

Prince comes from a very rich home, but chooses to stay through to himself. He falls in love and ends up in a lot triangle. will he be able to find his perfect match or end up making the wrong match. Follow prince on this Short but exciting journey

Mochi_Godwin · Urban
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19 Chs


< At school the next day, Prince is reading a book when Angela walks to him >

Angela: Hello

Prince: <Looks up> ohh! It's you, can i help you?Angela: Not Really, I..... <Prince cuts her short>

Prince: Since you have no problem you may leave, as you can see am busy

Angela: <To herself> I kinda expected this, since this was how i reacted to him yesterday

Prince: what are you still waiting for?

Angela: <Breathes deeply> I came to apologise for how i behaved towards you yesterday, it wasn't right, am really sorry

Prince: ok no problem, it was no big deal <To himself> Well it was literally a big deal but i can just let it slide

Angela: Thanks a lot, if you don't mind can i sit beside you

Prince: sure, by the way why did you react so violently yesterday?

Angela: home issues!

Prince: ohh!

Angela: yeah, i had a fight with my younger brother, which in turn got my mum angry

Prince: sorry about that

Angela: It's no big deal. Can we get to know each other better?

Prince: sure

Angela: My name is Angel Patel, 15 years of age, best food is fried yam and egg, best colour is red, my hobbies are singing, reading novels and dancing. Your turn

Prince: My name is Prince Kuranah, 16 years of age, best food is fried rice and chicken, best colour is also red, my hobbies are reading novels and researching about the universe.

Angela: That's nice its seems we have a few things in common

Prince: yeah, what department are you in and which course do you want to study?

Angela: Art department, i would like to study law. What about you?

Prince: Science department, i want to study computer engineering

Angela: That's nice

Prince: Excuse me i want to use the restroomAngela: ohh, ok i will be waiting, hurry up before the teacher comes in

Prince: sure <he leaves>

<After using the restroom, prince comes back only to find the teacher in class>

Prince: Good morning sir

Mr Ray: Morning, how can i help you

Prince: Not really sir, just that i would like to enter the class

Mr Ray: You can't, you came late

Prince: But sir i went to ease myself few minute before you entered the class sir

Mr Ray: That's your business, stay outside until am done

Angela: Excuse me sir, i have something to say

Mr Ray: what is it?

Angela: Sir aren't we allowed to use the restroom?

Mr Ray: you can!

Angela: Then why stopping Prince from entering the class when he went out before you came in

Mr Ray: You are standing up for him, is he your boyfriend?

Angela: <blushes a little> No sir but he is a friend, please sir allow him to enter

Mr Ray: Well that's fine, Prince you can come in your girlfriend just begged for you <smiles>

<The class murmurs as Prince comes in and sits beside Angela, while the teacher talks>

Prince: Thanks Angela

Angela: You are welcome, what are friends for?

<Few hours later, the bell rang for break>

Prince: Angela, if you don't mind can we have lunch together?

Angela: I don't think so i have other plans

Prince: Please just this once

Angela: Fine we can have lunch together, but it's on you

Prince: <laughs> sure no problem as long as you come with me

<They both leave, like this week's pass>

This chapter is a little bit short

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