands there, eyes closed, it seems she has no experience in this.

You gently hold her slender waist, drawing her closer until her breasts press against your chest, eliciting a soft gasp from her. Your lips open hers, exploring the taste of her mouth, and you feel her hesitant tongue meet yours, turning the chaste kiss into a french one.

Your right hand automatically goes to her ass which was already sticking out from her short skirt. You grab her butt eliciting a surprised yelp from her, but you do not stop kissing her fervently.

Meanwhile, your other hand cups her soft, large breast, feeling its firmness through the fabric of her tight shirt.

Sensing her growing weakness, you break the kiss and release her, allowing her to catch her breath.

"Haah Haaah … that was amazing … I feel lightheaded" Liz says resting her head on your chest.

"You feel lightheaded because you forgot to breathe," you state with a chuckle.

"That was because it was my first kiss. I'll definitely do better the second time," Liz admits, her face flushed as she unintentionally brushes against your erect dick. "Let's try it again," she says eagerly, tiptoeing towards your face.

"Luke, Liz, where did you two go?" MJ's voice echoed from the front section of the floor.

It honestly takes a lot of courage for a girl to ask out a guy, so don't reject her like keep her as a side chick atleast :P


That was a joke, but seriously don't play with anyones feelings people!


If I remmeber correctly Peter always had a crush on Liz from the start not MJ.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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