
A Marvelous Loop (Discontinued)

10 chapters ahead in my pat.reon. Pat.reon.com/Oldherd °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° His Locker sucked him into a wormhole in Space and Time. No, it's actually true. Next thing Ash knows, he's waking up in a building in New York City, during the Chitauri invasion, dressed in a towel and boxers. He tries to escape but then debris from the collapsing building falls onto his head sending him to a quick death. He opens his eyes in the same building again...this time a blast from a plasma weapon ends his life. He comes from the dead...AGAIN. And each time he dies, time is reversed and he is brought back to life. So what's the plan? Try to figure a way out of the time loop by whatever means possible. If he has to learn magic and call onto unspeakable gods and entities, so be it. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° A nerd is stuck in a time loop in the m.c.u. Eventually spans out to other universes. Cover pic belongs to someone else.

Oldherd · ภาพยนตร์
47 Chs

Chapter 24

10 chapters ahead in my Pat.reon. pat.reon.com/Oldherd.


(General P.O.V)

"Ok, let us take it from the top. Again!"

Urahara yelled through the megaphone in his hands.

It had been 5 days since Ash had come to this world and what a crazy 'almost a week' it had been.

His daily routine consisted of waking up, doing some stretches and light exercises that he had learned from school, taking a shower, working around the shop, which was fun due to the often strange customers and clientele Urahara catered for.

Ash had begun to think that the Bleach world hid alot under it's surface apart from the soul society and it's enemies. Oh and that also Urahara was a black market trader.

But the most eventful part of the day was this. Combat Training. For five days straight, starting from the evening, Urahara would have Ash fight Ururu and Jinta. They always ended up kicking his ass. But through that, Ash had gotten much much better. It seemed as if fighting was in him.

Ash nodded.

"Right! Let's do this!"

His quirk came on full force and he clashed his fists together in a loud collision. He crouched slightly and breathed out.

The first explosion was aimed at his left to destabilize his footing before the next shot hit him and put him down for the count. Jinta had learned earlier on that Ash possessed uncanny instincts so a direct hit had less chance of working without a distraction occupying him.

And just as he had thought, the rock pillar to his side exploded with a shower of stone pieces that pelted his surroundings. Some landed on his body but Ash's physique in his hardened form was more durable than normal rocks and stones could match.

He lunged out of the dust cloud, revealing his unharmed self to his opponents.

"Dammit! he survived that? I was sure it was going to work."

Jinta complained, his feet running towards the edge of the cliff he was standing on. He heaved and jumped, priming the bazooka in his arms and activating the trigger mechanism.

Ash saw the attack coming from a far and decided to tank it so that he could get close to the boy. There was a 2 second interval between every shot he made. So Ash could capitalize on that attack to put Jinta out of commission.

His steps left deep tracks across the ground as he run forward, aiming for the huge chunk of the pillar Jinta had destroyed on the first attack. Ash grunted as he took a leap and tried out his new skill.

His quirk deactivated on his upper body, reducing his weight enough that the increased strength from his lower portion sent him flying through the air. Jinta released his built up charge while in midair as well, the shot managing to push his small body back wards in a flip.

His feet slammed onto the face of the cliff he had jumped off of, the force managing to hold him aloft without falling prey to g forces.

"Let's see you survive that!"

He said with a confident smile.

The confidence was immediately shattered when Ash hardened his upper body once more and burst through the spirit energy attack with only his body.


Ash yelled out powerfully. His blue eyes leaving a light trail through the air while his whole body changed into a monster.

He looked unreal and completely unbeatable. The attack had done nothing to him and Jinta could not believe it. He had his eyes wide open and in shock. Despite fighting him for 5 straight days Jinta had never seen this move before.

Ash pulled back his fist as he headed straight for Jinta. The young boy saw the attack coming and jumped away, slamming onto the ground and rolling away to get rid of the momentum.

"He's insane!"

Jinta commented as Ash slammed onto the cliff and dug deep into it. There were several loud crashes when rocks and stones broke away, falling to the ground right before Jinta.

Ash extracted himself from the hole he had dug in the cliff, careful not to breathe in the resulting dust. His eyes captured his opponent and he used the same trick again, reducing the weight on his upper portion by deactivating his quirk on that part alone.

The hole on the face of the cliff grew bigger from the force of Ash's jump. He pulled back his hand once more, his eyes making contact with Jinta's. Contrast to Ash's expectations, the younger boy was only surprised for a bit before a confident look appeared on his face.

Ash realized why a second later.

In a move that might have been as fast as the Flash Step, Ururu appeared before Ash in a burst of speed. She pulled her fist back and swung it, making contact with Ash's chin in a resounding Smack!

