

Prince comes from a very rich home, but chooses to stay through to himself. He falls in love and ends up in a lot triangle. will he be able to find his perfect match or end up making the wrong match. Follow prince on this Short but exciting journey

Mochi_Godwin · สมัยใหม่
19 Chs



Mr & Mrs Kuranah

Prince Kuranah

Mrs Patel

Angela Patel

Chris Salovar

Evelyn Hamburg








TEACHERS – Mrs Bianca, Mr Ray, Mr Amazing, Miss Stella, Principal.











< We See a Well Furnished House; The Parlour Is Well Arranged And Everywhere Is Perfectly Neat>

Mrs Kuranah: Prince hurry up and come down, your breakfast is ready

Prince: < from up stairs> ok mum, i will be down in a minute<Mr Kuranah comes in>

Mrs kuranah: Good morning honey, how was your night?

Mr kuranah: It was pleasant and yours?

Mrs kuranah: Awesome, come sit breakfast is ready

Mr kuranah: <sits down> where is prince, doesn't he knows that he is resuming today <Just then price walks in>

Prince: Good morning dad, good morning mum

<Both> Morning!

Mrs kuranah: thought you had over slept

Prince: Not really i was getting dressed

Mrs kuranah: ok, quickly eat up let me drop you off.

< 15 Minutes Later Prince gets dropped at the school entrance >

Prince: <Breathes in deeply and says to himself> I hope my first day goes well, i just have to stay low key and not involve myself in unnecessary issues

<Few Minutes later, Prince was able to locate his class and had already settled down when the teacher walks in >

Students: Good Morning Miss Stella

Miss Stella: Good morning, How was the holiday

<The class becomes noisy as the students all try to answer at the same time about their holiday >

Miss Stella: Quite down everyone, am sure you have all noticed we have a new student in our class, i will allow him to introduce himself <Looks towards Prince>

Prince: <Here goes nothing> Good morning everyone, my name is Prince Kuranah.

<Two students seen whispering at the back>

Donald: <Whispers> isn't that prince from our primary school?

Peter: Yep, that's him alright, he has changed

Donald: what did you expect, didn't you change?

Peter: yeah you're right

Miss Stella: Make sure you all let him know about the rules of the school and class <She leaves>

<Prince Hears someone calling his name and turns to find out>

Prince: <To himself > isn't that Donald and Peter from primary school, well that's good at least i won't feel too lonely

<He stands up to meet them attracting attention of the class>

Peter: Long time Prince!

Prince: Am.....< As he was about answering the bell rang signifying the start of class for the day >

< During break the three friends decided to hang out together >

Prince: It's been a long time since i saw you guys, how you doing?

Peter: As you can see am good

Donald: Me too, after we finished primary school we thought we wouldn't see you again but it seems we were mistaken

Prince: Well that's how it is, By the way what department are guys choosing, as for me its Science all the way (Laughs)

Donald: We knew you wouldn't go for any other thing about from science, Mr pilot <They all laugh> well its commercial for me, i loving accounting

Peter: Am choosing science i want to study mathematical engineering <Donald and Prince looked at each other and chorused ''Genius''. They all laughed>

Prince: Relax you guy's i have something i want to say

Peter: Shoot

Prince: In class i noticed a girl sitting at the back, she was oddly quite

Donald: You are talking about Evelyn Patel

Prince: so you guys know her?

Peter: yeah we do, just leave her alone she likes her peace and doesn't associate much with others

Prince: But isn't that bad?

Donald: Yeah it kinda is but she has always been this way right from junior secondary school

Prince: really, well i have made up my mind to talk to her now

<They both shout in unison> No!!!

Donald: I advice you not to do it unless you want to get ignored

Peter: or rather insulted!

Prince: am still going whether you like it or not <Walks to were Angela is sitting> Hello excuse me can i talk to you for a moment?

Angela: <Continues reading her book without looking at him> As you can see am busy

Prince: I know, but i won't take much of your time i just wamna know you more

Angela: < Shouts at him> can't you see am busy, am not those types of girls that rush to rich kids like you only to be used and dumped. Just get out of sight Prince: < Shocked> Sorry i didn't mean to annoy you

Angela: Just leave < Prince Leaves > < To herself > why did i react like that, he just wanted to talk, Arrrgh!! i have to apologise to him

Donald: < Chuckles> I don't want to say i told you so

Peter: Told you so < He laughs >

Prince: At least i tried!

Donald: Just forget about her

<The Bell rings for break over and classes continues for the day, After a long day Prince arrives home>

Prince: Good afternoon mum, how was your day?

Mrs Kuranah: It was nice, how about yours?

Prince: ok I guess, i met some old friends

Mrs Kuranah: < Smiles> that's good, go and shower lunch will be served in 5

Prince: Ok mum