Ash's instincts had screamed at him about the attack coming but he was too slow to dodge. The attack pushed him into the air, head leaned back from the force of the blow. Ururu landed on the ground.

"Jinta now!"

Jinta, hoisted his weapon and snorted.

"Don't order me around!"

He pulled the trigger and a beam of spirit energy, this one a continuous line blasted out of the bazooka. The very air hummed in power as gases were ignited and displaced. The beam took on a light blue color that smashed into the brown and earthy form that was Ash.

Ash used the momentum from Ururu's attack to extend his body's pose into a flip. Once upright, he pushed off the air using his Legion Ring's flight capability and beared down on Ururu, having not seen Jinta's beam attack headed for him.

His instincts screamed at him again and he immediately curled into a ball and activated his Unbreakable state. After 5 days of continuous training under Urahara, Ash had found it easier to now use his quirk and could keep it activated for over 1 hour. Unbreakable he could do for only 10 minutes though.

This particular beam was different. It was heavier and much much more powerful. Ash yelled in exertion, holding himself stalwart in the air using his Legion Ring as the beam struck continuously onto his cross guard and splintered off into the surroundings.

The power was getting too much for Ash though and he could feel as the rough plates that was his skin start to crack and chip off. An explosion went off in the air. A pressure blast washed out into the surroundings, throwing away Jinta and Ururu. Urahara, Yoruichi, Rukia, Urryu, Orihime and Chad, the last 4 having arrived while the fight was going on were also affected.

Urahara held on to his hat as he laughed uproariously. This fight had turned out to be more exciting than he had anticipated. Rukia stopped shielding her eyes once the shockwave died down.

"Who the heck is that guy?"

She asked just as a grey colored figure fell out of the sky.

Ash's grey figure turned to his normal brown color in mid air. One might have thought it a fluke if there weren't over 3 people watching the showdown.

"Well, Rukia-chan, that is your last teammate."

Urahara answered.

"Teammate?" Urryu asked.

"I don't think its wise to add more people to this rescue mission. Besides what if he turns out to be a liability?"

Urryu said, adjusting his glasses and looking at Ash's falling form.

"I hate to say this but if that's all he can do, then he might not be strong enough."

Urahara chuckled.

"I wouldn't be so quick to count him out."

His tone was burning with confidence and as if to prove him right, something changed. Ash's erratically falling form came to a stop suddenly.

And then a shockwave erupted as he jerked to the sky, body reorienting as he flew in a circle around the two kids.

"Oh. He can fly."

Rukia said, a bit surprised.

"Expert soul reapers can create a platform composed of spirit energy and fight in the air." Yoruichi informed them, licking her paw, feline eyes focusing on the flying form of Ash.

"But none can boast of superior aerial combat. Ash can."

Urryu's evaluation of him was wrong. This found the Quincy smiling at being proven wrong.

"I take back my words. He might be useful after all."

Ash on the other hand, had no idea that there were more people watching his battle apart from Urahara and had he known he would still have not cared. He evaded Jinta's continuous fire while fighting off Ururu as she cut him off everytime he tried to go after Jinta.

These kids' teamwork was crazy good. They covered each other's weaknesses almost instinctually. However Ash was determined. This time he was going to beat them. This time he was going to prove to Urahara that his instructions over the past 5 days had not gone to waste.

Ash dived down, leaning to the side to evade a spirit bomb attack, his skin protected him from the pressure blasts as the bomb detonated on the side of another cliff. Ash hardened his fingers and palm with a cracking and sharpening sound. Then he dug them through the walls of the groove created from the battle.

He dragged it along as sparks erupted from the friction, stones and dust breaking off. At the end of the groove was where Jinta and Ururu were held up, the former charging another attack while the latter was crouched down, intently watching the incoming threat.

Ash exerted the fullest force he could with his hand and pushed it out at the two kids. A fine layer of dust covered the area, blinding Jinta and Ururu enough that he could sharply twist to the sky without them seeing him. Ash's target was the huge pillar of stone standing tall near the kids.

They had thought to use it as cover to guard against Ash's diving attacks but now...

Jinta sneezed while blinking his eyes, there wasn't anything he could...


He felt something slam into him, a fist from Ururu that pushed him away. A second later he found out why. In the position they had been, a huge rock had slammed onto the ground, cratering it and leaving behind spider web cracks.

The dust finally settled and Ash stood upright on top of a massive 1 meter boulder that was cleanly cut at the bottom. He had used his plasma knife to slice the pillar on the thinnest part and then allowed it to fall. On one side of him was Ururu and the other was a terrified Jinta.

"How about we call this my win?"

Ash smiled down at the two.